
Meet your sustainability goals with a multi-faceted approach using our wide-ranging solutions.

Ingenero’s Sustainability Solutions

Engineering expertise and digital transformation solutions for increased production, sustainability, efficiency and safety.


Renewables, Fuel, Electricity, Steam




Resource use efficiency


Process, People

Operational Reliability

Profitability, Safety

Environmental Regulations

Air, Water, Waste, Material disposal & reuse


Usage, Pollutants

Augmented Intelligence

A key part of Ingenero’s digital solutions, Augmented Intelligence is a hybrid approach utilizing cutting-edge technology together with human intelligence and domain expertise to create actionable insights.

The Ingenero Approach



  • Smart Sustainability Dashboards provide efficient monitoring
  • Plan vs Actual” tracking identifies gaps for improvement
  • Real-time tracking of plant’s total emissions provides actionable insights for reduction
  • Data analytics, soft sensors and predictive models provide timely insights


  • Equipment and systems with highest improvement opportunity are identified
  • Solution is customized to identify and address underperformance and optimize energy consumption in critical systems
  • Digital twins are utilized to provide accurate predictions of impact of change on entire process and quantify realistic reductions associated with each change
  • Studies are done to optimize performance and further sustainability goals


  • Sustainability gains are achieved while maximizing profitability and production.

  • This Dashboard visualization illustrates opportunities for effective energy utilization and operating unit yields.


  • Smart Sustainability Dashboards provide efficient monitoring
  • Plan vs Actual” tracking identifies gaps for improvement
  • Real-time tracking of plant’s total emissions provides actionable insights for reduction
  • Data analytics, soft sensors and predictive models provide timely insights


  • Equipment and systems with highest improvement opportunity are identified
  • Solution is customized to identify and address underperformance and optimize energy consumption in critical systems
  • Digital twins are utilized to provide accurate predictions of impact of change on entire process and quantify realistic reductions associated with each change
  • Studies are done to optimize performance and further sustainability goals


  • Sustainability gains are achieved while maximizing profitability and production.

  • This Dashboard visualization illustrates opportunities for effective energy utilization and operating unit yields.

Energy Audit

Energy Audit
PINCH Analysis
Process Energy Studies
Energy Audit

Energy Audit

Ingenero executes systematic searches for energy conservation opportunities in a variety of systems, such as:

  • Vacuum
  • Boilers, Furnaces
  • Systems
  • Cooling Towers
  • Pumps, Fans and Blowers
  • Refrigeration Systems
  • Burner designs
  • Compressed Air system
  • Electrical Equipment
  • Lighting System, HVAC
  • Electrical Distribution System
  • Process equipment

The recommendation report assesses current energy consumption compared to design, identifies energy-saving opportunities in each unit, and categorizes these opportunities as short-term, medium-term, or long-term savings.

PINCH Analysis

PINCH Analysis

Ingenero has done Pinch analyses for many of its clients. This analysis technique maximizes process-to-process heat recovery, thereby reducing external utility loads.

The process involves reviewing plant configuration and operation data, developing a steady-state process model, validating it with actual plant data, and extracting stream property data. This is followed by a detailed analysis and a recommendations report for heat exchanger network design, system changes, and modifications.

Process Energy Studies

Process Energy Studies

Optimize your unit operations and processes with Ingenero’s expertise to reduce your energy needs and carbon footprint.

  • Furnace efficiency and heat recovery
  • Configuration and routing modifications for lower specific consumptions
  • Enhanced asset utilization and reliability
  • Operational improvements
  • Decoke procedure enhancementsg
  • Implementation of energy-saving schemes
  • Reduction of losses during start-ups
  • Optimization of unit operations in gas plants
  • Yield modeling and optimization
  • Utilization of strategic decision tools

Net Zero

This change in direction reflects a broader commitment to environmental responsibility and aligns with global efforts to combat climate change. While challenges remain, the transition towards net-zero emissions represents a pivotal transformation in the energy sector, signaling a more sustainable future for the industry and the planet.

Energy Management System

Oil and gas companies are increasingly recognizing the urgency of addressing climate change and are making significant strides towards achieving net-zero emissions. Many industry leaders are investing in cleaner energy sources, carbon capture technologies, and sustainable practices to reduce their carbon footprint. Ingenero support this shift with our sustainability services

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

At Ingenero, we excel at solving complex problems by using advanced tools like simulation models and techniques such as barrier, fault tree, and Kepner-Tregoe. Our systematic approach helps us dig deep into operational challenges and pinpoint their root causes with precision. This approach has allowed us to successfully tackle critical issues such as off-spec material production, inadequate output, equipment problems, high energy use, and frequent breakdowns.

Supply Chain Optimization

At Ingenero, we are experts in optimizing supply chains worldwide. With a strong record in various industries, we offer custom solutions that cut costs and boost operational capacity. Our tools help you analyze logistics and manufacturing, and our Decision Support Models aid in making smart decisions. We are known for solving profit-sharing complexities, consistently saving costs, and being your trusted global partner for supply chain optimization.

Case study

Want to take your business a step ahead?

Schedule a call with our experts today and find out how we can support you and your company in achieving operational excellence through our tailored insights.

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