By order of king Richard the Lionheart, all of Nottingham's wealth was confiscated and taken to vaults protected day and night by his guards. The people left in complete misery have lost hope of a better life, but from the depths of the Sherwood forest an outlaw threatens to change that story...

About this game

Prince of Thieves (2024) is a personal reinterpretation of a project developed in 2016 for Public Domain Jam 3. It is an early 80s style fixed screen arcade game, designed with the philosophy of reviving classic video games.

(check out the game instructions PDF for more information)

Development stage

Currently the project has all the main systems and mechanics already implemented and functional. Minor mechanics, secondary enemies, some obstacles, etc. have not yet been implemented.

This early alpha version features 8 phases + bonus phase and sound effects.

Help needed

The project needs help to:


I spend a lot of my free time involved in development and therefore not doing long playtest sessions. My good friend All-x Dev at Red Screen Soft has been a great help with this, but it would be great if I could count on some more "hardcore" players to report bugs and suggest improvements.

Chiptune composer

I'm looking for a partnership with someone specialized in 8-bit chiptune production, especially with "early NES" style games. Feel free to get in touch!

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Alpha 2 available!


Prince of Thieves (2024) is a personal reinterpretation of a project developed in 2016 for Public Domain Jam 3. It is an early 80s style fixed screen arcade game, designed with the philosophy of reviving classic video games.

New build released containing 4 more main phases, 1 bonus phase variation and sound effects.

RSS Files
Prince of Thieves (2024) v Alpha 2

Prince of Thieves (2024) v Alpha 2


Prince of Thieves (2024) is a personal reinterpretation of a project developed in 2016 for Public Domain Jam 3. It is an early 80s style fixed screen...

Game Instructions v Alpha 2

Game Instructions v Alpha 2


Prince of Thieves (2024) is a personal reinterpretation of a project developed in 2016 for Public Domain Jam 3. It is an early 80s style fixed screen...

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