We are happy to announce that Spartan will be available on the PS4 this July! XB1 and steam will follow shortly after. Spartan is an epic 2d platformer powered by UE4 and it is the first ever paper2d game to be released on consoles. Featuring silky smooth animations, pixel perfect controls, challenging gameplay, huge non linear levels and an awesome original soundtrack , Spartan is taking classic platforming to the next level, UE4 Turbocharged style! Help King Leo recover his City -State stolen goods and punish whoever is behind this... With only your trusty shield and sword to protect you, you will face ferocious mythical monsters and bone snapping traps in this intense platforming adventure! Are you up to the challenge?


This updated demo is limited to 100 turns and includes 3 tutorial missions, plus 3 campaign missions.

Spartan Demo (100 turns)
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