Set in a futuristic cartoon-like world where rocketlauncher-wielding pigs and lasergun-carrying cyberpunks roam the streets, Warsow is a completely free fast-paced first-person shooter (FPS) for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Speed and movement, that's what Warsow is all about. Like a true cyberathlete you jump, dash, dodge and walljump your way through the game. Grab those power-ups before your enemy does, plant the bomb before anyone sees you, and steal the enemy's flag before anyone knows what's going on! A handful of popular gametypes come shipped with Warsow, like Capture the Flag, Team Deathmatch, Clan Arena, Instagib and Duel. Warsow invites you to add to this list, by creating your own custom gametypes with the brand new gametype scripting system! Please post all support issues in the forums for the game.


Warsow is a free standalone first person shooter game for Windows, Mac and Linux. It is based on the Qfusion 3D engine (a modification of the Quake 2 GPL engine), and aimed on the competitive scene, or the e-sports community. The base gameplay is focussed around the art of movement, meaning moving, speed and tricks play a big part in the gameplay. Besides this, map control, aim, teamplay and fragging skills play their role too. For the movement we've basicly looked at four games: Quakeworld (legendary for it's speed), Quake3 CPMA, Jet Set Radio and Speedball. Visually, we try to cater to the fast gameplay Warsow provides. To keep the focus on competitive gaming, visibility is an important aspect in Warsow. Using a cel-shaded, cartoon-like style on the maps, textures, and models we try to combine good visibility, suitable for competitive gameplay, with having a unique, attractive and personal style. We try to keep the graphic effects minimalistic, clear and visible.

Warsow 0.4 for Windows and Linux
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