As Dr. Gordon Freeman, you were last seen exiting City 17 with Alyx Vance as the Citadel erupted amidst a storm of unknown proportions. In Episode Two, you must battle and race against Combine forces as you traverse the White Forest to deliver a crucial information packet stolen from the Citadel to an enclave of fellow resistance scientists.

RSS Reviews  (50 - 60 of 551)


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A great part of a great game...


Really love this game to death, as it adds more tools to the Source SDK tool, adding on to the great Half-Life 2 storyline and leaving a lot of players raging for Valve leaving them off on a cliffhanger and never making another sequel! 10/10

Why is this so addicting? It's 5 chapters. Why do I have 60 hours logged for it?

The great continuation of Dr. Freeman's Adventures !!! You will find an updated Engine in this game, featuring new better physics, better shader and sprite effects and other small additionals.


one of the best games in the series. new enemies, characters and story. Half-life 2 episode 2 is a fantastic finale to the Half-life franchise ending on a cliff hanger that will never be solved. one little thing though. is valve trying to avoid the number 3? Half-life 2, Half-life 2 episode 1 and half life 2 episode 2. very shady. -_-


Improved over the almost over the almost hard to be improved. Easily most improved than Episode One ¡¡¡but need a secuel immediately!!!.
Im don't wanna begin to think of the future of Valve, but is hard not make speculations about this company.


The fantastic conclusion to Valve's Half-Life saga. Continue where Gordon and Alyx left off in Half-Life 2: Episode One, this time they're in a pretty forest and they make their way to the Rebel HQ in White Forest.


The second mission after Half Life 2.

Valve did another great job. Solid gameplay. And the minute details in this game are incredible.

And its great to get out of City 17...well whats left of it anyway.
Gordon Freeman has to be one of the most destructive theoretical physicists I have ever heard of.

I think the best thing I can add in way of a review, is that is is nice to see the mission continuing so fluidly and purposefully.

Some added elements to the HL2 adventure really shine.

I can think of one thing to add though...

With Gordon being so silent, and a bit of somewhat dull NPC dialog -
what about some Monty Python humor?

Oh, there is plenty of opportunity.

I found myself sticking things in NPC's heads to liven things up.

If you dont have this or Episode 1 - or any of HL2, go for a bundle.

The HL2 game-verse is thoroughly enjoyable.

good game