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KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

This mod is designed only for 1.5.1, not 1.5 or any of the RCs

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Beef posted a patch in his comment on page 1, however you'll need to use the simple version of the shader_param controls to prevent any conflicts

Good karma+2 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

#1 these does seem to be some light leakage in places, but I'm not sure why.
#2 LV posted some improved light attenuation in the discord so that's something I'll have a look at for the future.

Good karma+3 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

I've noticed problems like this in the freedom base too. I'm not sure what's causing it.

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

What do the steps look like? Do you have any screenshots?

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Beef's patch will still be necessary.
The simple version is to prevent conflicts since the NVGs also uses the shader_params.

Good karma+2 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

This crash was because of a missing file, it's fixed in the newest version

Good karma+2 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

If you get this crash then use the simple version of the shader_param controls. It's a conflict with Beef's NVGs

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

What other addons do you have installed? There might be another mod using that shader_param.

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Reshade will work just as before, it won't cause any problems.

Good karma+2 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Each shader_param has 4 variables, the first 3 control the red, green and blue channels of each setting. At the moment the 4th does nothing but that might change.

This controls the 'Slope' of the color channels, increasing this brightens the highlights and decreasing it dims them. You use this to tint the brightest part of the image.

This controls the 'Offset' of the color channels, increasing this brightens the whole image similar to camera exposure. This can be used for overall tinting, such as white balance.

This controls the 'Power' of the color channels, increasing this darkens the image, especially in the darker tones. This can be used to tint the darker parts of the image.

shader_param_1 1.20, 1.20, 1.30, 1
shader_param_2 -0.05, -0.05, -0.05, 1
shader_param_3 1.25, 1.24, 1.22, 1
r__saturation 0.90

The cold preset is meant to look 'icy' with bright pale highlights and dark blue shadows.
The highlights are boosted, especially the blue channel. This is to counteract the yellow sunlight so that sunny weather is pale.
The exposure is decreased, this along with the boosted highlights adds contrast.
The shadows are made darker to emphasize the highlights and are tinted blue by having less 'power' in the blue channel.

Try decreasing the blue channel of shader_param_1 to get back the warm colors in the highlights and increase the blue channel of shader_param_3 to reduce the blueness of the shadows. Then increase the saturation.
Saturation is done after color grading, so if you don't bring back the warm colors it's only going to look more blue.

I'm probably going to change how these controls work and add more features in the future, I'm not happy with how you have to use these values to get the desired results.
I'm definitely going to make contrast its own shader_param, that way the color tinting and contrast boosting can be more separated.

Good karma+6 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Try loading the default preset that's included, open the console and type
cfg_load grading_default

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Are you using a weather addon that sets the lumscale with a script?
Check your gamedata/scripts folder for sun_luminance.script and delete it.

Good karma+2 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Detectors should be self-illuminated again now.
Uninstalling shader mods can be difficult, delete the files that you installed, including Beef's patches, and delete your shader cache and hope that it works.
I recommend using Mod Organizer 2, it makes uninstalling mods like these much easier

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Anomaly's cubemaps can be inconsistent, the latest version includes optional cubemaps that match the skyboxes properly. There's a gif in the description comparing them.

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Can you post the end of your log file? That usually implies a shader compilation error.

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Detectors should be illuminated again now

Good karma+2 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Are you using the shader_param controls? That will not use r__color_grading at all

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Try reinstalling the mod, SRGBToLinear being unidentified implies that something is overwriting common_functions.h which loads srgb.h for the gamma correction code

Good karma+2 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

PBR uses a physically based specular for lights and cubemaps, similar to most modern game engines such as UE4. However it will change the look of the game significantly since specular reflections can physically never reach 0. It tends to make dark objects look washed out in bright sunlight (Duty's armor for example)
This blog has some good real world examples of the effect

The non-PBR version uses the exact same specular as the original shaders, however it is gamma corrected and features all of the fixes that are in the PBR version.
It is meant as an ideal vanilla+ shader mod that doesn't change how materials and reflections look. It will also run better than the PBR version

Good karma+5 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

This mod does not include or change any scripts, it can not be what is causing these crashes

Good karma+3 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Follow the set up in the description, remember that r__color_grading has 2 underscores

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Foliage has quite a few problems at the moment, especially on dx9. Once I fix the white trees bug I'll decrease the specular on foliage

Good karma+2 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Disable the log color grading, currently it washes out the blacks
[edit] washed out blacks from log grading should be fixed now, however PBR does tend to make the game look more washed out since none of stalker's assets were designed for PBR

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

I'm updating it frequently at the moment to fix any major bugs.

Good karma+4 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

The newest update with the black level fix installed should improve this problem, however as far as I can tell that's simply how gamma correction causes the ambient lighting to blend together. I can't find anything in hmodel.h that would cause it to be so dark.
Try tweaking your r2_tonemap_lowlum setting, I usually keep it at 0.1
[edit] It was a bug with the gamma correction. It's fixed now

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

I've uploaded the fix

Good karma+2 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

No it just maps the gloss map to roughness and uses the gloss map and material index to calculate the fresnel

Good karma+3 votes
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

This mod fixes the skies too, you can overwrite skybloom fix.

Good karma+1 vote
KennShade - - 38 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Part 1 shouldn't change the contrast at all, however there is a problem with the gamma correction in the ambient lighting that I'm working on fixing

Good karma+1 vote