We are now working on a ''Zombie RPG'' mod. This won't be like the other ''RPG'' Mods. In this mod you are playing in a Zombie invasion. You not only need to watch for your stuff but also watch out for the zombies!

The zombies are NPC controlled (for now). If you are dead, we are not 100% sure what will happen, we are now thinking of that you will turn into a zombie but that's quiet boring after a while playing a zombie. It also can be that you will just respawn or something (any suggestions? Go to the forums!). If possible there will be very much zombies, not just 1 over here 2 over there but a whole horde of zombies all over the place. Also there will be times that the zombies are gona and you can build, but don't take to long the will come back!

We are now thinking for only using ''normal'' zombies but its also possible that there will be diffrent zombies such as: headcrabs,fast zombies,poison zombies etc. There won't be normal HL2 models but the models will look more realistic.

All the maps will be made by us (the most by me). Because it's roleplaying the maps won't switch every 20 min. Now we got 2 ideas for the maps:
1. One very large map that will be updated every time. In this map you can go indoor every where.
2. Chance map every 5 days/ 1 week.

The maps will be very different, that will be a challenge if we chose to make one big map. Becouse the big map needs to have all the stuf suchs as: Open places,laboratorys,Big towers (where you can go indoor),military bases,farm house. If we take the big map it won't be real big in the first weak(s), by the time we will ad smaller places to the map and sometimes a very big one. Example: A underground military base with lots of rooms and spots. Also at the start you can't enter every building. Most of the building will be just a close building, but if someone want a advertisement on that building we will make it enterable and the shop will be designed like the advertisementer wants to.

We now have no servers but we will run the game on ''home hosted test servers''. So we can invite a few peaple and do a few tests the peaple will be selected from the forums/members. If it's released and it works good than we will rent a server.

In-Game there will be advertisements, no not the annoing adds in the menu's. Because this is an apocalypse world we want to make ''Advertisments signs'' example on a shop there will be a sign. On that sign there will stand ''Advert here'' if someone wants to advert on that sign he needs to contact one of the admins and his add wil be placed at the sign. But the one that has those adds needs to donate a few euro's. There is no sticky value that they need to pay they can deside what they will pay for the adds. Also every Donator can get there own spot in the map with there own logo/website/etc. On a sign (send a email to: chriscompaan@hotmail.com for more information).

The mod has just started so there are not many things yet. We got a mapper and a basic mod. We will edit the mod to our own community. And yes we got the permision to edit the mod. The original maker of the mod has stoped making any more updates so we need to make them. Here is a list of a few thing what we need:

-Modders: Peaple that can mod
-*Mappers*: Peaple that can make maps. It doesn't needs to be a profecional map
-Model Makers: Peaple that can make models.
-Adverticements/Donators: Peaple that want to Advertice or Donate.
-Lua Scripters: Peaple that can write ''Lua''.
-Painters: peaple than can paint the map.

*Mappers*- We need more than 1 mapper. It may be only 1 map but it's a very large one. So we need mappers that can make indoor places,laboratory's, military bases, shops,light, prop placers, painters.

That's the info for now.
Want to help with this mod?
Want to donate or an Add on the map?
Want to follow this mod on the forums?
Want to see al the news about this mod?

Go to www.s-productions.hode.nl (The site is english) Don't forget to watch the forums!


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Just like you can read in the other news message we got a dedicated hosted by Server4you. Now we finaly got a server online! Here is some information:

Password: None
**Map: rp_flapcity_v1**
Slots: 12 (can be upgraded to max 46)

Enyo and i'll see you online

**If we are ready making our map it will be running that map, or if you got a good map just go to www.s-producitons.hode.nl and post it on the forums!**\


Game Server

Game Server


News: There is some great news. We got a dedicated server!




The mapper has worked hard and now there are a few screanshots released and there is also a contest!

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anthonyinbmore - - 146 comments

why i cant find gmod 10 where did you guys find it

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LabRat - - 15 comments

SAD SAD people just download it, it works fine for me.

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Callumdudelolz - - 58 comments

and do be serious sylerr, your trying to make a good mod when you can't even spell week! hahahahahahaha

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Callumdudelolz - - 58 comments

hahahahahaha its dead and nothing is better then zombie panic! and if he thinks being a zombie is boring then he needs to get creative: running zombies, climbing zombies, if there was to be a climbing and running zombie no one could possibly get bored. dead, dead, dead!!!

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spiritwind51 - - 190 comments


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Shadowvwem - - 39 comments


Yeah having to make barricades would be sick, plus them being custom.

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Schnuupi - - 102 comments

Yeh that is possible, and it might be put in

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Da-Fort - - 265 comments

Looks awsome. I might buy Gmod for this ;P
But if your going to baracade I suggest like people needing to get resources like (if this is possible) chop wood put it in a sawmill, they get the boards and board up a hole in the wall or a window.
I know that the sawmill part is possible(zombie master).
As for the RPG part, will you have stats that can be upgraded like health and larger amounts of ammo?
Ammo regen sounds a bit unrealistic though :(
Wel I'm tracking this mod so I will find out :P

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spiritwind51 - - 190 comments

All zombie games are awesome =D, Good luck ;).

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