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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 460)
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ USA Update: Armoured Company Part 2

I know it's premature, but do you guys have even more content planned for the eventual 2.0 release, or is it mostly a case of dividing what's currently there among the various generals?

Either way, can't wait for 1.9, it's looking like one of the most varied, polished RTS games on the market, to say nothing of its place in the modding pantheon.

Good karma+2 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ ECA update: Ultima Ratio Regum

Realistic as it is, I don't love ECA getting nukes because it feels like it gets rid of some of the faction asymmetry and makes China and Russia feel less special.

Good karma+8 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ 2024 Status Update

Pinch me, I must be dreaming!

Good karma+7 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Anyone miss Rejuvenation?

You're back! This is probably my favourite expansion mod for RA3, lots of cool units and I'm curious to see where you'll take it.

Good karma+13 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Godsworn Now Available!


Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Elite Mod Patch March 26th 2024

New factions, eh? Will you be borrowing models from Codex Edition? They already have Necron, Tau, and Admech, but it'd be cool to see them with that Elite Mod level of polish.

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ USA Commando Tanya


Good karma+2 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Isle of Ascent

Whoa, this looks cool. Really unique aesthetic!

Good karma+3 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Another milestone complete

Huh. Curious to see how this all shakes out because I enjoyed the variety and subfactions of prior releases.

E: Unless you choose a subfaction when the match starts?

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ 1.0.0 Release Details: GIN Overview

Maybe=/=may be.

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Tiberium Essence

It's that time of the year! Vote for the mod and hopefully see an update, haha.

Good karma+3 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ New Sunstorm ICBM and MIRV Strike

Hmmm, I actually think I prefer the old model. It was more unique, this is pretty much just a Topol-M.

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Cosmonarchy

Is there any way to play this mod with the Insectloader Resolution Expander hack? Not interested in multiplayer so this would solely be for SP.

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Dev Blog #20: It's Happening

Oh cool, I didn't realize the game was so close to release. I'd missed the Steamfest demo due to lack of promotion, will you be putting it back up at all?

Good karma+4 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Challenge Maps & Playable Demo

Awesome, looking forward to the demo!

Good karma+2 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ 3.14宣传片

Any plans for English?

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ The End of Days

I'm using the none-gentool version and the AI isn't working properly, it just kind of sits there for a while, and eventually starts to build a couple of things, maybe after 10 mins.

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Fractured Realities

Sad to see it on hold, those were some really dope looking maps.

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Eternal Development Update #2: Changing Styles

Looking forward to this, it kinda looks like the closest thing to a 40K Company of Heroes.

Good karma+3 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Allied Nations - MCV + Construction Yard

Been following this mod, and BB, you and Crazy Bird make one hell of a team!

Good karma+2 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Edain Unchained

A little unclear about something: do I need to install/activate regular Edain as well as Unchained?

Good karma+2 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Battles of the Third Age

Maybe upload to Google Drive or Mega or something in the meanwhile if Moddb is causing problems?

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Battles of the Third Age

Will Angmar still be deactivated in this version?

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Phobos v0.3 - Pre-release and PSA

It's crazy what you guys have been able to do to the engine in recent years, modders really keeping the game alive!

Good karma+7 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Adventure Factions

You spoil us, you do!

Good karma+6 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Corona

Any way to play this online, like with C&CNet;?

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Star Fox Event Horizon - 0.6

Any plans to put EH on Knossos?

Good karma+1 vote
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ Extreme Starry v0.5

Is this new version in English?

Good karma+2 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ [Red Alert 3: Rejuvenation] New Version Update v 1.30

Awesome, I was waiting for this version to play!

Good karma+5 votes
Lord_Mordja - - 460 comments @ 20th Anniversary - Classy Classics

It's not gonna win, and it might be one of the less influential mods up here, but gotta show love for Dystopia! Even if I could never figure out the hacking gameplay...

Good karma+8 votes