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juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora Demo v8093

Let's first see if I manage to finish the PC version...

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora Demo v8093

Only 1 of the 65 scanners at virus total reports an issue. That's an unusually low rate for an unsigned executable and a clear sign of a false positive, especially considering that the file is more than 2 years old. By now, you'd expect almost all of the scanners to identify the issue if there actually was one.

But, if you don't trust the indiedb/moddb version, you can still try the steam demo version. It's free as well, has exactly the same amount of content, and even includes a few extra features (like leaderboards).

Anyway, I upvoted your comments because it's always a good idea to be cautious about downloading stuff from the internet. In fact, people have been (and probably are still) trying to publish infected versions of Myriavora. In the beginning I reported them, but there's too many of them and they eventually disappear anyway.

So, how can you tell this file is legitimate? Well, you can never be 100% sure, but there's a couple of hints:
- The steam store page and the indiedb page link to each other: the indiedb page's profile box's Homepage link leads to the steam store page which in turn has a "Visit the website" link in its profile box that leads back to the indiedb page.
- When you look at the file stats you can see that the uploader of this file is not some random account but Myriavora's creator (me). In fact, that's true for all files on this page since I've disabled community contributions precisely to avoid issues with malware.
- There's a lot of content related to the game, here and under linked social media accounts. Nobody in their right mind would put that much effort into distributing just one virus.
- Finally, the low detection rate at virus total in combination with the age of the file strongly indicates a false positive as discussed above.

Is all of that enough to trust the file? Well, that's for you to decide.

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

working on it

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

I agree πŸ˜„ Also, thank you for the review, you made my day! πŸ‘

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

Thank you πŸ˜„

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

Twitch streamer SquidleWiddly has played my game! πŸ˜„ He seems to enjoy the experience despite the steep learning curve. The video is 46 minutes long.

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

Thank you very much for the feedback! Just to understand, were these issues serious enough to spoil the fun?

A) The poison puddles are green because that's the color most people associate with poison. I agree that a contrasting color (like purple) would be easier to see, but it might confuse players. I don't think a different shade of green would help, because there's various types of grass in the game with a wide range of green and brown. Maybe I can find a way to make the puddles visually stand out more clearly (like swirls of other colors mixed in). Alternatively, I could offer an option to change the color. I'll think about this.

B) Yes, the emergency teleport can be used to escape a hairy situation. I do it myself occasionally. But if you do that too often, you'll find that the spiders have ways to deal with that, at least on harder difficulties. So, I wouldn't consider it an exploit. However, when I watch people play the game for the first time, I do notice that they often get surprised by the emergency teleport. Often, they'll fly full throttle towards the spiders' spawn point, overshoot the camp border (not knowing what it is), and get teleported back within fractions of a second due to the enormous speed they've built up. I realize that this is confusing and maybe that's the bigger issue. But it seems it doesn't take long to figure it out, so I'm not sure I really need to change it.

C) Ugh, yes, the inventory is very convoluted. I wanted to create a loot-based meta progression that enables you to customize your skill set as well as outfit. I wanted it to be flexible but also require the player to make decisions. It took me many iterations to achieve all of that, but eventually I did. I'm very happy with the inventory from a systems persepective, but I don't like that it's so hard to figure out for new players. It seems most people just give up eventually, which is disappointing for everyone. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of ideas on how to fix this. Footage of players interacting with the inventory is rare and doesn't provide enough insight for me to figure out what exactly players are struggling with. I would highly appreciate more detailed feedback on this issue (from you or anybody else).

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

A raving review in Portuguese from Andr3

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juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

Hey, YouTuber "man on toilet" reviewed my demo! The video actually covers 3 games, Myriavora starts at 2:58. But it's a short video (under 11 minutes) and I enjoyed all of it.
Note that the video is age restricted, because he "accidentally" discoveres Myriavora's nudity option. πŸ˜„ Oops.
Edit: I contacted the creator about the age restriction and he has agreed to remove it for the time being.

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

Shout-out to Panca Main Game, an Indonesian YouTuber! He played Myriavora the other day and I am impressed how quickly he became familiar with the controls. The video is less than 10 minutes long, but by the end he is already playing like a pro!

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

Thank you for the feedback! I will try to improve the camera positioning.

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

hi πŸ˜„

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

If seizures are good then yes! Exactly like this! πŸ˜„

Good karma+2 votes
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora gameplay trailer February 2021

You're welcome! :-)

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ I play my game on the hardest difficulty | episode 29

Why should I stop? What's the problem?

Good karma+2 votes
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

theSventos streamed Myriavora yesterday! He's new to the game, so it was a 2.5 hours rollercoaster of fun & drama. Exactly what you want from a roguelike shooter.

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

Thank you!

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora Gameplay Highlights #20 to 22

In a good or bad way?

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora Hero Mode

I am the artist. But I'm using different tracks in-game and the music can be turned off. Thank you for the clarification, I got really worried actually.

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora Hero Mode

Is the video too loud? Or is that some idiom I'm not aware of? Sorry, my English is not the best. Maybe my sound mixing skills aren't good either. Sorry if that's the case. I'd appreciate if you could clarify your comment.

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora Demo 7612 Installer

Thank you! Have fun!

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora fighting scene

Thank you!

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora

I'm planning to release a new demo soon. Here's a preview of what's coming up.

1) I've improved the lighting and added a ton of new shaders, especially for stuff on the ground (like slime, blood, poison). The latest images in the gallery already show what that looks like.

2) I made the HUD semi-transparent to reduce the amount of blacked out screen space. That also reduces contrast a little bit, but I think it's worth it.

3) During the Let's Play that I recorded it looked like the game's too easy when you play aggressively. So I've added a new difficulty level (Hero). During the tests it occured to me that the game already has a much better solution to this problem: the irritation pulse. All I really needed to do was adding an incentive for using it. So, the pulse now grants a score bonus. There're two new info boxes in the top right corner of the HUD that show aggro level and irritation bonus to help you judge your chances of survival and whether it's worth it. I think this new mechanic really solves the problem, but I'm keeping the Hero mode anyway. It's really tough though, I rarely manage to survive it.

4) You get 10 ultra points at the start of a journey (instead of none). This helps you deal with unfair situations in the first camps, when you don't have much choice of where to go. Of course, I could've tamed the RNG for the first few camps, but I think a roguelike/roguelite needs to be unfair occasionally. That's what keeps you on your toes.

5) There's now a new device that can be used to upgrade the capacity of device pockets. You can get it as a reward and by ripping out empty device pockets from pieces of clothhing.

6) I fixed a lot of minor bugs. I don't think any of them caused the crash that was reported a few months ago, but you never know.

The new demo will be 100% compatible with the current version, i.e. you'll be able to continue playing with existing characters.

Right now I'm busy testing the new demo and occasionally fixing minor stuff. So, if you've any comment, question, or suggestion: right now would be the perfect time to tell me, I'd much appreciate it!

Good karma+2 votes
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora Demo 7460 - it's a roguelike shooter

Awesome fights! I hope to see more of this! :^)

Good karma+2 votes
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora Demo 7460 - it's a roguelike shooter

Thanks a lot for the clarification! I'll keep that in mind. But I'll also test the game on my old computer, for the peace of mind. Potential bugs make me super anxious.

Good karma+2 votes
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora Demo 7460 - it's a roguelike shooter

Hm, that's really weird, 4 GB should be more than enough to run the game on maximum settings. I'll definitely have to investigate this further, right now I'm stumped. I'll probably have to revive my old computer, as its pathetic 1 GB video card used to run the game just fine.

In any case, huge thanks to you! Your feedback is tremendously helpful!

Good karma+1 vote
juehoffmann - - 45 comments @ Myriavora Demo 7460 - it's a roguelike shooter

Thank you so much, that was very helpful indeed! In case you're curious, the game simply ran out of video memory. I'm not yet sure how to handle this properly, but at the very least there should be a clear error message instead of a crash.

For now, reducing effects settings is indeed helpful as it reduces the game's video memory footprint. On the video options page, all sliders below terrain quality are relevant, and turning dynamic shadows off should help as well. Any other setting (and yes, that includes terrain quality) should have no or negligible effect on video memory consumption.

May I ask you how much memory your video card has? On Windows 10 you can find this out via the task manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL, then click "task manager"): click on "more details" (if needed), then the "performance" tab, then on the bottom left click on "GPU 0", then on the right scroll all the way down. There should be an entry labeled "Dedicated GPU memory", that's the number I'm interested in.

Good karma+1 vote