Post news Report RSS Last Update For 2023 & Future Plans

In this announcement we want to outline what was happening this year and our future plans.

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Hello everyone,

Before we outline what was happening this year and our future plans, please do not forget to vote for ALTERA for the best upcoming FPS! There is only one day left to vote, soldier!

We spend this whole year implementing many new game systems and features. All aspects of the game also received further improvements and we fixed a lot of crucial bugs. Act 1 is ready and now we can finally start the production of Act 2 as well as the Sandbox game mode.

The next big milestone for us will be the public playtest in 2024. The Closed Alpha version will stay available on Steam and will be replaced with the playtest when it's ready for release! The playtest version will have no NDA which means everyone can share gameplay, screenshots and feedback publicly. There will also be scheduled testing times to assure that custom game lobbies for campaign and sandbox are filled properly.

What content will be in the playtest version:

  • Full Act 1.
  • A small portion of Act 2 (one questline as well as many side quests).
  • Many new game systems and features that will unlock during Act 2.
  • New map to explore.
  • New units.
  • NPCs.
  • Traders.
  • Skill system for troop commanders and units.
  • New weapons (ranged & melee).
  • Realistic procedural recoil for all ranged weapons.
  • New grenades.
  • New utility items.
  • Sandbox game mode with custom rules.
  • Full support for self hosted servers (yes dedicated servers are coming!)

banner playtest

The focus of the playtest will be to receive further feedback on current and upcoming new game systems. As well as to give as many people as possible access to the game before the Early Access release. Like the Closed Alpha the Playtest version will be updated on a monthly basis and you can expect not just bug fixes but new features as well as quality of life improvements. We will keep you up to date on the progress of the playtest here on Steam and on social media. In case you have not joined our Discord please do so.

Anyways that's all from us in this year. We wish you a great holiday season and we cannot wait to return fully refreshed and continue working in the next year!



  • Added ability to join friend sessions from the main menu.
  • Added category "All items" in the inventory.
  • Increased enemy marking distance.
  • Added snow weather in Prologue and Sandbox. (for nice holiday vibes)


  • Fixed music interrupting in cut scenes.
  • Fixed bug where unit grenades received as a reward were not spawning a unit.
  • Fixed bug when it was impossible to respawn on some of the beacons in Sandbox.

Known Issues:

  • Crashes sometimes happen on a client.
  • Subtitles are disabled.


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