Titan is a game engine developed by Stainless Steel Studios used in the real-time strategy genre. It was mainly used as a PC game engine in the early 2000s. The engine was used in Stainless Steel Studio's first couple games, such as Empire Earth and Empires: Dawn of the Modern World.

SSSI described their engine on their website (before it shut down) at the day of its release. They said it would handle all objects in the gaming world, has an integrated scenario editor, a powerful mulitplayer mode and communicator, built-in artificial intelligence and 3D graphics. The engine was announced in May 2004, and was designed by SSSI, whose head designer is Rick Goodman, the designer of Empire Earth and Age of Empires. SSSI's last game made using this engine was Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War. Since SSSI has closed its doors, its website, the original Titan website, and any information about Titan 2.0 has for the most part has disappeared. Little more is known about the original game processor[clarification needed], other than that it was used in some of the Empire series, such as Empire Earth.

After its press release, the engine was promptly purchased by Tilted Mill Entertainment, a small production company out of Massachusetts. The engine was also available out for purchase to anyone for US$250,000 at its release.

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The Stuffing Bundle

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Are you craving great indie games with a side of stuffing? Look no further than the Stuffing Bundle from Indie Royale, featuring five great games that will leave you wanting seconds! Included in this bundle is gorgeous cardboard/clay point and click adventure The Dream Machine (Chapters 1-3!); Telltale Games' adventure sequel with a Layton-esque puzzle twist, Puzzle Agent 2; an in-depth civilization building gem from Tilted Mill, Children of the Nile: Enhanced Edition; reverse tower defense game Anomaly: Warzone Earth from 11 Bit Studios; and cleverly crafted Metroidvania title Adventure Apes and the Mayan Mystery!

[To find out more about the games included in this bundle, tune into Streamlicious, a 100-hour indie game stream for charity. Watch gameplay for all of the games included in this bundle on November 23rd. Also during this game stream, win one of ten donated Indie Royale Stuffing Bundle keys.]

Featured in this tasty bundle are the first 3 chapters in the point and click adventure from Cockroach, The Dream Machine - available for Windows and Mac on Steam, Desura and DRM-free. Play Victor and Alicia, who have just moved into a new apartment during a major transition in their life (they have a baby on the way!) only to find that the quiet unassuming apartment may have more to it than meets the eye. Set in both reality and an unforgettable dream-world, one of the most distinctive features of the game is that all of the cast and sets are hand-made from clay and cardboard. This labor of love offers elements typically found in point and click adventures: interesting dialogue, item collection, and puzzles, along with atmospheric music and a compelling story-line. Ars Technica calls The Dream Machine a title "that's elevated by a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere and subtly ominous sound design."

Also included is Layton-esque puzzle adventure sequel from Telltale Games, Puzzle Agent 2, available for Windows and Mac on Steam, Desura and DRM-free (Puzzle Agent 1 was featured in our July Jubilee Bundle!) Play FBI puzzle agent Nelson Tethers, while he tries to uncover what’s really going on with the mysterious disappearances in tiny Scoggins, Minnesota, after the FBI closed the case. Offering unique puzzle mechanics, Puzzle Agent 2 uncovers additional mysteries via new plot additions such as haunting visions of astronauts in the woods while wrapping up unresolved mysteries from Puzzle Agent 1. Features of the game include excellent voice acting, unique art from Graham Annable and puzzles abound. Don’t forget your chewing gum! Gamezebo praises Puzzle Agent 2 calling it "a game that offers everything fans of the first could want in a sequel."

The next game in this bundle is city builder Children of the Nile: Enhanced Edition from Tilted Mill - available for Windows on Steam, Desura and DRM-free (alongside its OST!). It’s built on a different premise than most city builders in that the game is an accurate simulation of life in ancient Egypt and centers on the citizens instead of the buildings. Play the Pharaoh and build up prestige over thousands of years by exploring and building monuments using surplus bread (currency) which you receive in the form of taxes. The more your citizens thrive, the more bread you’ll receive - which enables you to build out your empire and achieve immortality. Games Radar says of Children of the Nile "seeing your population grow and prosper is certainly rewarding, engrossing and even a little educational."

The next dish in this bundle will leave you stuffed - 11 Bit Studios’ unique post-apocalyptic game Anomaly: Warzone Earth, available for Windows, Mac and Linux on Steam, Desura and DRM-free, offers a unique twist on tower defense where you’ll play on the offensive. Rather than building towers to force units through a path, you create a path for units to destroy towers. While having no direct control over your convoy, you’ll use power-ups, careful resource management, ability management, and route-planning to save the world from an extraterrestrial invasion. Play the commander of the 14th platoon of a futuristic British army whose sole purpose is to keep the earth safe from extraterrestrials by finding and destroying alien structures in Tokyo and Baghdad. Destructoid praises Anomaly: Warzone Earth: "[e]very element of the game has such a high level of polish that it turns Anomaly: Warzone Earth into a standard that anyone, whether it's a small indie team or a publisher-owned 100-man studio, should strive to match."

The last dish to save room for in the Stuffing Bundle is retro-inspired platform adventure from ScaryPotato, Adventure Apes and the Mayan Mystery - available for Windows on Desura and DRM-free (and its MIDI OST!). Play as Mitch as you quest through the jungle to stop Horatio Hawk from escaping the Mayan temple with a magical artifact. This game flawlessly executes on platform exploration, offering challenging bosses, fun graphics and hours of gameplay. DIY Gamer says that Adventure Apes "is great fun and there (are) obviously plenty of things to explore and learn as you make your way around the Mayan temples on your knuckles."

Finally, those who pay $8 USD or their currency equivalent during the Stuffing Bundle will get a chiptune album with soothing synthesizer melodies, jazz fusion and progressive rock sensibilities 'Tree of Knowledge' from yogurtbox - a $10 value on its own! This unique album, available as part of an Indie Royale partnership with seminal chiptune label Ubiktune, was developed as an homage to distinctly retro Japanese PC-98 game soundtracks.

You can find more information on the Stuffing Bundle, including real-time statistics and its current price, on its official website or via its Facebook and Twitter pages. Grab this delicious bundle now while the price is still low (unless kind purchasers lower the price) before you’re stuffed!

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