Episode One follows scientist Gordon Freeman and his companion Alyx Vance as they fight in humanity's continuing struggle against the transhuman race known as the Combine. When the story begins, Gordon wakes up outside the enemy's base of operations, the Citadel, after being left unconscious from the concluding events of Half-Life 2. During the course of the game, Gordon travels with Alyx as they attempt to evacuate the city.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 225)

A necessary expansion. Don't spend too much time looking for mods though, as most of them are made for HL1, HL2, or HL2 E2.

Just like Half-Life 2, Episode one is awesome, some epic eye-pleasing chapters, overall just kicks ***.

But, the one thing I hate about Episode one, the one and only thing...just when you're getting into it - it ends. That and there's not much for new weapons or enemies. That is why I'm giving it an 8/10.

Be sure to buy this (or the Orange Box), so you can continue on with the Half-Life 2 experience, you won't regret it!


Weakest part of HL2-trilogy... but it doesn't mean that it isn't good

Deserves an 8.

The game itself was pretty small, but it's still pretty good.
I advise you to buy it. Like. Now.

this is one of my favorite games ever!

I think releasing these as episodes was a bad idea. There should have just been a Half-Life 3.
The last episode (episode 3) isnt even out yet.
But its still a fun game.

Starting to feel less like Half-Life though. Some changes i like, some i dislike.
Having a lovely companion follow you throughout most of the game is good. Fighting aliens can get pretty lonely.

However i dont like how most of the first half of Ep1 I was stuck with the gravity gun. I kept wondering where the hell is my crowbar.

Ahhhh old times i liked this.

This game is at times good, at other bad. I liked the new enemies, but, on the other hand, the return to the Citadel (it's like the 3 first chapters) is not too interesting. Nothing to say about the models and textures, because there are no differences. Again appears that annoying Aux Power for Oxygen, Sprint and Flashlight, that doesn't make easier use more of 2 functions at a time. The plot goes by slowly and it becames more entertaining at the final chapter. In a nutshell, I think the only remarkable thing is the plot progress.

A worthy sequel to Half-Life 2. I love the overall tone of Episode One, as well as watching Alyx and Gordon's relationship develop.