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The Mayor works closely with employers and adult learning providers to ensure that adult learning courses meet the needs of the economy and Londoners.

By collaborating with business partners, the Mayor is able to identify the most important employability skills to employers themselves.

Find out how our skills offer can help your business.

We're helping Londoners access training and employment opportunities in creative, digital, green, health and hospitality

Person filming at Young People's Action Group event

The Construction Academy will help more Londoners access construction skills training and fill jobs in the sector.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan at Skills Strategy Construction Academy launch event

The programme is offering free, flexible courses of up to 16 weeks. Learners will be offered a job interview after completing the course.

Young man and woman talking at Future Skills event

The London Multiply programme supports Londoners with limited numeracy qualifications access essential numeracy skills training for free.

Blue "Let's work it out." slogan on a green sticky-note graphic, on a dark blue background

Working together to offer more opportunities to young Londoners

Find out what the Good Work Standard is, why it's important for your business and how you can become accredited.

Woman working on wood at Skills Strategy Construction Academy launch event

Find out more about our London Careers Hubs and how they can help to improve careers outcomes for young people.

Teacher and student discussing information found on laptop

The benefits of hiring an apprentice, London business case studies, funding opportunities and how to get started.

GLA apprentices 2021 posing for group picture

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