Hello there weary traveler, welcome to my ModDB profile, my main profile for modding games.

I like playing and modding video games but since I've finished college, I don't have much of free time to do what I want so games and modding are suffering because of that. But still from time to time you can find me on the battlefields.

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Hey welcome to my profile page. Nothing much to see here.

I was a really active modder and a gamer. Now I got a job, bills and mouth to feed. So my activity here is now pretty much no existent.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a good and a happy day/night.

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Loner99 - - 1,397 comments

lol that avatar, he looks like he's wearing socks on his head.

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

Bitch please, I'm fabulous !!!

:D :D :D

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Loner99 - - 1,397 comments

He looks like a 12 year old kid running around thinks he is as cool as ****.


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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 700,031 comments

HEY, buddy! EPIC news! My parents have FINALLY decided to get me a GAMING LAPTOP!!!! WOOPEE! Yeah, I know, no aio/desktop, BUT labtob is way moar powerful, don't you agree! Still, I'll ALSO have to convince them about something else....................

Anyway, I hope ALL will go according to plan. I'll have to finish up some important work, get settled in MAH NEEEEEW apartment!!!!! And, 1-2 months AFTER that, LAPTOP! I'm gonna be shifting NEXT MONTH ;-)

anyway, I hope the other labtob will get fix'd, cause that's where "Elite Warzone" (EWZ) is.

ANYWAY, no crap console! Console games are expensive, no mod support, and it's buggie.

EPIC news, huh? BYE!

p.s Once I move in, I'll also have to go back to HOME-Schooling, or as I like to say it, "Back TO KARKAND!" So no Laptop immediately!



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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

Cool, It's much harder and expensive to get gaming laptop but it's more mobile and less wires around it :)

Then again if mainly for gaming, you should try to get PC and you can find one better PC rig for a price of one gaming laptop.

Best of luck with new apartment ! And happy learning ;)

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Guest - - 700,031 comments

Yeah, less wires and less space taken up. Where I live, it's hard to find an actual gaming desktop/PC. AiO is OUT of the question, not very powerful. Yeah, tomorrow, I'm gonna go put some boxes and stuff in my apartment ;-)

so, tomorrow, LOTS of heavy lifting! Well, at least my apartment is on the 1st floor!!!!!!!

Arma 3, bootcamp dlc, huh? INTERESTING! Nice avatar, the other one was nice, but I like this. Still, the 3 hole balaclava............... maybe a FULL Spetsnaz style balaclava? But, it's your choice, just a Friendly suggestion! anyway, that bootcamp stuff looks nice, but what exactly does it do?????????????????? Do you get Sims style character customization in arma3??????

You should check out some of the Spetsnaz vids on YouTube, pretty crazy (and awesome) stuff. Unlike the WEST. NVM, anyway, BYE!

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

You do know that, Spetsnaz mainly use 3-hole balaclava. This is Spetsnaz balaclava. Besides, this new update only brought 3-hole balaclava model, one in black color and other in this green color.

This new "bootcamp" update didn't brought much, it add proper training missions or a bootcamp and it added Virtual training something like VR training missions in Metal Gear Solid. Actually it's same as MGS VR training.

Plus it added Arsenal so that you can see and test every weapon and clothing combination in one place. Cool.

What's "AiO" ?

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Guest - - 700,031 comments

;-O so no full balaclava like in Bf2SF --_____--

nice, VR-ish stuff in Aram3. Test it out? So, you test it first then decide if you wanna use it in the battlefield?

AiO= All in One desktop ;-)

I REALLY hope I'll be able to get back into BF2 modding! It's so addicting and FUN!

p.s TWO new SP maps are out on BFSP, one is called "Coastal City" and the other is "Eastern Showdown", both are by JONES. Maybe GSSF should feature those 2 maps and my EUSF faction along with my "EPIC Mesh-hack pack" (hopefully) ;-D

so, yeah, fingers CROSSED! BYE!

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

BF2 Spetsnaz has both 3-hole and 1-hole balaclava.

I haven't played BF2 or my mod in a long time. It's just I'm taking a break from it. When I have a free time I play ArmA2/3 or Skyrim.

So why don't you make a profile here on ModDB? It would be much easier to communicate ...

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Guest - - 700,031 comments

Yeah, I wanted to have the Balaclavas appear for my EUSF faction. The only Arma game I played was Arma 2 Free. Lol, what a hard game. Got shot at from miles away. Was getting about 7-10 fps barely play-able, looked really horrible on low settings --____________--

yeah, maybe when (or if) I get back into BF2 modding, I'll make a profile. Until then, I will blend with the guests (pests) ;-D

BUT, Arma2/3 are still good games, just not for everyone (especially the kids). You should try some new game, like Starbound, or KaG or some 2d, semi-kiddy game. They're pretty fun! Just torrent them ;-)

I'm gonna go watch some videos on YouTube right now (like I usually do) lots of boxes and heavy lifting TOMORROW!!!!

See ya!

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

What does modding has to do with you not having a profile on moddb. What are you afraid of?

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Guest - - 700,031 comments

Because of THEM! It's a crazy world we live in. I've already ****** off a bunch of people on Mod-db (using the pest system), there was this nazi kid, so I went all out (I have anger towards certain kinds of people, Good anger, not bad anger). I can join, but there is SOMETHING OR SOMEONE stopping me from doing so. Anyway, I'm a conspiracy theorist. I ALWAYS LOVE a good conspiracy (one involving, erm..... GIANTS!)

Did you know that There were giants and genetically modified humans in the ye'olde times! Yeah, man, 20-150+ feet giants walked the earth. My ancestors killed most of them. And, no, giants are NOT considered humans. Just do a youtube search for "nephilim". you might not sleep at night. I was born with 6 fingers on my left hand (not an actual one, just a growth thingy, the docs cut it out when I was a baby). Crazy, huh. Also, there are still giants and genetically modded humans in the world TODAY. Gaza is a fine example. Yep, those many of them Gazan dudes are "nephilim", not necessarily giants. Also, remember Greek mythology? Yeah, I'll tell you MOAR LATER, not now, THEY are watching us this very moment!


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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

What does that have to do with anything?

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It's the TRUTH man, the truth! We have to be prepared to fight these nephilim scum! I know I'm gonna kill a LOT of them SOON. That's why I play games, FOR COMBAT TRAINING, not for fun. So, I'll be prepared to protect those who matter the most to me. Ever heard of the "illuminati"? They're a nasty bunch, those bastards are waging a silent war on my kind. It's crazy to think that GIANTS walked the earth back in the time, huh. And, no they WERE not humans! They were the offspring of FALLEN Angels having sex with HUMAN ladies!!!!!!!!!! Well, that was pre-flood. The post-flood ones are giants and people who have been ******* with HUMAN DNA! I'm not joking! They were LION-LIKE men in the old days! Ever heard of LIGER? It's a ******* abomination, man, I mean those ******** took a lion's dna and mix'd it with tiger dna to form LIGER! it weighs 900 pounds, I swear, if they unleash liger to the public, it will be a BLOODBATH! It's happening sooner than we EXPECTED! I hope you're not on the wrong side when this **** happens. When the shite hits the fan, GET A DAMN Gun, learn some Prayers, and RUN, and HIDE!

ALIENS are DEMONS! All those UFO sightings are demons and ****! Don't believe this damn media, they ARE hiding the truth from US! WE MUST FIGHT! REBEL! Show NO MERCY and DO NOT EXPECT it in return! Know thy enemy.

I will leave you with these words, friend. Just do a youtube search for "Rob Skiba". it's happening, man.

BYE! And be prepared for the worst. Excuse the language.

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

O.o Dude, just chill! Read some other book. For example, Lav Tolstoj wrote some very good novels. Read something else.

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Guest - - 700,031 comments

No time to chill. This **** exists,man. The illuminati have taken control! There are GREY ALIENS in the gah damn under-ground tunnels! This is some crazy arse shite, mate! These grey aliens (demons) can KILL PEOPLE! WE have to be prepared! I have to prepare myself for the WORST OF THE WORST! PLEASE do a search on youtube for the following-

1. Rob Skiba
2. Chuck Missler
3. Nephilim caught on camera
4. illuminati rituals
5. Grey aliens on camera (the friggin KGB caught one!)
6. Transhumanism
7. free masons exposed

it's ******* crazy *** ****, man. PLEASE youtube search the ^ABOVE^. PLEASE, it's for YOUR own good!

BYE! ;-) 'scuse the language (again)

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

Seen it and I've already hear about it. Dude, you're taking it too serious. Chill, what can you do about it? What? Start shooting at people because you think they are aliens or what? Dude you're going mental. Take a chill pill and don't belive everything that you hear or read on the internet.

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Guest - - 700,031 comments

I'm nawt saying just start shooting ppl! It's the internet, man, people lie on the TVs. They are HYBRIDS among US, man. Aliens abduct people to do some nasty ****. Aliens and UFOS were unleashed by "Aleister Crowley" (google that sonofabitch) Aliester unleashed them shortly after he died. All those grey aliens are EVIL SPIRITS! He described an evil spirit which LOOKS EXACTLY like the grey aliens of today. It's a sick world, isn't it, Moi Droog? PLEASE, man, the TRUTH WILL CHANGE YOU! Don't fall for the ENEMY!

Prepare yourself, Moi Droog. PLEASE! I BEG YOU!


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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

PLEASE! I BEG YOU! To calm down ! Even if they do exist, we can't to nothing about it. Nothing. Just go with the flow.

And start reading some books! I recommend "War and Peace" Leo N. Tolstoy. A very good novel.

Or if you don't like it. Start reading Warhammer 40k. books they are also very good. You can find them:

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 700,031 comments

k den. I'm sorry, I went a bit crazy, BUT IT'S DA TRUTH, man! Warhammer 40k! Isn't that based on the violent video game series? Anyway, shall we discuss about-


which one, 1 or 2?

I prefer 1 AND 2! ;-p ;-D

Your avatar is nice, don't worry ;-)


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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

Yes they are violent, bu you said that you're 14. years old. You know right from wrong.
Anyway If you don't want to make an account here on moddb, then I have no reason to talk to you. Anyone can come and talk to me as a quest, but that means they are not my friend and that they don't want to be my friend. So that's it :)

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Guest - - 700,031 comments

I'm 15 ;-D. WAT?! But, I don't wanna create an account because IF I DO, THEY WILL DEPLOY A STALKER TO TRACK MY EVERY MOVE on this site! EVERY moddb member has a "SILENT" stalker, man. Tell me why some random comments get down voted! STALKERS! But, WE can still be friends! AS LONG as I blend in with the guests, because the stalkers CANNOT Control guests! The guests can be controlled, but not COMPLETELY!

So, there, I'm blendin' in. PLEASE, you're the only friend I have. We can still talk, as for the stalker assigned to stalk you, I WILL FIND THEM and when I find them, I WILL ANNIHILATE THEM.


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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

Then as a "friend" you have a too big imagination for your own good. Nobody is following or tracking you (ok, maybe NSA lol). You're going little mental on me. Just slow it down. Take it easy.
You do know that every computer or smartphone/tablet that is connected to World Wide Web (www aka internet) has a unique IP address. No matter what name or "guest" feature you use. If someone is following/tracking you they know you by your unique IP address. You can't hide it from them. Instead, you make your official account and act like everyone else OR STOP USING INTERNET. There's no,no other way. Now think about that.

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Guest - - 700,031 comments

Trust me, man. I've already made it on THEIR BIG-*** kill list. Oh, Do you want toast? Hey, Deus Ex Human Revolution is a pretty AWESOME game, have u played it? A couple things in that game are TRUTHFUL AND REFER TO CURRENT EVENTS! Y'know, the Blinderberg group, illuminati, transhumanism. Oh, did you know that some ********* on moddb have created a transhumanist page, I'm gonna flush them out, expose them, and KILL 'em all!

Anyway, do ya want le toaste' comrade! I will toast ze TOAST for YE! okay! ok..............



p.s I've got myself into some deep conspiracy **** over 'ere.

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

You're now full of BS.

As for Deus Ex HR, I've played demo not bad.

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Guest - - 700,031 comments

k den. BUT, YOU MUST PLAY Deus ex HR director's cut!

Do you want toast!

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