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I know for many this is another of those projects that will come and go. That you will not believe it will become anything until it comes out as a download-able file for use and I don't blame you at all for being completely cynical. Past history have showed that many RPG Maker like projects do come out, there are websites about them, forums to discuss, screenshots and even alpha stages of downloads then one day what might have being an excellent potential have become a dead end project. The reason for that, because majority of the times these projects were developed by a single person who is not getting paid for his work and who was going to release it for free and get nothing in return. We all know human nature is not tempted to work hard and achieve anything until there is some sort of reward in the end, and to work weeks and years on a complicated and tough project to get nothing in return does not seem to be a very rewarding prospect.

Here is where I come in! I am not going to form a website, not yet anyways, not until it moves away from alpha to beta stage. Another thing I am different than the previous projects, I am not developing it alone, and I am hiring, that is right, hiring programmers to work with me. If I am investing on this project financial resources and time, it means I want compensation back, that means I want in the end to sell the product and if I want to sell it and if I am investing financial money that is two VERY POWERFUL motivation to fully complete this project. So sit down and read this blog to get a constant update and status of this project :D

First, what is this project all about. It is an RPG Maker tool that allows the person to make their own game with click and play and no programming skills required. The RPG Maker is called Ultimate Action RPG Maker and the reason I put the word action in the title name of the program because that is exactly what types of games it do. So in the future you will be able to make games like Zelda, games like Secret of Mana and any other action type RPG games. Currently now the first target is to make games like that old PC DOS game Ultima VII (Ultima 7). When I am confident it could make games like Ultima VII and the user interface is completed, the engine is completed and the editor is completed that is when I take this into beta it should hit the market for testing purposes and finally for retail to be sold. With the money that I will be getting from this I will instantly invest it for newer versions with the support of Zelda like games, Secret of Mana and any type of action RPG style games the community would love to implement into the editor.

If people would like to post their opinions in what sorts of features they would like to implement this is why this place is being added, and anyone who is willing to support my project in either graphics, media or programming please email me at

Let us talk about right now the current stage of my project, right now it is in a very very very alpha stage, I will post some screenshots of this project here (just remember the user interface is also in alpha stage and is going to look different from these screenshots in the end):

This is the main interface and this is going to look entirely different when the project reach complete final stage. On the left side is where you can pick between tiles, objects, weapons, NPCs and so on and on the right side is where you can plot them on the map. Notice that the map grid is 16 X 16, that is being set like to allow better details when plotting tiles on the map.

This is the class editor, here you can add or remove attribute points depending on the class. The immune combo box is weird and should not be part of the class editor, I am going to change it to something different.

This is the Sound editor, the music editor looks like the sound editor in terms of the interface. The music editor will support all types of music files ranging from mp3 to s3m and so on. MIDI is also going to be included in the final stage of development.

I have kept this screenshot unmodified in size because I wanted to show you an object being drawn on top of a tile. Here you have an object called table being plotted on a map and underneath the table the basic tiles drawn. The final screenshot will show you an object called book plotted on top of the table.

Finally, you can see you can plot an object called book on top of the object called table and the book have raised in height when plotted on the table object. Please bookmark my blog because I am going to post updates of my project here up to include the beta stage.

I hope you enjoyed this!!!

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