As Dr. Gordon Freeman, you were last seen exiting City 17 with Alyx Vance as the Citadel erupted amidst a storm of unknown proportions. In Episode Two, you must battle and race against Combine forces as you traverse the White Forest to deliver a crucial information packet stolen from the Citadel to an enclave of fellow resistance scientists.

RSS Reviews  (20 - 30 of 551)

car go forward

Great expansion!

One of the best siquels


Looks great. Little short and unresolved. Only real issue is I found the revolver before the suit so I could not switch weapons (back to crowbar) and wasted the revolver ammo to get the suit.

Good game. Realy.


Gekkota says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

Half Life 2: Episode 2 is a combat game in both closed and open stages

Direct sequel to Half Life 2: Episode 1 (very oriented to a cooperative style) we start on a train as usual and we immediately meet Alyx who gives us the anti-gravity weapon, again Half Life delights us with her a little direct exposure (not letting us advance before the explosion), after a short tour we continue to be introduced to that enemy that we had already seen in Half Life 2 Ep 1, the Hunters.

In a very somber and well-set way, they introduce us to the "Hunters" in all their splendor, from there "something" happens that forces us to move forward with another character (continuing with the cooperation as in the previous installment), we enter a mine that It will precede a set of scenarios focused on terror due to its once again incredible setting where Half Life makes those enemies that we killed with "ease" in previous installments become much more formidable due to the scenarios and lack of weapons (as happened with the Stryder from the end of Episode 1) to later face the real challenge, an army of Stryder, which we must avoid at all costs from reaching the Magnuson Rocket (a new character out of nowhere).


such great memories with this episode and so as the others!



This game is the best all-time classic FPS game ever.

Deserves 4 for trolling gamers for more than a decade with that ending. Otherwise it had some real nice visuals...and that's it. No guns back from beta nothing, "aftermath" ended with episode 2 and episode 3 nowhere because valve didn't think it would be profit enough or some ****. At least hl2 had the decency of having some actual ending. This not. Also "Source" engine and the title of this game instead of Half life 2 Aftermath ep2 are one of the long standing sins of valve among gaming, for "reinventing" words 1984 style that is prevalent in the theme of this game anyway...they put something in the water to make you forget.