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[Altered Melee] [ALPHA] Lord of the Rings : Peoples of Middle Earth

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Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
I plan to release soon (in one or two weeks) an ALPHA version of the MOD. The goal is to show concrete content about the project after this long absence and to have first gameplay feedbacks to adjust the main things for the BETA. It will include two playable factions (Gondor and Misty Mountains) on the Divide and Conquer terrain. Unfortunately it will be in French because the translation to English has just begun.

Any testers?

Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
o0oo0oo Nice job on that terrain. Would like to see the whole map view - I think its in some submenu as view entire map.

Geez - you must have like 100s of unit imports. Not that its bad, just wow.
Be sure to check out the new LotR models in the resource section on hive, saw a bunch of new models being uploaded and there are probably more on the way.
Some might not suit the style your units are in but they can always be edited...

Also on your banner, the human armor should look more like the trolls armor - shiny!
Right now its looking dull and flat. I could still update those textures for you when I have the time. Just send them my way
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
Nice job on that terrain. Would like to see the whole map view - I think its in some submenu as view entire map.

I can't wait to play on the custom terrains (Mirkwood and Moria), but they won't be implemented before the v1.0 release...

Here are the whole map views :
  • Mirkwood.png
  • Moria.png

Its looking dull and flat. I could still update those textures for you when I have the time. Just send them my way

You're right! Thanks mate, I'll send you that very soon.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
I can't wait to play on the custom terrains (Mirkwood and Moria), but they won't be implemented before the v1.0 release...

Here are the whole map views :
  • Mirkwood.png
  • Moria.png

You're right! Thanks mate, I'll send you that very soon.

Wow. Moria looks insane! Legit underground with mine tracks, lava and all. I'm actually pretty hyped to help test this out now.

Mirkwood looks pretty good too, although I feel there are too many World Tree models and not enough giant trees + neutral ent/tree people. Most trees are about the same size, vary up the scaling value so some a big and some are small - feels more like a real forest. Also theres one tree model that looks kinda neon yellow-green ish and I feel that color stands out too much and does not match the rest of the map. Either replace it or I'll recolor the texture for you to be more dark forest green.

Overall, great work - I feel I could have recognized them as Mirkwood and Moria without you having to tell me.

o0oo0o0o custom terrain? You mean custom textures for the terrain or more custom models for the environment or both and maybe more?
In that case, even more HYPE for your project man.

Good - happy to help.
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
Custom terrain?

There will be custom creep for each terrain. For example, for Moria there will be be cave trolls, bats, rogmuls, etc... I also plan to add neutral buildings (especially a "tavern" to hire neutral heroes depending on which side, good or evil, you are). Another example : Aragorn will move to good neutral heroes, and it will be replaced in Gondor heroes by Faramir (planed for the BETA).

I feel there are too many World Tree models and not enough giant trees + neutral ent/tree people. Most trees are about the same size, vary up the scaling value so some a big and some are small - feels more like a real forest. Also theres one tree model that looks kinda neon yellow-green ish and I feel that color stands out too much and does not match the rest of the map. Either replace it or I'll recolor the texture for you to be more dark forest green.

I'm terrible at terraining, but recoloring some textures seems doable! Once again, your help is welcome!
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
O0o0o very cool - good idea sticking with wc3 mechanics of melee maps with creeps and nuetral buildings - that should make it more fun. I also plan on doing something similar in my project's map with bandits and such.

Hahaha- your terrains are legit - i wouldnt say they are bad. They could be a bit better though is all I'm saying. Good.
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
Hahaha- your terrains are legit - i wouldnt say they are bad. They could be a bit better though is all I'm saying. Good.

I didn't made them, they're from Prorox. He has also begun a Minas Thirith terrain, the whole stronghold is done, with walkable walls (but not desctructible so that's way easier to do than in your project ^^). I really would like to make a siege map with it, but there's so much to do before...!
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
O0oo0o nice you got a team going. Awesome - that map should be interesting and beautiful I'm sure. Well, yeah - so much triggering for buildable walkable walls...

Do it! No worries, no rush - just get to it eventually and write it down so you don't forget.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
Just tested your alpha. The loading screen is nice however it lacks a description. The units are a little big in relation to buildings but maybe you wanted that since regular wc3 was like that. Wow - all your models are really great man. Plenty of creeps and army units, love it. It feels like classic wc3 melee plus extra stuff in LotR style - I find it quite enjoyable and nostalgic. Good job with Gollum however that thing is way too fast. The map also feels a bit out of place being standard wc3, however I'm sure your Moria map will feel right. Stats need some updating - armor amounts don't make very much sense for some units and heroes don't benefit from upgrades. HP & Damage amounts are fine but could be tweaked for balance.

Overall great job mate - its a nice experience for wc3 and will be a lot better once you change the regular map with custom LotR maps. I'm excited to play other races and maps once they're implemented. And lets get a group test later this week - should help with balancing.
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
Thanks a lot for your feedback!

The loading screen is nice however it lacks a description.

It is temporary, I plan to have one loading screen per playable terrain. Probably a landscape artwork that fits the terrain. I'm not a big fan of descriptions on loading screens. One thing that could be great in the same idea would be to add random tips such as strength and weakness of a faction, hidden mecanics, strategic advices, etc... But I don't think it's possible to do...

The units are a little big in relation to buildings but maybe you wanted that since regular wc3 was like that.

Yes, I followed wc3 on this field. But it's maybe not the best way to do it. You're not the only one to raise this problem. But my question is : are the buildings too small? Or the units too big? Strange question I know :p...

All your models are really great man, plenty of creeps and army units

That's one of the main goals of the MOD. The LOTR universe (in terms of graphics) is now well known thanks to the 6 movies and I decided to try to fit as much as possible this representation. For the lore I decided to follow the books (from what I know from them because I didn't read them, shaaaaaaaaaame). That's why the Balrog is named Gothmog for example.

Gollum is way too fast

The one ring grants great powers, and only one player can benefit them. You must deserve those powers ;)! Some units are more effective in Gollum's hunt than others.

Armor amounts don't make very much sense for some units and heroes don't benefit from upgrades.

Can you give more details what you meant about armor amounts? Perhaps giving me some concrete examples?
If I remember well, heroes don't benefit upgrades in standard wc3 melee, except maybe ultravision
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Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
Thanks a lot for your feedback!

It is temporary, I plan to have one loading screen per playable terrain. Probably a landscape artwork that fits the terrain. I'm not a big fan of descriptions on loading screens. One thing that could be great in the same idea would be to add random tips such as strength and weakness of a faction, hidden mecanics, strategic advices, etc... But I don't think it's possible to do...

Yes, I followed wc3 on this field. But it's maybe not the best way to do it. You're not the only one to raise this problem. But my question is : are the buildings too small? Or the units too big? Strange question I know :p...

That's one of the main goals of the MOD. The LOTR universe (in terms of graphics) is now well known thanks to the 6 movies and I decided to try to fit as much as possible this representation. For the lore I decided to follow the books (from what I know from them because I didn't read them, shaaaaaaaaaame). That's why the Balrog is named Gothmog for example.

The one ring grants great powers, and only one player can benefit them. You must deserve those powers ;)! Some units are more effective in Gollum's hunt than others.

Can you give more details what you meant about armor amounts? Perhaps giving me some concrete examples?
If I remember well, heroes don't benefit upgrades in standard wc3 melee, except maybe ultravision

Very nice. That's good to have each terrain unique with its own loading screen.

Hahaha, I would say the buildings are too small however it's hard to make the buildings bigger and find the correct pathing files - so it would be easier to just make the units smaller. A combination of making both buildings bigger and units smaller could also work well.

The first unit from the gondor barracks has 2 armor (no shield, decent armor), the second unit also has 2 armor (with shield, decent armor) - how does the second unit have same armor as the first unit when they have a shield? The second unit should have more armor then the first and receive more points for each upgrade.
Yeah I know wc3 melee is like that, however for heroes that use armor and weapons, like Aragorn, they should realistically benefit from upgrades.

Awesome - great work, keep it up.
Level 11
Mar 31, 2016
I guess you talk about Bolg? It's a temporary alternate form (for now, may change). The spell is based on Metamorphosis (Night Elves) and grants stats bonus (HP, speed, range and attack cooldown).

Interesting - would be nice to be permant and switchable for realism but hey I guess your way is more default wc3. Cool - nice models too as usual
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
Yes, it would improve realism, but I don't know if it would improve the gameplay. There's no chance that the player switches back to the regular bow version once the mounted version unlocked. The spell would become kind of a passive spell that only boosts some stats of the hero, and to my mind this option lacks originality and strategy (that's already what does some items/equipments).
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
There are some permanent transformations that should come out with the BETA (especially for Silvan elves), but for units. They enable to switch between two attack types and/or two unit types. That supposes to have a different use of the unit depending on which version you've selected. In this case, the permanent transformation has a strategical impact on the gameplay!
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012

The project is dead until we find a new AI maker. If you're interested in joining us or if you know someone, please don't hesitate to tell us. The AI is the only missing field to the release of Alpha v1.1.
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Level 5
Mar 24, 2017
I thought this project was abandoned long ago, good job for still sticking to it
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