In this action adventure tale of historical fiction, players take on the role of Morgan Black and his family, struggling against the hostile wilderness and a mysterious cult that's crept in from Europe. In a series of 24 scenarios divided into three acts, Morgan Black and his descendants help the Aztecs resist conquest by Spanish conquistadors, pit the French against the British in the French and Indian War and help Simon Bolivar lead revolutions in South America.


Updated Version of Bonus Expansion Pack. Includes New Natives to ally with on special custom maps. Matches work online if all players have it installed! Also includes New Revolutions.

Bonus Expansion Pack 1.1a (July 22)
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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

Why did my mods become popular and influential?

Because I turned it from an unimportant, unserious AI game mod

into a serious mod about Nation States. This means that I chose

important matters before I chose game related matters;

for Age of Empires III, I chose to represent cultures by unit choices.

It means that each unit that the AI builds or trains reflects

some measure of equality to that game mode in fact and style.

The modern Nation State is a new concept from the 1850s,

one where a common language, a common history, and an elite society

control the direction of the democracy. This is done at the expense

of what people think, and it is the elite society that 'guides'

and 'governs' the people to follow their every whim.

So onto the AI game mod. It is very intelligent if you let it build.

It makes for great single player games and some good multiplayer play.

There are three versions for the original game, three for N3O Patch.

But most importantly, each AI player represents their distinctive cultures,

without hampering the representation of the others, neither by foul play,

nor by misportrayal! Each AI is represented fairly according to what they have.

This creates a zone of where the AI players can actually match humans.

It can be a problem if they are too hard to beat. At the same time,

it is a blessing if they cannot be beaten so easily! Each player

is valuable in the team game, and each computer player can double

for someone not present. This means it buys time. It saves time.

And most importantly it creates time; it creates free time.

This free time can be spared up to playing the game less,

with more enjoyment and less hectic stress.

I have even heard of those who play exclusively on single player,

with one of my custom AIs. This is a good surplus energy,

because it means that not only I but many others can know

of the significance of playing a Custom AI game, without

the pressure to change up to other players' expectations.

They can take as many pauses as they want; they can take

as many toilet breaks as they want; they can pause the game

for dinner; they can play the game 'forever' and not 'never';

they can create fun single player decks with Homecity Cards;

they can play over and over and have unlimited replay value of their game!

Altogether Nation States are important to represent

because they define central governments, and not the baby governments

of communities and/or localities. They represent official status;

so AIs that depict them as central to a nation's progress

clearly indicate also that central government includes people.

And this means that game representation can actually

trump real representation of countries' governments.

It can effectively represent people, who are marginalized

in a democracy, or who are silenced, by representing them truthfully.

That said, game AI is a unique card to have the option to play.

A silenced majority can soon become a declared public.

It is this feature that I want to show here: that we represent ourselves!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

Why I used to play this game and why I developed my mods:

For I knew it was the case that they were Pharisees and needed to be Civilized and Christianized, so that they could have no enjoyment in the games that they played with their Overpowered Civs!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

Because before there would be unsportsmanlike conduct,

where someone would drop hack instead of letting you win

after you had legitimately won the game! And then they

wanted to have the balance changes in their favor,

because 'they had played more' and 'deserved to be listened to'.

That's why I created the AI! Initially I created a Mod with an AI,

but then after I got better from my sickness I decided

to opt for Map Modes and Custom AI that worked online,

with eventually a small mod that enabled new civilizations,

new treasures, and offered rebalance where the Map Modes could not.

And so with just myself and many anonymous testers,

I obtained what others could not do - highly ranked titles,

plus honor and fame and most important of all, gratitude from other people!

I now have three AI scripts that are competent, after designing one AI script,

and then expanding the economy and military through AIs like Horsemaster,

and then expanding it out to several scripts for the N3O Fan Patch,

which was the original mod, to which I merged many of the new features

from Bonus Expansion Pack, and also had up to date balance changes

to match with the Map Modes that I had constructed then recently!

With AI scripts that worked online, I was able to clime the scale

of becoming a better player, and also to regain my confidence in

my strategies myself, without needing other people as a doormat to play against!

I realized that playtesting versus AI and playing many AI scenarios,

meant that I could then derive what was the best strategy for high resource,

and what was appropriate for low resource games, without questioning others,

and without cancelling out other players from the goal of competition in-game.

So now with the Combination I can play Online without other people,

just Online versus other AI players, and on Bonus Expansion Pack,

and still have credit and the ability to advertise my products!

Because they are free they are worthwhile all the more,

though it is difficult to convince everyone of their value,

because 'if they don't pay it doesn't count'!

But with those who are happy with it I am glad!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

After installing a new update with new treasures (nuggets) and new maptypes, be sure to restart your computer if you want the AI to take treasures as normal during a game. Then play as normal and it will go smoothly!

Good Gaming everyone!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

What I want to say today will be short, but simple. To be a Liberal is a religion; it does not claim to be a religion. A person cannot be Liberal and Christian, because to be Liberal is to have a religion of un-religion. And the second thing, it takes forever to be accepted by Liberals. I'm saying this with gaming in mind. If you ever ask a Liberal person to contribute they will say, 'it's not good enough,' or 'I prefer the later edition'. It is never helpful or useful or resourceful, but always about how someone will provide. And usually they want money for modding, unlike myself. There are things I'd like to do for money, but modding is not one of them. So I find that with people, it is good to be flexible - yes that is a good thing, but not to be Liberal.

When I've asked people to contribute from time to time, it has been difficult for them to give anything without wanting everything back in return on their home plate. It is difficult to argue against them in their heyday, because they will always twist the argument to make themselves right. The difference between flexibility and liberal attitudes, means for the person not accountable, that 'they have a right to speak'; 'they have a right to be heard'; but when they actually are going to listen to feedback, they just say 'shut up', or try to hush up or silence the minority with their talk. My experience teaches me to side with the weaker parties, and to side with the unimportant people, and my aim has been never to be popular, but always to be honest.

Anyways thanks for the read! And Good Gaming everyone!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

To mention I want to speak about modding:

To get mods working online originally, all one had to do was copy in modified AI into AI3 and not change the Handicaps for the level one played on online, all one had to do to was copy and paste mod files into the game directory in Program Files, Data and Art and Sound, and not modify original random maps, and include backup if one wanted to uninstall. All one had to do to get resource rebalance on maps was to change the resource start in the civs file, instead of changing what was on random map scripts. And all one had to do to get random map scripts working was to copy custom ones into RM3 in My Documents - My Games - Age of Empires III. It was frustrating to find out the hard way, of how many ways it could not work, when there was no support except from other modders and mod fanatics. And new civs would work if one added them in, as long as one had a homecity file for single player, and included them in the techtree file, civs file, and copied and existing text description from the stringtable into the randommapstrings extension file, and then changed that text to what one wanted to do with that civ. And as along as there were existing art files, flags, homecity flags, and sound files, it could be done by adding it to the end of the sound file after one extracted it with AOE3H. So modding was very possible in the early stages of the game development, as long as there were no patches or updates that would mess up the changes made in the mini-mod or AI. And random map scripts, if done correctly, will always work every time, and AI will work 90% of the time with variation in it's algoritm for the remaining 10% of the time. So what I found is that apart from having to re-select a map on multiplayer if it's a custom map and the other player doesn't have it, and having to log off and log on back to ESO and reselect the map to get the other player to get it and get it working, anything could have been done if it didn't modify the original random maps. So you could tentatively have 500+ Custom Maps, as long as they used existing terrain, equivalent animals, or had custom treasures made for them and custom native sites that used in-game art files and duplicates to make the game mode come alive!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

What I will speak about today is the gaming porn culture in AOE3.

This is an utter shame! The gaming culture of porn in AOE3 is not good or healthy for gamers in the long run, they can instead of have a normal married relationship and have their bedtime with their wife. It is destructive and moral suicide to encourage this culture amongst gamers, and even though there was no reason for this 10-15 years ago, this is the way it became because there were no rules established about goes.

All it is is an exchange on the couch!

1-2-3 Up and Down!

My father's family are Catholics, and I'm Protestant. I challenged a couple at Norwegian folk high school, instead of living together, to rather get married, because I said, 'it's just the next step.' The gaming culture is filled with this immorality and there was originally no reason for it, just undefined rules.

Good Gaming everyone!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

The French were always Civil and Chivalrous, they wore wigs on their head and always made sure that the other side had an opportunity to beat them! Every competition and conflict they made with other people was in order to advance their science projects! It could not be glorious, unless they were proper gentlemen, and yes the English were always very proper. They also wore wigs and said others that 'they rejoiced that they had finally come to such maturity as they could start shooting each other'. And the Spanish they were Papist, and all the forms of Colonialism were in fact different forms of Christianity. They aimed to colonize and evangelize the natives at the same time, and prevent the other countries from evangelizing them to their form of Christianity. And they had to wear wigs when they did this, in order that they might have diplomacy and war. The pointless French Ideal.

I really did insist upon this, that this was true when I was 15 years old!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

I was first confronted about Freemasonry by my Grandmother, and I took to some thinking. She said it was very evil, but I only had played that type of game with people. So I looked into it, and Freemasonry claims to be the way to Heaven, and I was not surprised too see some of my suspicions become grounded, as the teachings deal with putting yourself first and that you can become a god. I asked my Uncle's friend, and he said, 'no those are the roman gods'. Later not too long ago I was playing a game with a fellow gamer, and he said 'then you can become grand master, so that you can rule.' I said 'not like a scheming freemason,' and that I make these AI scripts to beat people like him. He said the AI was too easy, but wondered if I could make it do 'culv-micro', so that he could use it to win every game. I said I was not interested.

But thanks be to God in Christ Jesus! That I was able to overcome this. I always like supporting the unimportant, I can't stand the worldly titles of honor and fame in real life!

I also want to warn other gamers from joining gamer clans, because they don't improve people, and that unless they are strictly a group of friends who know each other in real life, that they have no moral accountability towards each other or other people they meet on the internet. That said, I respect my time in N3O, as something that opened up for me in high school, but am happy that the ordeal is all over and that I can be just once again myself.

Good Gaming everyone!

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Justus_Pacificia Author
Justus_Pacificia - - 117 comments

I used to play games in such a way as to make people have the right Christianity, and play as one of the worst civilizations, and beat them when they play the best civilization. And then I would have to do this in beat with the music, and synchronize my attacks to make sure that I was doing everything on time. The inevitable torture of making their units melt before my onslaught was in fact, to teach them proper Christian theology. To make the game a professional witch-hunt; to be a professional witch-hunter - this was indeed my profession.

Getting +1 to your boarding rolls against the Cursed.

I also played WizKids Pirates of the Revolution, Pirates of the Spanish Main, Pirates of the Crimson Coast, and got many booster packs, and now I also have Pirates of the Mysterious Islands, Pirates at Ocean's Edge, Pirates of Davy Jones Curse, and many Icebergs and Fog Banks from other sets. I like board games better than I like Video Games, so I designed my scenario setups like a board game, and made them fun with interactive AI that tries to play like a person.

I also like to play Rome Total War, and have made my mods for that, both a Campaign Mod, and a Unit Stats Mod. I like anything with fantasy, as long as there is equal chance for all players to win!

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