Garry’s Mod is a sandbox mod for the Source Engine. Unlike normal games there aren't any predefined aims or goals. Players are given tools and are left to entertain themselves. The player is in a world where objects can be created and destroyed on demand. Where people can be created and destroyed with the click of a mouse. A world made for him. A world he made.

RSS Reviews  (20 - 30 of 958)

Great program.

Brilliant game.

Still don't understand the pirates though...


It's fun for a long while, and you can do whatever the hell you want! Why not get it so you can mess around or something?

Awesome sandbox game.

This game is good for trolling.

this is a kol place! its awsom and i realy love it its like ur own lil world and u also get to do crazy stuff with somerandom person or ur freinds!so this is the best:3

One of the best games I've ever played. There is always something new to do and it has days of gameplay even with the default content. I advise this game to anyone who enjoys video games.

The best game you could ever get.


Hartliss says

May contain spoilers Agree (1) Disagree

Garry's mod a fun game build stuff do what ever you want just not on servers! weapons if you ever played half life 2 just like it same stuff but some weapons are not the same.

Watching Bub Games has made me realize how much brainrot and degeneracy has come out of the Garry's Mod community. Sure, the game is fun, or it used to be. The game is well past its prime. Nowadays, it is simply a place where people go to gamble away their life savings and engage in illegal activities. It's heartbreaking to see this, as I grew up playing this game. Now all I can do is reflect on the good times I've had while playing this game.