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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

updated to 12.3

and got this fatal error .. same spot its doing quick melee


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 204
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...anomaly-\gamedata\scripts\ssfx_weapons_dof.script:167: attempt to index global 'itm' (a nil value)

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

hey mate .. im getting this when i knfe a little box


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 204
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...-\gamedata\scripts\ssfx_weapons_dof.script:133: attempt to index global 'itm' (a nil value)

any idea?

*edit* tried disabling the in game dof setting.. which turns back on immediately .. and this stopped the error for a couple of quick melees then its back again

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

nevermind it fixed itself after a fresh install , must have been a bad install . sorry for being a hassle mate , youre doing an awesome job btw !

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

how can you increase the first shadow map range ? ill chuck a clip up on youtube if youd like to see ?

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

is the 3x the same thing as when you walk up closer to an object more shadows appear on it .. like a large ring around you ?? or is that AO? and if so how do i increase it .

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

Yeah that fixed my shadow issue . But as you said i think its causing an issue with a gamma mod now. Damn 😂

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Eden's Weather Revamp (3.0)

can you use 2k skyboxess with this ? and also i had blue tint with you color grade settings for enhanced.. switching them to warm fixed it .. is this an issue ?

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

is there a way to see it working.. i dont think mine is working ? i use gamma so will this be okay using the exe?

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

Hey mate what does the 3x experimental do exactly? Ive having like dustance shadow issues and i read somewhere that this fixed it for them. But im not seeing any difference.
The shadow issues is almost like a large circle around me i can see it when i turn etc in the sides of my screen

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

Ive tried all that. Still there

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

im also getting a bug where i went into my pda . im out of it , now the screen is all ...static ? its like some weird effect . * edit * now i have pda screen blur which seems to been an issue reported

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Enhanced Shaders and Color Grading for 1.5.1

hey mate , im getting these white trees when suns on them and stuff..or when it rains . do you know anything about this?

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Screen Space Shaders [ Update 20.2 ] [ 1.5.2 ]

hey mate , im having some weird like white or shiny trees and grass whenever the suns out . it doesnt do it when there is no sun from what i can see , any advice ? i gave gamma , and majestic weathers.

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Balpha5 - - 14 comments @ Majestic WeatherFX (aka MWFX)

Awesome ! Ill give this a try.
I ended up having some weird shadow glitch aiming down sights so i had to do a full resintall and start again. See which mods causing it , but besides the hands i got your mod running well.
The joys of modding

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