Hello there weary traveler, welcome to my ModDB profile, my main profile for modding games.

I like playing and modding video games but since I've finished college, I don't have much of free time to do what I want so games and modding are suffering because of that. But still from time to time you can find me on the battlefields.

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Hey welcome to my profile page. Nothing much to see here.

I was a really active modder and a gamer. Now I got a job, bills and mouth to feed. So my activity here is now pretty much no existent.

Thank you for stopping by. Have a good and a happy day/night.

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Guest - - 700,029 comments

Hey, man. I saw those navy Seal textures. NICE JOB! No, I don't wanna use it ;-p

Oh, 6 MOAR days till I move to mah NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW Apartment!


So, are you gonna "try" working on the next versions of your GS mod? Anyway, BYE!

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

Thanks. I don't think I'm gonna start modding GS. I've been busy lately. But maybe in a month.

So how much is big your new apartment?

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Guest - - 700,029 comments

you're welcome ;-).

oh, um, the square feet of my apartment? I FORGOT, lol.

Anyway, EnemySniper is BACK! He's back!

hey, maybe in GSSF 5 you should add EnemySniper's crossbow with your anims!

that would be epic along w/ prone anims on all weapons!!!!!!!!


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Guest - - 700,029 comments

Hey, what's up, pal! Hey, I found this awesome BF2-modding-related site, IT HAS LOTS OF TUTS and stuff-

www (DOT) bfeditor (DOT) org/forums/

Maybe YOU can learn something from there?

Anyway, this site is epic, I'm just going through it, seeing what I can "LEARN"!


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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

Of course I know about bfeditor and BFSP forums. Everyone knows about them. Which means, that's good. You're finally starting to seek bf2 modding knowledege :)

How are you? Any bogeyman's at night?

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Guest - - 700,029 comments

Yeah, HOPEFULLY, I can do the prone anims on ALL your guns!

I've been better(and worse), just the mind playing tricks and screwing around, lack of sleep, and **** like that. I keep seeing that Baphomet GOAT Satan statue (horrible damn ******* thing)

So, yeah, bogeymen, conspiracy ****, and stuff like that continue to HAUNT me. Oh, my apartment IS AWESOME, mate! I get my own room!!!!!!

Hey, I was on your youtube channel and I saw a vid of you stripping a gun, ARE YOU A SOLDIER or something like that?

Anyway, do you like MY map ideas? Also, I think I might be able to convert from night maps to non-night maps and VICE VERSA!


Any evil beings at night for YOU?

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

It's easy to do prone animations. It's hard to make them work (coding). Soldier was, maybe again depends, on few private things.

How is in new apartment? It seems that it's bigger then last one? On which floor is it?

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Guest - - 700,029 comments

Just use the stuff from the P4F mod ;-p

Lol, no! It's the first time I'm going to an apartment! It's on the FIRST FLOOR ;-)

Oh, hey I saw a nice LENOVO labtob with a 4gb gpu and 8+gb ram!!!!!!!

EPIC, huh and it has a good price TAG!


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Guest - - 700,029 comments

Hey, pal! How you doing! So, are you planning on continuing your GS mod? I *might* be able to help. I'm gonna get a NEW gaming laptop SOON! I told you that before, correct? Anyway, Lenovo laptops are boss. Hopefully, I'll be able to get the lenovo Y series gaming laptobs!!!! HEY, here's something I FOUND! I think you'll LOVE IT-

renegade-x [dot] com

It's a nice FPS/TPS/RTS hybrid game! Check it out, maybe you'll like it? And, it also has an OFFLINE vs ai bots!!!!!

Hey, if I ever get back into bf2 modding (HOPEFULLY) can I use the following in MY mod?

1. Your EU skins
2. Your new spetsnaz skins (I wanna create an RGF faction and those skins are perfect)
3. QBZ95????? When GSSF 4 was released, I got it, and I wanted to try the QBZ rifle, it CTD, so you kinda "owe" me that gun ;-p, I'll give YOU my EUSF faction! DEAL!
4. some other stuff......

If you say "NO!" for some of the above, I RESPECT THAT, but it would be nice........

I was also planning on releasing THREE mini mods for BF2-

1. RGF (new faction and 2 maps)
2. EUSF (new faction and 3 maps)
3. BAF [British Armed Forces] (new faction and 2 maps)

Let's see, hopefully, the community will ACCEPT the mods.........

Anyway, BYE!!!!!

p.s I think I was ONE OF THE FIRST people to GET GS SF 4!!!!!! COOL, huh!

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

Good for you, having a good laptop is cool.

Renegade X is a cool mod/game. Never did played it, but I've been tracking their work. They did a good job.

As for that NO. You keep asking for things. Why don't you make something or you only take other peoples works and put it in your mod...

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Guest - - 700,029 comments

yeah, I know ;-)

Renegade x is epic, it has lots of potential, let's hope they don't screw it up.

I WANNA LEARN, man! I need someone to teach me! I wanna learn to re-texture, mesh hack, and other stuff! Still, I'll use other Spetsnaz skins (IF I can find any). As for the QBZ95B, I REALLY wanted that gun, BUT I RESPECT your "no", and you're elder to me, so yeah.......................

Hey, my mod isn't un-original, EUSF IS INNOVATION ;-p


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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

When I started working on my mod, I spend countless hours on google and YouTube trying to find, how to make something. Dodek gave me few tips on how to mesh hack and similar, but you doing nothing of that. You just want things. Start working and show me what you've made then we can talk about modding. Using someone else works is not "Innovation" it's called "Plagiarism".

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Guest - - 700,029 comments

Ah, the MASTER of modding BF2 (let's hope he's still alive, lol).

But, but, Gugles and TubeYou have, well, nuthin' much. Yeah, Challenge ACCEPTED! In the earlier post, I SAID ONLY my EUSF faction was innovative and fresh, but whatever was in my mod was in there because of permission and credit giving (apart from 7gamePL's KNIFE from his combat mod, uh-oh!)

Still, you gotta admit, NO ONE taught of EUSF, I'll bet no one even thought of a British Army faction ;-)

After EUSF, comes BAF, RGF, and JTF2, maybe KSK and France (coz for some reason, bf2 has French and German voice files, crazy, huh, bet you didn't know that..... OR DID YOU!)

Anyway, let's hope I'll be able to get back into modding, LET'S BLOODY HOPE! Fingers crossed, or I'll tie 'em up ;-p

See ya later, Sasha! Er................ Sasha, isn't that a girl's name????? Or is it a name for both GIRLS and BOYS? Like Alex? ;-). Just curious........

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

Have you ever played Project Reality? It has USA,BAF,RGF,PLA,Canada and more. But I don't think they have EUSF, mainly because it dosen' exist. You have a good idea for the mod, but you're doing nothing about it, only using other peoples work.

You wrote that google and YouTube have nothing much. Now I know you haven't mod at all. If you know what you want to mod you can find on the internet. Again via Google and YT tutorials I found out how to mod and make things, easy.

Abut name, Sasha is unisex name. It's more common among Slavic people, especially in Orthodox christianity. In Russia " Sasha " is also a unisex name, but mainly men are named Sasha.

What's your name?

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Guest - - 700,029 comments

No, I haven't, 6GB is a lot for a big mod! Yeah, After EUSF, I wanted a JTF2 faction (Canadian Special forces). Yeah, I know how to mod (kind-a), mainly NOTEPAD editing of the con and tweak files, and adding stuff to the zip files ;-)

Yeah, I'll have to look harder, I guess...........

don't mind me asking this, but are you a Christian (no offence, I just wanna know), I'm a NON-Denominational Christian, so I'm not *under* a certain denomination. Yeah, in Russia, they UP-HOLD family values and promote Patriotism, unlike the West which is immoral and aims to turn the FAMILY AGAINST each other. I'm glad they have that anti-swearing law in Russia, unlike the US, where 10 year old kids swear because it's "cool".

Oh, my name, it's Gabriel Daniel ;-)

I thought you'd already know my name because of my YouTube channel.............

I really hope to get back in "the game". BF Editor is kinda useful, correct? You can add guns and seats to vehicles!!!!

Oh, it IS POSSIBLE TO have at least one attachment on a gun through editing of the tweak and con files of said weapon. Just a bf2 tip.

See ya, and I hope I didn't offend you when I asked you whether you are Christian or not, sorry if I said anything offensive.


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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

I'm not offended, why would I. It's a common question. I believe in teachings of Serbian orthodox church. But I'm NOT a "hardcore" believer. I prefer more scientific facts.


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Guest - - 700,029 comments

OK. Serbian Orthodox Church, can't say I've heard of that before. OH, HEY, GREAT new idea for a bf2 map! It'll be called Vladivostok Terminal, it'll be a Night Flight REMAKE with SNOW STORM weather from the Arctic Combat mod, Factions will be Canada vs RGF! Hey, maybe we should include SERBIA in my mod! All I need are language files, flags,and player models! Yeah, that would be great! So, does my idea for the Night Flight Remake sound "original" or not? But, imagine fighting in the middle of a heavy snow storm!


P.s this "new" map will take place in the EARLY MORNING! YAY! I have another idea for another map!

see ya!

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FoxFort Creator
FoxFort - - 1,558 comments

Sure, that map sounds good. As for my modding, nah. I'm bored of that, maybe one day I'll start to mod again.

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Guest - - 700,029 comments

okay, the OTHER map- DARKENED VALLEY OF THE DEAD. We'll use dragon valley moon and convert it into a NIGHT MAP (I think I know how to), and rename it to DARKENED VALLEY OF THE DEAD. The factions will be EUSF vs SEALS? OR is JTF2 vs SPETSNAZ better!

Anyway, once I get back, GET READY to answer my annoying questions! Do you use BFEditor or no?

Global Storm SF 4 is my TEACHER, it thought me lots of useful bf2 modding stuff! 100/10 best mod evar, I'll always be there to upvote you and support your mod.


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