Tagged in “Service Pages”

37 articles
  • Link your Service Page and LinkedIn Page

    Manage Pages and Service Pages

    LinkedIn Service Pages are dedicated landing pages that showcase your services and businesses. Linking your LinkedIn Page and Service Page offers a direct path for potential clients to view the services you provide:LinkedIn Pages are a platform…

  • Create a LinkedIn Service Page

    Service Pages

    To begin offering your services on LinkedIn, you’ll need to create a LinkedIn Service Page. LinkedIn Service Pages are dedicated landing pages that showcase your services and businesses at no cost, and operate on a request and proposal model…

  • Media specifications for LinkedIn Service Pages

    Service Pages

    When you add an image, video, or URL to your LinkedIn Service Page, there are several specifications for images, videos, and URLs that are recommended. Image specifications Images must be at least 1,128 x 376 pixels and formatted as PNG or JPG files…

  • LinkedIn Service Pages FAQs

    Service Pages

    LinkedIn Service Pages are free dedicated landing pages that showcase your services and businesses. Related tasks Learn more Freelancers and small business owners who offer a service can create a Service Page. Service Pages are available globally…

  • Get reviews for your LinkedIn services

    Service Pages

    To showcase your level of service to potential new clients, you can ask clients to review your services on LinkedIn. You can request reviews for your services in two ways: sending review invitations and marking projects as complete. Reviews are…

  • Get additional service requests on LinkedIn

    Service Pages

    When clients send a request for proposal to a specific service provider on LinkedIn, they can choose to send their request to additional similar providers at the same time. If you have a Premium Business subscription, you can turn on your Get more…

  • Add media to a LinkedIn Service Page

    Service Pages

    As a LinkedIn Service Page admin, you can add an image, video, or URL to showcase your services to potential clients. Related tasks Learn more To add media to your Service Page: After you add media, you can edit it by clicking the Pencil icon on…

  • Premium Business features for LinkedIn Service Pages

    Premium and Service Pages

    With LinkedIn Service Pages, service providers can offer professional services to LinkedIn members. Certain Service Page features are only available with a Premium Business subscription. The following table provides details on the features that are…

  • Get started shopping for services on LinkedIn

    Service Pages

    If you’re looking for a service, you can find service providers on LinkedIn with skills relevant to your project. You can start working with a provider by sending them a request for a proposal. You can also optionally send your request to additional…

  • Manage your LinkedIn services reviews status

    Service Pages

    Your LinkedIn Service Page review invitations can be managed from your admin view. You can view or withdraw review invitations, or message clients whom you’ve invited to review your level of service. Completed reviews will have a Reviewed on: date…

  • Best practices for writing a proposal for LinkedIn services

    Service Pages

    As a service provider on LinkedIn, potential clients can send you a request for proposal (RFP). Some tips for writing a LinkedIn services proposal in response to a service request include: Related tasks Learn more Reply within 24 hours of…

  • Before you request a LinkedIn service proposal

    Service Pages

    Before you request a proposal from a LinkedIn service provider, review the criteria below. If your project meets the following guidelines, requesting a proposal is likely a good fit for your needs: If the following descriptions apply to your project…

  • Unlink your Service Page and LinkedIn Page

    Service Pages

    If you’ve linked your LinkedIn Page with your Service Page, you can choose to unlink them. Unlinking the Pages removes the Service Page button from your LinkedIn Page. Related tasks Learn more To unlink your Service Page from your LinkedIn Page: To…

  • View and withdraw an invitation to review your LinkedIn services

    Service Pages

    Once you create a Service Page and start providing services, you can invite up to 20 past clients to write a review about your level of service. Sent invitations can be viewed and withdrawn. Withdrawn invitations don’t count toward your 20 reviews…

  • Manage your LinkedIn services project proposals

    Service Pages

    As a client, you can manage the proposals for the LinkedIn Service Page projects you created through your LinkedIn profile. You’ll also receive mobile app and email notifications when you receive proposals from service professionals. Related tasks…

  • Edit your LinkedIn Service Page

    Service Pages

    When you offer services on LinkedIn, your Service Page is a dedicated landing page that showcases your services and businesses. You can edit your Service Page at any time. Related tasks Learn more To edit your Service Page: To edit your Service Page…

  • Denied requests for LinkedIn Service Page proposals

    Service Pages

    You can find service providers on LinkedIn with skills relevant to your project. To start working with a provider, you can send them a request for a proposal. If a proposal doesn’t meet LinkedIn's requirements, it might be denied for the following…

  • Access your client projects as a LinkedIn service provider

    Service Pages

    Your LinkedIn Service Page admin view is a centralized place for you to manage projects with clients. A project is created in your admin view after you submit a proposal to a service request. You can view projects associated with your submitted…

  • Respond to requests for your services on LinkedIn

    Service Pages

    Your LinkedIn Service Page admin view is a centralized place to reply to service requests from prospective clients. You can submit a proposal in response to a client’s service request to start the process of working together. Alternatively, you…

  • Get started as a service provider on LinkedIn

    Service Pages

    Service providers can create a Service Page on LinkedIn. Service Pages are dedicated landing pages that showcase services and businesses to help you find potential clients, and operate on a request and proposal model. Potential clients can contact…

  • Manage your Open Profile settings as a Service Provider

    Service Pages

    Open Profile feature allows other LinkedIn members to message you for free, without using InMail messages. To enable this feature, you'll first have to get started as a Service Provider on LinkedIn. After you've started as a Service Provider, you'll…

  • Report a LinkedIn Service Page

    Report Pages and Service Pages

    At LinkedIn, we don't tolerate inappropriate activities or behavior such as spam, harassment, scams, and misinformation. We have Professional Community Policies which outline activities that are acceptable on the platform, and what is unacceptable…

  • Access your LinkedIn Service Page admin view

    Service Pages

    The LinkedIn Service Page admin view is a centralized place for you to manage requests from clients, projects you’ve submitted a proposal to, and a list of clients you’ve requested to review your level of service. Related tasks Learn more To go to…

  • Share a LinkedIn Service Page

    Service Pages

    Service providers can offer their services on LinkedIn by creating LinkedIn Service Pages. You can share a Service Page with your network. Share your own Service Page Share someone else’s Service Page Related tasks Learn more To share your Service…

  • Edit your LinkedIn service provider review

    Service Pages

    After you rate and review a LinkedIn service provider, you can edit your review. Providers can’t edit reviews that their clients wrote. Related tasks Delete your LinkedIn service provider review Review a LinkedIn service provider Learn more…

  • Report an inappropriate LinkedIn service proposal request

    Report Pages and Service Pages

    As a service provider on LinkedIn, members can request a proposal from you for one of your services. If you receive a request for a proposal that is inappropriate or offensive, you can report it to us. Please only report a request for proposal if it…

  • Best practices for selecting a LinkedIn service provider

    Service Pages

    You can find service providers on LinkedIn with skills relevant to your projects. Start working with a provider by sending them a request for a proposal (RFP). After you receive proposals, consider the following tips to help you select a provider:…

  • Offer and request services responsibly on LinkedIn

    Service Pages and Report Pages

    When you offer and request services with LinkedIn Service Pages, you must follow our User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies. Members should contribute to the community in a constructive manner. Before selecting a service provider, we…

  • Review a LinkedIn service provider

    Service Pages

    As a past client of a LinkedIn service provider, you can leave a review on their Service Page about the services you received. You can review the provider if the provider marks the project as complete or the provider sends you an invitation first…

  • Close a LinkedIn service provider project

    Service Pages

    When you finish work on a project as a LinkedIn service provider, you can close the project. You can either mark the project as complete or archive it: Complete - Project will be moved from the Active tab to the Completed tab. After you…

  • LinkedIn service provider response time and response rate FAQ

    Service Pages

    If a provider typically responds within a day of receiving an initial request for proposal from a buyer and/or responds to at least 80% of inquiries, their Service Page will show the note Usually responds within 24 hours and/or x% response rate…

  • Share a LinkedIn service provider review

    Service Pages

    Clients of service providers on LinkedIn can leave reviews on a provider’s Service Page. You can share a review that you received as a provider or a review that you wrote as a client. Related tasks Learn more To share a review:  To share a…

  • Turn off LinkedIn services reviews

    Service Pages

    When you offer services on LinkedIn, members can leave reviews on your Service Page. By default, all LinkedIn members can see the reviews on your Service Page. While we recommend leaving reviews turned on, you can turn off the reviews feature on for…

  • Unpublish your LinkedIn Service Page

    Service Pages

    To stop offering your services on LinkedIn, you’ll need to unpublish your LinkedIn Service Page. Unpublishing your Page will remove it from your profile and members’ feeds and from our service provider directory. Related tasks Learn more To…