Database programmer and casual gamer.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 863)
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

Decided to deal with the issue in a non conventional way. Can run the game now at least, and the framerate seems to be more stable somehow, lol.
But yeah, gog needs to get those keys, or just replace the exe so they don't have to worry about them in the first place.

Good karma+2 votes
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

Yeah I don't think I'm getting to play Phobos any time soon until gog resolves the cd key issue, lol.
I got to Episode 2 and was trying to load the save file.

Nope, I got a fat middle finger in form of "CD Key in use" message. Real shame the dhewm3 support isn't planned yet, playing the game through that source port gave me zero issues and also allowed me to play with better performance :T

Good karma+2 votes
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

I figured when my library told me they were depleted, lol
Honestly at this point it would be more reasonable to patch the game to not require the keys. I mean the entire point of gog is to be drm free, no? xD

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

Okay, I had to reinstall the whole game but I managed to get into the game.
Unfortunately it seems the key keeps corrupting itself whenever the game is launched at all, which is annoying.

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

I did.
Also a development I just noticed. The last two digits of my key just vanished from the file, which is probably why it gets marked as incorrect whenever I try to launch even the base campaign.
Reason why I had to play the game through the source port in the first place.

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

Darn. I've been trying to troubleshoot this issue for hours now. The dumbest thing is, the RoE key is already present. It's the DOOM Key that keeps getting blitzed whenever I run the game.
Essentially I backed up the doomkey and xpkey after having to verify the game files multiple times by now. I put it back in, get to the menu, try launching a chapter, "Insert DOOM 3 Key"
Trying to manually insert the same key just results in the "Serial key is incorrect" screen :T

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Doom 3: Phobos

Can this mod please be ported to dhewm3? I'm tired of this default ******** engine, I can't even start the first level because it keeps asking me for a CD Key for DOOM 3.
I own the damn game on GOG! Even if I put the serial key in it says "Hurr durr it's invalid". I'm essentially stuck in a loop, being told by the game to go **** myself!

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Smith & Wesson model 500 Performance Center 1.01

"I'm going to teach you mf's a Smith & Lesson"
Nice revolver :)

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Temporal Anti-Aliasing [1.5.2 vanilla+DLTX]

Looking at the comparisons.. This will be a must have for a lot of people, lmao

Good karma+2 votes
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ HUD Offsets Editor

I have checked the files and as far as I can tell the fix is already uploaded. :T

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ HUD Offsets Editor

Sounds like you'll have to take the weapon into debug menu with the sight on, then adjust from there. Since most sight variants have unique aim offsets it shouldn't affect anything else.

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ HUD Offsets Editor

Missing required mod. Install draggable hud and let this mod overwrite it

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ HUD Offsets Editor

I've been making a personal reposition after making this mod public and PPP seems to work fine.

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ HUD Offsets Editor

Draggable Hud Editor already supports alt aim and lowered position adjustements. Since this mod only adds additional support for newly added base hud offsets it also includes base changes from draggable hud since that mod is required ;)
Just toggle lowered position and adjust the lowered variables in the debug menu.
For alt aim, you'll want to tap V when aiming to toggle between main and alt aim. Debug Mode allows all weapons to use alt aim, regardless of settings

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ HUD Offsets Editor

Unfortunately that is beyond my skills. I don't think there are even editors for the UI elements in base game. 😅
It's tedious I know, but I do believe you can use "Reload system ltx" and then click the "reload game" buttons in debug menu which should apply the new values. I used that when tweaking a minimap mod once.

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ HUD Offsets Editor

Unfortunately due to how the game handles things the easiest way to do this is to save the files to a debug file named cache_dbg.ltx as the draggable hud editor does.
It'll be located in [AnomalyFolder]/gamedata/configs and will contain all changes you made after clicking apply in the menu.

You'll want to find lines similar to this
base_hud_offset_pos = 0.093655, 0.004414, 0
base_hud_offset_pos_16x9 = 0.093655, 0.004414, 0
base_hud_offset_rot = -0.085972, -0.389962, 0.110292
base_hud_offset_rot_16x9 = -0.085972, -0.389962, 0.110292

Considering this requires custom exes from demonized, after you're done with adjusting you just copy every line containing "_hud" to a new ltx file. It needs to have "mod_system_" at the start for the game to recognize it as a dltx file if I remember correctly. The rest of the name is up to you.
After pasting the edited _hud files you created, make sure to add an exclamation mark (!) before every opening bracket. It will then look like this
base_hud_offset_pos = 0.093655, 0.004414, 0
base_hud_offset_pos_16x9 = 0.093655, 0.004414, 0
base_hud_offset_rot = -0.085972, -0.389962, 0.110292
base_hud_offset_rot_16x9 = -0.085972, -0.389962, 0.110292

That tells the game to overwrite those values for that specific entry created for that specific weapon or device. It's a much cleaner method than overwriting the files themselves.

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ HUD Offsets Editor

Already found a fix for it. Gonna upload it in a bit

Good karma+2 votes
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ HUD Offsets Editor

To activate the editor you have to have debug mode on and tap F7

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ HUD Offsets Editor

For those interested, it's been figured out, once again with Lucy's help!
Next pull request should appear on Github soon

Update: Pull Request is pending

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ HUD Offsets Editor

Currently trying to figure out why the offsets aren't applying to devices and pda. If anything this is on the executable side of things, so when it's fixed you'll just have to update demonized exe's

Good karma+2 votes
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ About Critical Condition

The location name is good.
Just make sure to note it's not related to the exclusion zone so people don't think the game is related to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. just by chance, lol

Good karma+2 votes
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ About Critical Condition

I only asked because Red Forest is a real location :p
Still glad to see this project still going. Been here since the beginning I think.

Good karma+2 votes
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ About Critical Condition

Red Forest you say.. So this is happening within Chernobyl Exclusion Zone?

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ MLR - location pack

Imagine expecting everyone you meet on Moddb to be in the Discord server you explained things in.

Good karma+5 votes
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Stabilizer

But why?
Patch 1.2 already adds a "g_camera_bobbing" toggle that does exactly this.

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Vanilla Weapons Resmoothed & Relensed

Well duh. This mod replaces meshes in which animation mods store specific animations for the weapon.

Good karma+4 votes
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Raising the Bar: Salvation

Hoping for the best!
There's 10 hours left of 2023 for me, but considering the quality of Raising the Bar Redux, I won't mind playing the mod in 2024 xD

Good karma+3 votes
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ True Stalker

Reading seems to be a skill long forgotten if people miss "official translation into English." being a part of the mods about me

Good karma+1 vote
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ They Hunger Relit Full Version 1.1

That's from the 25th Anniversary Update for Half-Life. It happens in base game as well, but was fixed now I think

Good karma+2 votes
DaimeneX - - 863 comments @ Location Discovery Text Disabled for G.A.M.M.A

The setting only disables fast travel location messages. Not the PDA Area Location discovered message. I recorded vids showcasing this lol

Edit: If you're in the GAMMA Discord you can find a vid I posted in General today.
Basically there is a Spot_Discovered line in PDA script file which is hardcoded and can't be disabled via settings (no code behind that checks for settings) It also appears at the top of the screen with a sound effect.
The Fast Travel notification setting is a separate thing and it appears in the bottom part of the screen like an item use notif or save created notif.

Good karma+2 votes