1. #1
    Fluffy Kitten Stoy's Avatar
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    Hearthstone Blizzcon Virtual Ticket Rewards

    Hearthstone Blizzcon Virtual Ticket Rewards
    Blizzard has revealed the Hearthstone in game goodies included with the virtual ticket. This year you will receive a special card back and 2 free packs from each previous expansion!

    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)

    The Tavern in bustling in excitement for BlizzCon 2018! Come inside, pull up a chair, and get ready to open up some packs—we’ve got some special Hearthstone gifts for all BlizzCon attendees and Virtual Ticket holders, available in-game today.

    Kick off the celebration with a special new BlizzCon 2018 card back. Then fill out your Hearthstone collection with a bundle of card packs, containing two packs from the Classic, The Witchwood, Kobolds & Catacombs, Knights of the Frozen Throne, and Journey to Un’Goro sets—a total of 10 card packs in all!

    There’s a whole cache of loot waiting for you in other Blizzard games as well:

    • Overwatch ��� Demon Hunter Sombra Legendary Skin
    • Heroes of the Storm – Nexus Razorgrin Mount and Spray, BlizzCon 2018 Banner and Portrait
    • World of Warcraft – Mantle of the Horde and Alliance, Stormwind and Orgrimmar Champion’s War Banners; plus, play the BlizzCon WoW Classic Demo at home this November.

    We’ll have more exciting in-game rewards to tell you about for other Blizzard games in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!

  2. #2
    That is actually kind of a snazzy cardback.

  3. #3
    coming from the perspective of only buying the vticket for the "bonuses", this year is just looking worse and worse. kind of feels like blizzard isn't trying.

  4. #4
    The Lightbringer Dartz1979's Avatar
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    I hope the diablo goody is a nice one.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by aceperson View Post
    coming from the perspective of only buying the vticket for the "bonuses", this year is just looking worse and worse. kind of feels like blizzard isn't trying.
    But why would you come from that perspective? That's like paying for movie tickets because you just want to watch a couple trailers.

  6. #6
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    I like the cardback, and ten packs is pretty decent. Gonna start using that cardback now!

  7. #7
    This is $29.9 worth of card packs.. not bad, not bad at all. $19.9 if you take into account the ticket is more expensive this year.

    It's a pity I'm no longer playing Hearthstone anymore.

  8. #8
    lol another dissapointing bonuses.

    its like they are going for a record of how much shitty it can be.

    only diablo left for a complete dissapointment.

  9. #9
    yawn.... call me when they are making a virtual ticket a winnable item FROM Warcraft the Gathering card packs....

  10. #10
    only stupid stuff inside this years ticket.. guess they bet all on people paying for classic demo lol

    well first time since blizzcon virtual ticket is out that i will have to pass , cause i can watch the stream for free or get the info 2 min later on mmo champ and the items are all useless / boring this year

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by tyrlaan View Post
    But why would you come from that perspective? That's like paying for movie tickets because you just want to watch a couple trailers.
    Personally, it's always fun to watch the live panels and what not, but any pertinent information is available almost instantly, at least if they offer some good bonus things it makes paying that kind of money more worth while. I play Warcraft, we get a cloak and a flag? And there isn't an expansion being announced, it's much too soon. So for me, it just doesn't feel worth the price of admission. Just my opinion of course. I may reconsider after I see what the other games offer, but WoW is my focus. Hearthstone people though, that seems like a pretty great bonus for you guys.

  12. #12
    Field Marshal monteiro's Avatar
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    A mechancial... shark...mount... Fuck me

  13. #13
    I got the card back, but not the card packs. Anyone else who has this issue?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by kamuimac View Post
    lol another dissapointing bonuses.

    its like they are going for a record of how much shitty it can be.

    only diablo left for a complete dissapointment.
    Hearthstone always gets either a card back or a golden legendary. This is the first time they also give bonus packs. Which is nice IMO.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowsz View Post
    I got the card back, but not the card packs. Anyone else who has this issue?
    Same, i just got the cardback and not the packs.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by monteiro View Post
    A mechancial... shark...mount... Fuck me
    That mount in WoW would have got me to buy the ticket,but since it's not that's some money saved.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by tyrlaan View Post
    But why would you come from that perspective? That's like paying for movie tickets because you just want to watch a couple trailers.
    Because all the info is available elsewhere. Hell you can watch the opening ceremony without a ticket and see the big announcements and get the details as mmo-champ live blogs it. Or find live streams of it online.

    There's always been a murloc pet - mounts were a nice difference because it's something you can use continuously. Toys and a cloak mog (I've had my cloak turned off on my main for the last 5 years) are not. The other bonuses hold no interest for me, so at the end of the day I buy the blizzcon ticket for that WoW item really.

    Just this year I'm not.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowsz View Post
    I got the card back, but not the card packs. Anyone else who has this issue?
    Same here.

  19. #19
    Epic! Whitedragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tyrlaan View Post
    But why would you come from that perspective? That's like paying for movie tickets because you just want to watch a couple trailers.
    Idk... I remember buying 5 of my friends + myself movie tickets to go see YU-GI-OH & the pyramid of light, because they gave out 1 of 4 exclusive cards per ticket, and I wanted them all.... Movie was okay but I really wanted the cards lol...

    That being said I'm more into blizzcon for the con, hype, and info rather then the goodies, and I also play all of blizzards games so I seem to do better then the average joe as it goes for free stuff...

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Dartz1979 View Post
    I hope the diablo goody is a nice one.
    It will be the Necromancer. I'm waiting for the reveal, my WoW and Diablo3 are on different battle.net accounts.

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