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[Altered Melee] [ALPHA] Lord of the Rings : Peoples of Middle Earth

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Level 9
Jun 22, 2012



Peoples of Middle Earth is an altered melee MOD for Warcraft III. At the moment, it still is in Alpha testing.

Pick one faction, build your own base, create your army, upgrade your units, and crush your ennemies! Here is what it is expected from you! The goal remains the same as any Warcraft III melee, but through the Lord of the Rings universe.

I plan to release this project as a MOD. In that way, it will include a custom MPQ and a custom launcher in order to play on several maps with all the factions.


  • The project is dead until we find a new AI maker. If you're interested in joining us or if you know someone, please don't hesitate to tell us. The AI is the only missing field to the release of Alpha v1.1.

Version : Alpha
Langage : French

This version contains the two first factions of the MOD :
- Gondor : select 'Human' when creating a game (prototype of AI)
- Misty Mountains : select 'Orc' when creating a game (no AI)

How to install?
- Copy the file "PeoplesOfMiddleEarthAlpha.w3x" to
the following directory : "[...]\Warcraft III\Maps\
- The folder "English strings" contains the English translation
of Gondor units/buildings/upgrades and attack/defense system
(it is recommended to open those files in notepad++; impossible
to see in game in this version)

Notes :
The last patch (1.27b) is needed to play the map in multiplayer.

version Alpha 1.0 | alternate download link



ReteraMatiSSpellboundIN RECRUITMENTLord_MarrowgrathTheFrenchLeprechaunIN RECRUITMENT
[TD]MOD packaging[/TD][TD]Modelling[/TD][TD]Translation[/TD][TD]AI[/TD][TD]Terrains[/TD][TD]Creator & gameplay[/TD][TD]2D artist & animator[/TD]

Former members :
- Prorox : terrainer
- Leo Akastenix : AI maker


If you want to support the project while winning free fractions of Bitcoin take a look at the websites (faucets) below. You need to have a bitcoin adress to make it work (using Blockchain.com or Coinbase.com for example). Then you will be able to sign in and earn your free fractions of bitcoin by resolving a captcha every hour. The faucets pay us a commission for the earning of every referral user that sign in thanks to the links below.

In the same idea, you can also earn some bucks by adding ads on your web links (example : click here). By signing up with our referral link, the website also pays us a commission!

Famous faucet
90 satoshis /h
50% of referrals
Link shortener
20% of referrals
[TD] [/TD][td]French faucet
200 satoshis /h
40% of referrals[/td]


  • ALPHA : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%

  • Factions : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%

    • Gondor : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%
    • Misty mountains : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%
    • Creep : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%
  • Triggers : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%

  • BETA : [|||||||||||||| ] 68%

  • Factions : [||||||||||||||||||| ] 96%

    • Gondor : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%
    • Silvan elves : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%
    • Mordor : [||||||||||||||||||| ] 95%
    • Misty mountains : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%
    • Creep : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%
  • AI : [||| ] 17%

    • Gondor : [|||||||||||||| ] 70%
    • Silvan elves : [ ] 0%
    • Mordor : [ ] 0%
    • Misty mountains : [ ] 0%
  • Triggers : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%
  • Translation into English : [||||||||||| ] 50%

  • v1.0 : [|||||||| ] 44%

  • Factions : [||||| ] 27%

    • Update Gondor : [|||||||||| ] 50%
    • Update Silvan elves : [ ] 0%
    • Update Mordor : [ ] 0%
    • Update Misty mountains : [|||||||||| ] 50%
    • Creep : [|| ] 10%
  • Terrain : [||||||||||||||||||| ] 96%

    • Mirkwood : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%
    • Moria : [||||||||||||||||||] 100%
    • Shire : [|||||||||||||||||| ] 90%
    • Osgiliath : [|||||||||||||||||| ] 90%
    • River of Ithilien : [||||||||||||||||||||] 100%
  • AI : [ ] 0%

    • Update Gondor : [ ] 0%
    • Update Silvan elves : [ ] 0%
    • Update Mordor : [ ] 0%
    • Update Misty mountains : [ ] 0%
  • Triggers : [|||||||||||||||||| ] 90%
  • Update translation : [ ] 0%
  • MOD packaging : [|||||||||| ] 50%


You can join the project if you have those necessary skills :
  • able to create a model and/or animate it
  • able to create an artwork (loading screens, icons, logo, etc...)
  • able to make an AI
Otherwise, here are some requests I made. +rep for helpers!

Feel free to give your opinion on this project! I'll give credits to modellers (etc...) once the mod will be released.

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Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
I don't know anything about this MOD, but I think it will interest me a lot ^^! Do you have some links Heinv' please?

EDIT : I found some screenshots, and the models doesn't look very good compared to the ones I'm using, too bad...
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
My ImageShack account is quite buggy, now I will post screenshots in comments and not anymore in the main post!

EDIT : the Balrog of the third screenshot is the last spell of the Goblin hero ;-)!
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Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
Yes, you're right! I chose to not use team color on models themselves because I use a lot of WoW models (so without TC for the most of them), and to make the gameplay more realistic. But that involves finding another way to distinguish players, perhaps with team-colored health bar, or a team-colored glow, I didn't work on this aspect yet ^^"! If you have any alternative idea...
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
I plan to release a first version with 6 factions (Dwarves, Silvan Elves, Gondor, Isengard, Goblins, and another bad faction).
And then two updates with 2 good factions/2 bad factions each time.

I'll try to release a BETA with the 6 first factions but on the Divide&Conquer map and without AI before the first realese of the V1.0.
And the same with the V2.0 and the V3.0.

EDIT1 : first post updated!

EDIT2 : the BETAs will probably be released in French ^^"
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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
I do think divide and conquer would be the best Blizzard map to do this on. But are you going to use that map just for beta or make custom terrain? I think it would be a cool idea for the custom map to have Middle Earth creeps.

EDIT: Oh I'm stupid... I forgot it was a mod :p
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Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
Yes I'll use Divide&Conquer to release the BETA. But if you think that it could be a great terrain for this MOD, I would add it for the V1! The MOD will also include custom creeps, don't worry ;-)!
Level 6
Dec 29, 2013
Do you want some help? I could help you, seems interesting. (Terrain, Object-Data, Ideas, Played Lotr Fight for Middleearth, watched all 3 movies currently ^^)
Level 9
Jun 22, 2012
I created a forum to organise our work : terrainers began to terrain, and I keep on working on Gondor faction. We progress slowly but certainly (as we say in French ^^)! I hope respecting the deadline for the BETA :)
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