Link your Service Page and LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 4 weeks ago

Who can use this feature?

To link your Service Page and LinkedIn Page, you must be the only admin on all LinkedIn Pages where you have an admin role. If you recently removed admins from your Page, it can take up to a week for LinkedIn to recognize this change.

LinkedIn Service Pages are dedicated landing pages that showcase your services and businesses.

Linking your LinkedIn Page and Service Page offers a direct path for potential clients to view the services you provide:

  • LinkedIn Pages are a platform where you post industry updates, job opportunities, information about life at your organization, and more. They're associated with an organization, not a personal profile.
  • LinkedIn Service Pages are dedicated landing pages that showcase your services and businesses. They're connected to your personal profile, not an organization. 
First, you’ll link the correct Service and LinkedIn Page. Then you’ll add a button to your LinkedIn Page that routes members to your Service Page.

Here's a tip

If you have a Premium Business subscription, you can also add a call-to-action button for your members to Request services on your personal profile. This can help to promote your services and drive traffic to your Service Page.

To link your Pages:

  1. Go to your LinkedIn Service Page admin view.

  2. Select the correct LinkedIn Page. 

  3. On the Providing services module, click Show details.

  4. On the Set up your Service Page module, click Link Page.

  5. Click the Link pages button.

  6. Once you receive a confirmation message, click the Add button to add a View Services button to your LinkedIn Page.

    • The View services button name will be selected, and your Service Page URL will auto-populate.
  7. The View services button name will be selected, and your Service Page URL will auto-populate.
  8. Click the Save button.

If you subscribe to Premium Company Page, you can also add a custom call-to-action button in super admin view. Learn more about custom call-to-action options for your LinkedIn Page.

You can edit your LinkedIn Page’s custom call-to-action at any time to remove the path to your linked Service Page, or unlink your Service Page from your Page. Keep in mind, if you don’t have a Premium Company Page, the call-to-action will appear to members when they click  More. Learn more about Premium Company Page.

If you unpublish your linked Service Page before changing or removing your custom call-to-action, the button will be removed automatically from the LinkedIn Page.

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