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Blood Rush is getting a new alpha release, check it out and let me know what you think of it.

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After months of work Blood Rush is getting a new alpha version before the Steam demo release later this year ! In the mean time i'd love to get your feeback on the current version of the game. (downloadable here!)

Steam Desc Banner Title 01

Blood Rush is a fast paced FPS where you try to escape hell by fighting damned souls and mythological creatures.

This release comes with 2 news areas with exclusives enemies to fight, a brand new save and progression system.

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New features:

  • Addition of a statistics system
  • Implementation of permanent upgrades
  • New HUB after reaching a certain milestone
  • Addition of music for the 7th circle
  • Addition of new upgrades (approximately many)
  • New money system
  • Between each room, your dash regenerate faster
  • Some attacks can be canceled
  • Force feedback for players using controllers
  • New AI behaviors to determine targets or actions
  • New corridor system
  • Addition of an "Assist" mode for players struggling too much (blessed mode)
  • New scenery for the Argos desert
  • Rework of slam and dash
  • Argos has a death animation
  • New Timer (activate it in the options for speedrunning)
  • Shotgun bullets have reduced damage over distance

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  • Addition of an option to enhance the visibility
  • New sound effects
  • Assassins spawn more quickly at the end of Vires' special rooms
  • Balancing
  • Correction of numerous bugs
  • Optimization of zone loading
  • Various optimizations
  • Implementation of the data tracking system
  • Improvement of Discord Rich Presence

In order to keep the game on the right track, if your try the game, please tell me about your experience !
The next step is the narration and dialogue system.

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