Episode One follows scientist Gordon Freeman and his companion Alyx Vance as they fight in humanity's continuing struggle against the transhuman race known as the Combine. When the story begins, Gordon wakes up outside the enemy's base of operations, the Citadel, after being left unconscious from the concluding events of Half-Life 2. During the course of the game, Gordon travels with Alyx as they attempt to evacuate the city.

Post news Report RSS Halfquake Rebirth - September 2021 Update

"I'm really sorry for not posting anything for two years" Edition.

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Now, before we get to the core of things. I offer sincere apologies to everyone that followed this mod for the past three years. These past years have been hard on me, and i couldn't keep up with both work, school, and my personal life. It was stresful, but i managed through it.

I feel into a deep depression following my percieved lack of success with the mod. I wasn't myself, really. Though i've abandoned Halfquake Rebirth, i've done other things during that time, but i felt empty. I needed to return to my flagship mod. And so, i have returned, carrying both bad, and good news.

Bad News

Straight to the point, i haven't done a lot of work for the past year. I'm really sorry for it.

This mod is my most important piece of work, without it, i wouldn't be here..

Good News

I'm going to ensure the mod is finished, in one way or another.
To pull this off, i will need your support, more on that later.


We will begin by looking at the maps.






That's the maps, in a new presentation style.

Now, you're probably wondering what i've been doing before now.

The anwser is...

Tactical Thot Exterminators

A wacky mod, by Team Telvy

I joined up as a level designer, and enviromental artist!



Ending Notes and Links

Thank you so much for reading this article, which is very important to me, and i hope, you too!

I greatly appreciate your support, whether you just found out this project exists, or were following it for an entire year! Thank you.

I highly suggest you join my Discord server!

Here are some links which may of interest for you:

And this concludes our pseudo-monthly sadism exercise!
Have a nice day, and remember to fall into the nearest trap when possible!

Unofficial Copyright 2021 ASTATINE ENTERTAINMENT

Post comment Comments
muddasheep - - 61 comments

Looks great, i like the new art direction! Keep up the good work, Jancias!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
SellFace - - 108 comments

“ I feel into a deep depression following my percieved lack of success with the mod.”

Man, I feel you, sadly, sourcemodding isn’t getting as much attention nowadays as it used to. I perfectly know this feeling when you work on something for months or even years and you definitely expect just a bit of feedback afterwards, but end up barely noticed. I used to say stuff like “you’ve been doing it for yourself first” or “you just don’t notice your success” and all that is still kinda true.
A wise man once told me that you must believe, that there is a person you made happy with your project, think about someone actually understanding and appreciating your project, but you just don’t know about it.
Faith is essential
That was my 2 cents. Good luck with further development and keep on modding💪

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muddasheep - - 61 comments

Very well said 👋

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8472 - - 860 comments

Nice screenshots. It's always great to see people still working with Source. For a while, it felt like everybody had moved onto other things. Keep up the good work.

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R.Bell - - 50 comments

Aah, Back when Halfquake wasn't a pretentious nihilistic arthouse mess, but rather a difficult, yet fun trap mod where you have to die.

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muddasheep - - 61 comments

I think there was a pretentious nihilistic arthouse mess in the first Halfquake too: Youtu.be

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DevinShadowV - - 532 comments

Hey it looks amazing take all the time you need to get it done.

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ApornasPlanet - - 4,132 comments

Welcome back!

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misterkowi - - 1 comments

I'm really looking forward to this one! I really dig the visual style, dude!
If you need some music/ambience for this, write me on discord! (I really would like to do the behind the scenes ambient music[?] [in the original release its "At the Heart of it All" by Aphex Twin / Nine Inch Nails]).
Please keep up the good work and please please please don't let it fizzle out! It has so much potential!

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