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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 364)
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Terminator Addon 2.1

Really cool! Especially loved the SPAS12+AR18 akimbo! XD

Also, check this out for more Terminator guns:

Good karma+2 votes
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Ryndill_Blackfyre

Aye, that's what I was referring to. Thanks in advance for the guide!

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Ryndill_Blackfyre

But you've added permanent bandit dungeons to Struggle for Iliac Bay?

As to the indent error, I've noticed that there are missing parentheses, but when I added them, I got another error, saying that there aren't enough elements or some such. It's weird. :|

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Ryndill_Blackfyre

Hi again, I wanted to ask about making a bandit dungeon. I found a tutorial on the TW forums (, but when I'm trying to compile the code, i get indent errors. Is there any other tutorial?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Project Brutality Rifle for BDv21 (v5.0 With more animations and executions)

Can someone please make a version that supports vanilla gloves?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Bloodied Throne - Tamriellic Conquest

Please, please, PLEASE don't let it die! :'(((

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Five Dynasties & Ten Kingdoms

Ooooh, let's see!

I just hope it's a realistic mod, because I'm tired of all the wuxia-themed mod about China. :'(

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Gas Grenades

Would be interesting. Will you be releasing the code for them as well?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Duke Nukem 3D - Legacy Edition - Aqua & Moon Miniseries

Are you giving this mod the Pokemon treatment?

Good karma+2 votes
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Half-Life: Extended

Please tell me it's not dead?!?! :((

Good karma+3 votes
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Half Life Reanimation Pack HD

Does it swap the animations for BS and Op4 as well?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ "Lunar Apocalypse 3072: A Space Oprah" (Duke Nukem 3D user map)

The thing about Lunar Apocalypse is that it was *supposed* to be separated into different maps, for the most part. If you were paying attention, the first half of the episode has Duke hopping from one space station\ ship to the next, until he reaches the Moon, where the maps actually should have been connected into a coherent experience, and the finally makes his way to the alien mothership.

Here, it seems you've reimagined the whole thing, which isn't a bad thing per say, but why didn't you give the space-ship(s) (a) proper exterior(s)?

Good karma+3 votes
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Half-Life Decay: Solo Mission


Sorry, but no Colette, no go.

Good karma-8 votes
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Opposing Force Beta: Early Concepts

So, it just retextures the few grunts and Race X aliens and the electric bug gun?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Half-Life German Grunt

Agreed. :(

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Civilian Scientists in Half Life 1

As I expected.

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Bshift Black Otis

Does it appear alongside the regular Otis, or is it just a replacement?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Half-Life+Expansions: Revised Pack

So what does it do, exactly?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Barney Civ With Variations

Is there a way to make the "Barney" in-game cycle through these models? You know, so they don't all look exactly the same?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Opposing Force HEV Grunts (Compatable with Half Life and Opposing Force)

These would look killer with the Gordon G-man, G-Man Forklift driver, Barney and Otis HEV Suits mods! xD

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Half-Life: Doki Doki Club!

This is so cursed... I love it! xDD

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ PlayStation 2 deathmatch players

So what does this do? Does it add Decay multiplayer characters to standalone Half-Life?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Half-Life C.A.G.E.D. weapon/sound replacements

So, in layman terms, what does this actually do? Replace the pistol, MP5 and crowbar with a different pistol and smg, and the crowbar with a plunger?

Good karma+2 votes
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ High Definition 2 Pack

Sounds good, but does it restore the guns (Glock 17, Mp5, Colt Python)?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Pokémon MMO 3D - Unreal Version - Preinstall v2024.6.0.0q

Did you guys fix the balance yet?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Northern Darkness

How do I install this?

Good karma+1 vote
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Eastern Turmoil

Sounds good, except that apparently multiplayer mods with modern guns (as in, not flintlock) are not popular with the community. :(

Good karma+2 votes
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Struggle for the Iliac Bay - Version 2

Neat! Happy New Year!

Good karma+3 votes
CheezeCrostata - - 364 comments @ Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold

Apparently there are a few, just not on moddb. Check this wiki page:

Good karma+1 vote