We are a group of Right-Wing advocates of freedom and individual liberty, the right to life, freespeech, right to own and carry firearms, empowerment, individualism, constitutional republic government, personal responsibility, individual initiative, property rights, the free market, reforming monetary policy based on sound gold or silver backed money, preservation of western civilization, national self-determination, protecting the body politic, defend the people, land and culture. This is the group for religioous groups and the European people ideal to protect the West against feminism, communism, globalism (the ruination of the culture, the plague of internationalism and the explosion of degeneracy), political correctness and progressivism. For those on Mod DB if you're a modern conservative, neo-reactionary, traditionalist, paleoconservative, Christian, nationalist or New Right for; US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa or European nations please join us to help defeat progressive liberals and proxies.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin

A explanation of what these policies may entail and literature on these subjects will be posted overtime, a outline is given on the pro-capitalist page.


see; Matthew Spalding's lecture " A New American Fusionism: Recovering Principles in Our Politics. "

How to Think about Modern Conservativism

Origins of the Modern Conservative Movement

Republican principles

Redpilling for a Modern Conservative

Recommended conservative news sites:
* Patriotpost.us
* Counter-currents.com
* Age-of-treason.com
* National-conservative.com
* Conservativebrief.com
* Yaf.org
* Theconservativetreehouse.com
* Wnd.com
* Nationalreview.com
* Dailycaller.com
* Faithandheritage.com
* Freebeacon.com
* Americanfreepress.net
* Breitbart.com
* Oann.com
* Newsmax.com
* Jbs.org
* Heritage.org

* Rebelnews.com
* Theblaze.com
* Youtube.com
* Rubinreport.locals.com
* Louderwithcrowder.com
* Hannity.com
* Theblaze.com

* The Conservative Mind by Russel Kirk
* What is Conservatism? by Frank Meyer and Russel Kirk et al
* In Defense of Freedom by Frank Meyer

Right-wing Books:
* A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth by Julius Evola
* Liberty, Equality, Fraternity by James Fritzjames Stephen
* The Dark Enlightenment by Nick Land
* A Gentle Introduction to Unqualified Reservations by Mencius Moldbug
* Patchwork: A Political System for the 21st Century by Mencius Moldbug
* A Formalist Manifesto by Mencius Moldbug
* An Open Letter to Open-Minded Progressives by Mencius Moldbug
* Reactionary Philosophy in an Enormous Planet-Sized Nutshell by Scott Alexander
* What is Neoreaction: Ideology, Social-Historical Evolution, and the Phenomena of Civilization by Bryce Laliberte

* Europa: The Last Battle
* Communism by the Backdoor
* Secret Masonic Victory of WWII
* Hellstorm
* What the World Rejected
* A Last Appeal to Reason
* The Myth of German Villainy
* David Irving - The Manipulation of History (many other docs from him as well)
* Ted Pike - The Other Israel
* Ring of Power 2008
* The Money Masters


Some Do's and Don'ts.

*Nato and EU undermine rules, they are disolving borders and are the global-homogeneity force in the world. Don't just believe that Nato or EU can solve our problems.
*There is an elite strata that is trying to get benefits out of the changes undergoing the nation's right now, using immigration, taxes and regulations to increase profits for big industry and stifle domestic industry and production. Avoid catering to the institutions, big tech and big media.
*Don't just hope for evicting natural born people out of a country.
*Don't believe that an external threat will in anyway cause us to reverse course domestically.

*Have a rational ideology that brings together the pro-Western civilisation and majoritarian interests, something that backs up a "no brother wars" nationalism or objectivism.
*Use structural realism to understand all the nation states.
*Have a system or structure made ontop of energy, passion and brotherhood. Under one creed, the march through the gates of destiny. A march towards freedom and order type values. It is common truth (destiny), common nature (ideas, ideology or natural law) and common cause (common purpose) that leads towards the realization of social order, which then in tandem creates the cosmic order (natural order).


3 important lessons that should be taught that help project the conservative mindset:

Falsehood exists so we must guard our society against all of its forms (traditionalist), the nation must continue to exist so that its people's wellbeing can be maximised and culture protected (nationalist) and nature is harsh so we must plan for the future (capitalist). These three aspects are what sustain western civilization, we broaden our horizons by truth, culture and fiscal policy. Refusing to acknowledge the laws of nature led to pacifism and now it leads to accepting the falsehood of multiculturalism, moral relativism, political correctness, nihilism, feminism and globalism. In the past failing to plan ahead led to starvation and today it leads to welfare and inter-generational poverty. Whatever saps the physical, mental and spiritual strength is the enemy.

Culture is the philosophy, science, education, and architecture. Capitalism is the system by which we create prosperity, efficiency, technology and capital. This requires continual reinvestment, so we shouldn't restrict the process of accumulating capital and profits. Traditionalist is guarding against those who wish to stifle increase or growth and protection of the people through propagating the eternal laws of nature.

What is civilization?

Western civilisation is based on organization which is Carroll Quigley's list of 6 civilization and societal elements or requirements: Politics, Economics, Social, Religion, Military, and Intellectual, which is basically labor, arms, and unity. Organization then is the bedrock of all these things, also family, a people, and a culture also creates a stronger society or civilisation. Heroism is what leads to civilization. What is the intellectually or the philosophy of Western civilisation? Its of course Romanticism. Of the medieval period. The spirit is Faustian.

Those that share that mindset?

We uphold virtues of; strength, courage, determination, perseverance, hard-work, discipline, nationalism/unity, fatherland, duty, honor, truth, freedom, family, fearlessness, self-control and hardness, as well as Nietzsche's values of diligence, capable, ambitious, trustworthy, open-mindedness and will. You require experience in order to gain practical wisdom (action over abstraction, accomplishment over acquisition, self-knowledge over satisfaction, excellence and consistency over complacency) to climb higher, western civilization ideal, preserving the family unit and family values (marriage, gender roles i.e breadwinner and homemaker) and ethnic European cultures (national pride).

A pride is for our role in the social order, our abilities, in the inter-generational goals that we participate in and in the women we care for. Understanding that to achieve this a optimal size of govt is needed for border control, maintaining health, checks and balances on political authority and a strong military tradition is required to uphold authority, leadership and hierarchy. American revolution was a Protestant war for a European outpost and freedom from British rule, later the threat reappeared with communism and now under globalism (the cultural threat being progressivism; feminism, gender inversion, diversity, multiculturalism and SJWism). Idealism is the alternative like faith, freedom and family, civilizational values, and the ideas we would like to hold.


Firstly have a clear political Plan of Action:

Goals: Defend Tradition, Capture institutions and seats in office under the banner of Nationalism, and Promote Capitalism.

1. Establish a formal political group or enclave, particularly elsewhere in Europe or northeast Asia. That will have a formalized power center to grow membership through and create a new intellectual elite. Seek foreign allies with similar goals.

2. Design a striking aesthetics, logo/symbol, typeface and uniform, initiation ritual, command structure, clear nomenclature, and traditions and standards have to be strictly maintained.

3. Generate funds through frequent fundraising. Subscription online magazines and podcast, owned businesses from our day jobs should supplement our political activities, sponsorships, rumble/odysee channel content funds, and we must use those funds to protect members and fund campaigns.

4. Generate agitprop and stir up controversy. Publicity stunts, post campaign bits on social media, release press releases if possible before and after publicity stunts to the media because of its controversy.

5. Initial group of elites must be established at the beginning, any new members must be vetted and vouched for by many high-ranking members extensively. Strict control over internal communication.

6. Non-members but who are subscribers can be brought into the fold to help with institutional capture. Can be headhunted or recruited for planting the seeds of change, seeds of change are always organizers and their dedicated organisations, preparing for the dedicated elite to make their move. Tradition just means producing a state that actually creates great men and maintains order.

Great men have both strength and potency. Order is about forming betterment and empowerment by the creation of survival, freedom, prosperity, competition, growth, and creativity. Oppressive states are only concerned with order, and thus seem like they promote obedience and compliance at the expense of a fanatical will towards an organic state. Push the tradition and standards for the rest of society by the elite and the membership that have accomplished institutional capture, they should form a vanguard for that purpose.

7. Push these men of our elite intellectuals and leaders into political organization by financial and cultural support (meta-politics) for a mainstream party and get them elected into office.



Its ironic also that popular sovereignty and self-determination is mostly associated with liberalism now. Even though that's a nationalist belief. How deeply embedded that idea is in the right, you can reaffirm the common good and so forth to make the health, survival and thriving of the people at the centre of the political system. That something that is outside the group dynamic, there are three ways of looking at things, its liberalism vs moral absolutes vs nationalistic, the absolute morals, liberalism and nationalistic all three kinds have different "takes" on what we should do as political actors. To distinguish between popular sovereignty and democracy, they fundamentally different. Popular sovereignty is rule for the people and not rule by the people. Not that everything is run by a democratic system but rather that their legitimacy as rulers gain that legitimacy their ability to derive rule by common interests, common nature, common destiny and common purpose (cause). That to me is what nationalism is about for some groups. Some people call that majoritarian.

1. God created nature,
2. Reason brings forth an understanding of nature.

By rationally inquiring into nature we can reveal its divinely ordained purpose or just a naturalistic purpose by which people find right actions. Inspired and motivated by those actions is a justification for them and can avoid unnecessary negative consequences is my take on what they could. Having a sense of love or duty which bind a political community together into a people so that they can have common will, common history, cultural heritage and common identity. A people is the distinct historical entity that exists between a ethnos and a nation. Having family values, joy, reconnecting to one another in the community, accepting ones identity and cultural heritage, living close to ones family as a unit, placing ones nation above other nation's, we treat our family well as being primary providers and nurturers we also treat the nation as our extended family by putting our nation first and participating in the culture. The common purpose of faith, family and freedom is necessary in the formation of communities and nations, then we can derive from that the sense of rational authority through a objective understanding of reality.


Housewives are happier than feminists and happier than women in any other occupation which fundamentally contradicts the feminist view of promoting promiscuity between men and women. A study on this has shown definitively that women are less happy absolutely and comparatively to men then every before since the 1970s, where women and men where mostly married where much happier, the reason for this unhappiness? Relation stability is the reason and isn't due to the hours worked by women, a 30% increase in sexual partners since then. Significantly more men and some women are having more promiscuous sex and increased multiple partners then ever before since the sexual revolution (between 1970 and 2000). There is also detrimental effects on the cognitive ability and psychological wellbeing of teenagers in cohabitation or single-parent homes.

A British study has debunked many of the feminist myths. The most secure families are where both the male and female are married virgins. We have different roles and we like different subjects, we are also physically and biologically different. Currently the largest threat to family is alimony and no-fault divorce where women win 97% of alimony cases and child custody w/o having to prove anything. Therefore we must encourage women to become mothers, encourage men to protect and provide for their family and discourage birth control.


Fire arms are used to stop crime. It's about time democrats/liberals started thinking for themselves about the benefits of firearms in law abiding hands. States with the strictest gun-control have some of the highest violent crime and murder rates, and countries with the strictest gun-control have the highest violent crime.

The only opposition to the 13th, 14th, 15th amendment and Eisenhower's 1957 Civil Rights act was by the liberal democrats. Southern strategy is a myth or the 'big switch'. For a full history lesson read Mugged by Ann Coulter, 'Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party' by Dinesh D'Souza and 'Hillarys America' film.

The leftist racial segregation laws where removed and the Civil Rights Act was instituted thanks to 80% support from the Republicans. In the 1860's there was 100% Republican support for the 13th amendment while 70% of Democrats opposed it. 94% Republican support for 14th amendment with 100% opposition from Democrats. The Democrats also opposed the 15th amendment. There was 11 Democrats that switched over to the Republican side, thousands of these Democrats retired as Democrats. The Act would not have gone through if Republicans where blocked from both houses of congress since 3 times as many Democrats opposed the Act, neither would the Voting Rights Act and Fair Housing Act.


Is climate change consensus true? No, the 97% consensus myth has been debunked. There is better evidence to support global cooling or natural cycles.

We live in a strange world with an increasingly clear battle-line separating:

1. Political powers and consensus ‘scientists' adjusting experimental data on one side.

2. A benevolent creator and sustainer of every atom, life and world on the other side.

Side 1 directs society to UN's Agenda 21: Habitat.igc.eorg

Side 2 directs society to a much Higher Power: Dl.dropboxusercontent.com

Evidence against CO2 cause.

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Dan Andrews,totalitarian premier of Victoria Australia abandoned the job.

Dan Andrews,totalitarian premier of Victoria Australia abandoned the job.

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SKAND3RB3G - - 170 comments

We are back

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TheUnbeholden Creator
TheUnbeholden - - 3,619 comments

Yes! Trump by grace of luck and by the powers that be survived and is now he is going to win.

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Warper243 - - 243 comments

Donald is Teddy Roosevelt 2.0 , he is a bad *** with how he got up to project strength. His rnc speech was great too. The recent events all but garenteed him a second term, probably with over 300 EV.

Lol at Hulk hogans apperence at the rnc.

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Forsete - - 621 comments

Trump survives an assassination attempt.

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TheUnbeholden Creator
TheUnbeholden - - 3,619 comments

I think people who consider libertarians allies to be fundamentally wrong. They are not conserving traditionally considered to be goodness, culture, tradition, or masculine values. They want to maximise liberty, so they want promote and always side with and suggest individual liberty and personal responsibility at all times, so they are individualists on all issues. Conservatives want to protect what they consider true or sacred at all times on moral grounds, individually and collectively protect religious traditions and virtue. That means libertarians want individual rights, small govt, tax cuts and free markets, proliberty like prodiversity, legalise drugs, allow sex work, allow gay marriage, pro contraception and pro sexual revolution, antiregulation, antiwelfare, antireligion and so dont want to enforce social conservative values. Libertarians side with conservatives on banning communism, pro free speech, pro gun rights, removing critical race theory from schools, and oppose tyranny.

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TheUnbeholden Creator
TheUnbeholden - - 3,619 comments

9 Principles of the Right-wing by the Distributist

1. Meaning should be placed above welfare or merely the pursuit of human happiness - the expression of value and pursuit of transcendent meaning should be the central aim in human life.

2. Virtue should be the basis of a nation. Action is central to virtue - Humans should express their dedication to transcendent value through discipline and virtue.

3. Morals form the path of pursuing truth, the common moral beliefs are important for human survival and even for personal thriving - common moral beliefs should define human societies and link generations. The enhancement of the collective moral good should be the primary purpose of society.

4. The backsliding of society or regression from the mean towards the less than stellar and more common beliefs a person has when they have degenerated from the higher politics, meaning and striving - without some compelling force or discipline people tend to degenerate and backslide; they become less observant of morals and values they intellectually agree with.

5. The backsliding of institutions or regression from the function beliefs and tenets of society in favor of conflict of interest behind the scenes, when institutions no longer support whats beneficial for the people in question - without a compelling force for human institutions they tend to corrupt and backslide; they become less observant of core ideas, they become less dedicated to core stakeholders, they become more progressive.

6. The conservation of sovereignty. Regardless of egalitarian principles they the profess, human collectives are always ruled by a small minority of leaders set the important elements of the social and political agenda.

7. Prioritize human uplift and elevation over mere comfort, pleasure and security.

8. Favor investment-oriented accountability systems (skin in the game - Nicholas Teleb) - the system of rules should align with the interests of the subjects or people. Its not being of the people, the same class of the people or even being elected by the people that determines good governance. It is about having rulers that have common interests or common parlance with the populace is what counts.

9. Pursue order-based politics - having a consistent operation is the only way to pursue society's priorities. This means having formalized rules and social order. Social order can be summarized as freedom, survival, prosperity, creativity, competition and growth.

Some communist criticed me for suggesting a set of liberal values and that this is the reason US is projecting power across Europe and the Middle East. Well I think I'm right about that and I personally don't see a problem with liberalism or it's antecedent father classical liberalism. It's because we used to ptlrovide a conceptual framework or membrane of nationalism which is the idea Citizenship was undetachable from liberalism, so basically it had to work within the confines of that idea.

This idea means that you have to be believe a priori to be a person of that nations national character, that confers them rights and standards, otherwise your a civilian with limited say, benefits, entitlements and ultimately very little influence over that society. So liberalism was tied to the ancient Athens idea of a ancient civic order that stressed Christendom, a pan European identity, and a grounding in Aristotelian natural law for our right to be free as citizens within the bounds of a nation state where we share principles and values, and all institutions and education promoted and decribed that shared worldview. This post is one such summary of what underpinned liberal and conservative world order that was a stabilizing force for the good of normative national character or nationalist membrane. This post goes into it somewhat, perhaps deserves a longer post. This is partially what it means to identify with Western civilisation.

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Warper243 - - 243 comments

Looks like NY might actually be in play, with Donald having enough support there to potentially overcome the ny machine.

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TheUnbeholden Creator
TheUnbeholden - - 3,619 comments

You have to have people protecting a system of rights just like you do laws... and the part of the can you see it etc etc was a point that rights are not just manifested into existence, someone had to make them into a thing, and many have to protect it to keep it being a thing. Let's say China manned up and some how rolled through here and took over, do you think your rights would be the same? I highly doubt it. They would change into whatever structure China wanted. Rights, are a manifestation of society.

Rights don't exist unless people protect them and provide a haven for them to thrive, and actively protect them. Only men protect rights because they are the enforcement arm. The rights you and I enjoy not everyone In this world gets to enjoy, because not everyone's society has taken the steps to create those rights. Once they are there and in place, someone or something has to protect it as well. Also, saying oh you can't see them, means it's a structure that only holds up as long as people take care of it so that it exists. It's not tangible, it's not a solid thing that just exists because it's not always there. Otherwise women in every country could vote. Just send the rights to vote over! But that can't be done, it has to be defended and upheld by society of males willing to take the side of a particular group of people and defend the rights once they are created. No ancient traditional group or ancient religious group would say that you can "see and touch and taste rights". I remember someone was complaining about this before, this difference in perspective between old conservatives and traditionalists. Rights must be protected and have a enforcement mechanism, but we are entitled to all positive rights. Also, not sure why but people have advocated for seperation of church and state, which is not the historical reality of the US. The colonies had a state religion after the US founding.

European conservatives are Christian also. The opposite of Christian Europe is a globalist world order, same destruction of cultural values and world control that was almost at its apex by communism is being tried by globalists neo-con elites. Its only ever so slightly different, with communist propaganda designed to demoralize a people into accepting a bland universal worker identity, where supposedly ones contribution matters when elites control capital and all leaders are selected by popularity (by pandering). That has been replaced with a bland consumerist liberal identity, that your vote matters when it does not when the candidates are selected by a inner circle (unelected elite). Both communism and globalism differ in some goals but they ultimately want the world under their financial control.

Nationalism and libertarianism are challenges to that global network. Progressivism is also a challenge to it, but it offers very few solutions to any problems plaguing the common man. Its mostly a vestige of comfortable lifestyle to virtue signal about how "good" they are to others in the society in the attempt to use ideology to get into a elite circle, if the person can't use smarts to get there.

Here is a very interesting video on the topic of the US's "The Octopus": Youtube.com
Slavok Zizek vs Jordan Peterson (Collectivism vs Individualism): Youtube.com
Patriot Front discussion: Radixjournal.substack.com
Defining Diversity: Youtube.com

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TheUnbeholden Creator
TheUnbeholden - - 3,619 comments

In case anyone was wondering the Occident means The West. It's based on the Western Canon which explains the philosophies that underpin the West as a whole. It's almost entirely called by most observers and by some of its greatest adherents as Platonism and Romanticism.

As for anti West, that's easy to identify. It's feminism and progressivism. People need to read on Occult Feminism by Rachel Wilson. She also has a YouTube channel discussing all the secret hidden history, philosophy and stances of feminism from its very beginnings. Feminists or the most prominent feminists where for pro-choice, for easy quick divorce, against the nuclear family, and that escalated into second wave feminism for rampant promiscuity. James Lindsay podcasts on feminism is a excellent listen as well. A feminist talking point is that women where never allowed to own property or allowed to have inheritance rights, those are false. Women where on the other hand protected from acruing debt. All major expenses that put into debt where attributed to the husband. Also women are unequally treated, but in their favor, compared to men. Feminists also want equal outcomes but that was tried before, it was called communism. Abortion, feminism, contraception, promoting lgbt movement for nontraditional lifestyles, and mass immigration. These are instrumental for reducing birthrates. Which has caesed to go below replacement levels.

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TheUnbeholden Creator
TheUnbeholden - - 3,619 comments

Auster argues that the implicit underpinning of the US constitution should be made explicit:

See also the work of Jim Kalb, whose work influenced Auster and whom shares his outlook.

Basically the ideas are that manners and customs, religion and tradition, morality/values, ideology and worldview, and land/nation are all a sense of shared identity and a way of life that should be protected rather then something that can be easily changed when the demographics of America changes. Ie we should protect something more then federal power to protect states on issues of defence, foreign relations, and economic development. It needs to protect what created America, what I would assert is the tradition, patriotic nationalism to protect the culture, and a basis for capitalism which is the voluntary trade within markets, technological development, efficiency, competition and recognition of the ideology of individualism. Individualism is the idea that we work on ourselves and fulfill our potential to become the best we can be for ourselves and families.

Also, morals are the individualism, power and freedom, the common beliefs in regards to these pragmatic or realistic virtues is important for survival and to compete in the market – the common beliefs of a shared identity (nationalism), individualism (capitalism) and observing and living in accordance with the eternal laws of nature (traditionalism) should define human societies and link generations together by that which we honor; family, freedom, truth and well-being. The enhancement of the collective well-being and needs should be the primary purpose of society and its representatives in the political world which can help or hinder that purpose.

The idea of morality as obligations means we own our body and mind, and through the use of our minds we can pursue our happiness. After taking care of our needs and essentials, our minds, if its recognized to belong to us, we can then fulfill our interests and happiness by the pursuit our social obligations. These obligations are to our family, tribe, village, state, and nation.

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