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Comment History
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Gamescom's Opening Night Announcements; Our 5 Favourites And 5 Relevant mods

And Homeworld 3 is supposed to come out when? Thanks for all of the wonderful full details...

I've not even seen anything on the internet about Homeworld 3 being worked on. If it's the real deal...they'd better make this game with their best abilities, or it's only going to be a disappointment. *Cough*DungeonSiege3*cough*

Good karma+2 votes
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Homeworld Cataclysm Remastered

I guess you have a hard time reading English correctly, so I'll put it into more simple terms for your small mind. I never said I made any maps for any games. I'm just too busy playing games to make mods or make maps for games. It's not about the work ethic required to make them, or how time consuming it is to create these things.

I'm just one of those guys who gets bored really easily, so I have to constantly entertain myself. And no, it has nothing to do with me not having a job, etc. I'm not going to waste my life away for a piece of garbage system (aka: the us gov) that hinders it's people instead of letting them grow and by the time you're 60, the only retirement you have to look forward to is SSI and slowly killing yourself because it's the most corrupt country on the planet run by a bunch of fools. So I refuse to perpetuate the cycle by not contributing to it and enabling them to be worse. Not that me not contributing to it is going to make any difference anyway.

Btw...really nice try with the insults, Dingleberry Lickers! So typical and boring, and oh so cliche. All so eager to jump on the bandwagon coming to each other's defense. Typical. And yawn inducing just from reading them. Seriously, you think I'm honestly going to go cry in the corner?

Anyway...You're working on 3 mods? Without help of other people? Go figure. People always with their excuses

Oh, and Mark. Seriously? "*******"? That's the best you can do? How droll. Seriously, you are terrible with trying to insult me. Not that your words would effect me anyway, so it's a wasted effort to even try. responding to you feels like a wasted effort, since you'll just respond and you get nothing out of it in the end except for a small amount of satisfaction that only lasts a short while until you realize it's a wasted effort to even put in the effort.

And Revan...why would I want to? is the important question. To prove to you I can? To prove you wrong? To pander to your weak ego? No thanks. I have nothing to prove and I don't pander to fools. Again...more "waah, you're an entitled jerk" crap. How droll. Feel better about yourself now? How cute.

Yeah, I'm SOOO sorry. Obviously ya'll are easily manipulated through your emotions. I'm being a troll? Pfft. Hardly, but you're welcome to make that assumption.

I'm a button pusher. I push the buttons until I push you to your limit just to see how far you go. That's not a troll. A troll is one of those little turds that gets a kick out of it. I'm a scientific thinker...and well, you're the experiments I'm toying with. Playing god? Hardly. Not how I think it at all. Better than you? Hardly. Lesser? Not a chance. No such thing anyway, in the grand scheme of things.

LoL So go ahead..waste your time! I'm bored now. Gong back to the games...Buh bye!

Good karma-2 votes
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ SFC3 TYPHON PACT + BONUS V6.0.2 Singleplayer

Your instructions to install this mod are absolutely atrocious and i had to figure out how to install the mod by myself (mostly). Who wrote your instructions? A child or someone who just started learning English as a second language? They look almost illiterate. And that is not an insult, btw.

And this part:

"2. Open your Activision/Sfc3Typhon/sfc.

Scroll down to:


replace the map name with: MapName=TyphonPact V6.0.mvm

Save and close the file. Do the same for your Sfc3Bonus directory."

Makes absolutely no sense at all until you realize it was supposed to have .ini on that sentence.

And what is the difference between Typhon and the TyphonBonus folders? explanation at all. Absolutely ridiculous. What am I supposed to do? Figure out which one is which and what they're supposed to do????? Please explain this.

By far the most incomprehensible set of installation instructions I've ever encountered. Why are your instructions being written by an illiterate? And I'm saying that not as an insult. In the future...make sure they are written properly, and not a total disaster these are. If I can't comprehend the installation instructions for a mod, I don't even bother trying to install it if it requires a way to install it that's not the normal way. Which is why I almost decided not to waste my time trying to play this mod for the first time. I'm here to play mods...not waste 3 hours of my time installing a mod only for it to fail because I can't read gibberish.

And please don't take this the wrong way, but the instructions are the worst I've run across.

Good karma-1 votes
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ CARMAGEDDON II ADVANCED

while driving my car....why is there no car icon telling me my damage, or the icons for armor offense & power upgrades? This is a biiiig no-no in my book! Also incredibly annoying that it's not there.

Good karma+1 vote
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ TNG Mega Mod - single file version

tried to play this mod, but since there's so many stinkin' steps to get this to work (instead of just installing the damn mod and not having to do anything else) , I'll pass.

Good karma+1 vote
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Oblige Random Map Generator (7 generations)

LOL. Oh dear, this is just hilarious. I am seriously laughing at your pathetic attempts at insults. Your insults are just so...mediocre, it's hilarious. You sit there and look down at me and think you're better than me? And I'm the narcissist? Sounds to me like the both of you need a Waahbulance called so they can take you both to the Crybaby ManChild Day Care Center so you can go cry, whine, and blubber to the nurses who pretend to listen and sound like they care because your mommies are so sick of hearing you play "Victim" like the sad mentally bruised little man children you really are, then they pat you on the heads and go to another room to talk among themselves about how you're such sad little man-children you are.

So let me explain something in a way so simple so that even your consumer Swiss cheese riddled minds can comprehend, let alone god forbid your "reasoning" skills are even up to that task alone seeing as you're both so pathetic you're caught in dreamland thinking you're living Americas Dream; but knowing human beings as well as I do, you can't wake up the stupid fools who have been corrupted by consumerism beyond redemption because they're brain dead. Oh, and by the way, when I say I'm laughing at your attempts to insulting me, I'm laughing at them because they have no affect on me in any way whatsoever, except to make me laugh at your attempts of your so called insults. It's just so pathetically hilarious when men think they're better than me and look down upon me because they truly have been brainwashed into believing there's such a thing as being "lesser and/or greater" than another when in reality, no one is greater or lesser than another. It doesn't exist, it's just man made up socially constructed brainwashing material to brainwash the willfully weak willed dullards into truly believing there's such a thing. Due to their own arrogance and weak willed mind (IE: You), they refuse to believe the truth of it being just man made up social garbage.

So go on, have fun with that while I just laugh at you. But I digress...

When I was teenager, through much observation and seeing the truth of what it really is, I decided I wasn't going to contribute to a system that's a pure black hole to it's own people, nor to a society as broken as the one in this country that is quite honestly full of pacifists who would rather roll over and generally become consumers of their own making; I came to the conclusion that most of you aren't worth my time. History for humanity has repeated itself many times over the centuries, never truly evolving into something better. It's just sad that you're all too legally insane to think otherwise because most of you just repeat the same mistakes thinking you're going to get another outcome. The human race will eventually destroy itself.

And so, for the last near years, I've just been having fun watching you all and playing computer games and having fun, while you all just consume everything as black holes, just....existing.

Still think you're better than me? Who's the one laughing now?! Bwahahaha. Go ahead and insult me ALLLL you want, fools. You'll get nothing in return and no satisfaction. The only reason I haven't responded to you dullards is because I simply just "forgot" to because you're such simple minded fools you aren't really worth responding to, other than to this one response. That and I'm far too busy playing games to waste my time and effort to waste proving my "creative genius" in making maps for tools like you who would just mock and insult my work regardless of quality. Besides, why do you care? And why do you care that I refuse to have a job in this piece of garbage system? Because I'm "milking the system"? Hahaha. Again....pathetically funny it is. Have fun, fools With your crappy jobs and your long miserable hours and sub-par bay/benefits with a system that's been bought & paid for by the upper 5%. By the way, I suggest you go watch George Carlin, your swiss cheese riddled minds just might learn something! But I doubt it, since the lot of you are just licking each others dingle berries from your butts!

I'm bored with you tools, so I'm going to go back to my gaming and blissfully pretend you've contracted sepsis from eating each others dingle berries and hopefully just do us all a favor and exit the genepool so it's not polluted with any of your weaknesses and let the stronger continue living to become stronger. Buh-bye! I won't be responding again since you'll just boor me to death with your mind-numbingly droll future attempts only to fail as you've done already. Oh, and no, I'm not some 40ish fat kid living in mommies basement, either. Almost 40, but not even close to being overweight.

Good karma-1 votes
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ One Must Fall: Destiny

Soooo....quite obviously after 10 years...yet another modder promising something with nothing to show for it except to waste everyone's time with you just making excuses and never deleting this from the UT3 section of the website and not only wasting everyone's time, you don't even come here to give any kind of update or information. Typical. I seriously wish there was a way the rest of us could by vote, forcefully remove these empty mod pages from so that they stop wasting useless & empty internet space, or forcefully remove a mod that no one really likes so that it'd stop people from wasting their time.

It's quite obvious this "altered" version you have in the files section isn't a mod for UT3 at all. Isn't it a rule violation with the EULA or some crap that you have a mod posted in the wrong section of the website since you never even released a mod for UT3 at all? Well I'm going to report it as such. I'm sick & tired of pissants promising us all a mod, and never going through with it and not taking down their stinking pages when there's no files to download even 10 years later! It's just pathetic and a waste of everyone's time hearing only excuses.

Good karma+1 vote
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod

Unitss die too quickly. This mod sucks donkey ****. Good thing you abandoned it. It's too bad you didn't delete it off of Moddb's website so you'd stop wasting everyone's time on this piece of garbage.

Good karma-1 votes
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Beta 3 Plus

Thats because people in general are retarded when implementing certain things in mods.

Good karma+1 vote
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Beta 3 Plus

Bombs/missiles are well known to cause devastating damage. Obviously due to your retardation, you forgot this detail. Good job, jack@ss.

Good karma0 votes
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Oblige Random Map Generator (7 generations)

You seriously think its laziness? Its not laziness. It is extremely time consuming to create a non-generated map for any game to make the maps "just right" especially since with most games that you have a much bigger variety of items or ways to create maps on your own. Not to mention it takes a lot of creativity and imagination to create really good maps. But it takes a creative genius to make the best maps like Romero who created the Doom 1 & 2 maps. Sadly...creative genius's are 1 in a 1,000 people on average.

Might want to open up your brain and stop being narrow-minded. Even though I consider myself to be one of those "creative genius's" that could potentially create my own Doom 2 maps, I am not willing to spend a 100 hours creating maps for this game. I got better things to do than spend those 100 hours creating maps. Like playing Doom 2 with Brutal Doom/Project Brutality and using other peoples maps! Plus I'm just not interested in doing it because I'd get bored making them after a while. I'd rather entertain myself playing the game, I find no entertainment in making maps.

Good karma-4 votes
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Project Brutality

Trying to download 3.0 from github for 2 effing hours (and then finding out someone else posted the 3.0 files on the other site, only to find out this unreleased version wasn't even worth my time downloading!) is totally broken because 3.0 is not "completed" and yet you're letting people download it, all the while being completely full of BS "archiving" the earlier versions even though 3.0 isn't even released and telling people to download it anyway?

Seriously...with just that last sentence I typed...If I didn't have your 2.0+ version already installed frpm a different website (AND IT WORKS FINE! I have yet to find 2.0 unstable on my machine! You guys must have some crappy computers for it to be unstable! Either that or you're getting bug reports from noobs who have no clue!), I wouldn't have even bothered with downloading this mod, not to mention after reading your summary and the words "unstable" already making me want to facepalm at just how blatantly ignorant it sounds and me wasting 2 hours of my time. Why would you let people download a version (3.0) of your mod that's not even working right? Why the hell would I even try playing if it's broken?

And don't bother responding.

Good karma+1 vote
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Realistic rescale and tactical rebalance v3.1

I'd really like to try out this mod, but why the hell would I put this mod in my main game folder when I have 3-4 other mods already installed in the mods folder? Why not just make this a mod and have us put it in the mods folder? This is just plain annoying to have to do this every time I'd want to play it every time. Just stating a fact that you could just make it a mod instead.

Good karma0 votes
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Electro Comrade - C&C Remastered RA Overhaul Kit

So far, 1 year has passed and no news or updates/new intel without any files being posted...early signs of BS and nothing being released....Lovely. Waste of my time.

Good karma-2 votes
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Galaxy of Chaos

You're obviously full of crap. Not "Halted.....riiiiight. Why is this crap still on this site if you haven't worked on it in 10+ years? If you aint going to finish what you started...visiting this mod is obviously a waste of everyone's time. "When in doubt, throw it out". I wish we could delte uncompleted crap like this from websites so us guests don't waste our time on lies.

Good karma+1 vote
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Star Wars: Galaxy at War

I completely agree. Why the hell is this still being hosted on this site if it hasn't been worked on in 13 years? What a waste of my time. TAKE THIS CRAP DOWN ALREDY!

I wish there was a way us website guests could vote on things like this to get rid of unwanted or never even close to finished crap of sites like this. It's not only a waste of our time, but a waste of internet space that could be used by other people who FINISH THEIR CRAP!

Good karma+1 vote
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ New official patch for EaW + FoC!

And you seriously believe this garbage of an excuse? They're the ones who made the game and they're giving the excuse they don't have the source code? Do they really think we're this effing retarded to believe this crap? And if these pissants seriously don't have the code (which I think is full of crap), why are these incompetents the ones programming updates for EAW on Steam in the first place if they weren't the ones who made the game? Or are they seriously too effing cheap to BUY THE SOURCE CODE?! I mean effing seriously. What a bunch of morons. My respect for these people is at 0 for being idiots.

Good karma+1 vote
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Star Wars- Rise of the Shadows mod v1.

Since this mod won't play on skirmish, I'm not downloading this since you obviously think it's not worth the effort, me getting your mod isn't worth mine.

Good karma+1 vote
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Tactical Fleet Simulator Remastered


It's been 3-4 years since you posted this mod here and nothing's been done. Why is this crap allowed on this site to keep crap here that's not even being worked on? Such BS.

Good karma-5 votes
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Homeworld Cataclysm Remastered


It's been 3 years now....where the hell is the mod at and why hasn't there been any news about this in a year now? Honestly I'm kinda sick of reading about mods on this website from people and expecting a mod and finding nothing being done or released or people putting mods on this website only to find out they're only for stupid steam versions.

If people are saying they're creating a mod and then nothing happens, I don't see why the hell they stay on this website. It's a waste of space at this point and a waste of my time.

Good karma-7 votes
Bernheard - - 21 comments @ Empire At War Remake Remastered

If this is for Steam version only, then why the in the 9 levels of hell are you posting it on this website? What's the fcking point? I find this completely not only UPROFESSIONAL but completely DISRESPECTFUL!

Either post this mod for ALL versions of FOC or GTFO! And please don't post back here giving me excuses of why you're posting it here because that just makes you look like an A-Hole. I'm here to download mods for the game without Steam since OBVIOUSLY we don't have the Steam version! It's just fcking pathetic you're even posting it here if there's mod for it without Steam and TOTAL WASTE OF MY TIME! If just makes you look like a bunch of TURDS!

Good karma+1 vote