World of Padman is an incredibly carefully designed and colorful freeware fun shooter for young and young-at-heart people, created by ENTE & team.

Report RSS World of Padman 1.6.2 released!

World of Padman 1.6.2 is now available for download as unified ZIP for Windows, Linux and MacOSX and as Windows installer and as Snap for Linux. Check it out!

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WoP 1.6.2 released!

World of Padman 1.6.2 is available for download as unified ZIP for Windows, Linux and MacOSX and as Windows installer. If you already have WoP installed, it is sufficient to download the patch release. The patch requires at least WoP 1.5 and must be unpacked directly into the existing installation directory, whereby the overwriting of some files is to be confirmed. The full release does not require an installed previous version of WoP. For Windows you can also use full version installer. In the meantime, we are also officially represented in the Snap Store, which should make our Linux users happy.

Like the previous version, WoP 1.6.2 is designed as a maintenance-only release for 64 bit operating systems and therefore no longer includes 32 bit support. Unless you have a 64 bit operating system, you will be forced to use the old WoP 1.6 patch from 2011. You can also play on WoP 1.6.2 servers, but you need at least the two files wop_007.pk3 and wop_008.pk3 from the current version. This will cause the player and bot menu to not work properly in WoP 1.6, but you can at least join a match with them. WoP 1.6.2 is backwards compatible, so you can play on older WoP 1.6 servers without restrictions.

Pad Day Images Pad Day Images

If you want to play a round of World of Padman now, you can directly visit our PadWorld server ( with the new version. The next Padday will be next week on Sunday, the second Advent, starting at 7:00 pm (CET), for which you should have the new version installed in any case. And finally, we would like to thank our beta testers, who really supported us during the development of WoP 1.6.1/2 and gave us a lot of feedback. Thank you very much!

Have fun with the new version! Your WoP team

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