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    posted a message on Demon warlock

    Bargain and effective demons :P

    Posted in: Demon warlock
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    posted a message on Win by turn 5-6 with Murloc Shaman!

    Murloc for the win. I am now Gold. :P


    Posted in: Win by turn 5-6 with Murloc Shaman!
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    posted a message on New quillboars.

    Most often I play battleground is just for fun. Sometime OP is a kind of challenge that make the game fun, making the game more colorful. As long as the ranking is not very consequencial, that sounds ok to occasionally OP something a bit :P

    Posted in: Battlegrounds
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    posted a message on Budget Zoo OP????

    Legendary card stink :P

    Love this deck  :P

    Posted in: Budget Zoo OP????
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    posted a message on Face Hunter

    Very bargain deck :P

    Posted in: Face Hunter
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    posted a message on Taunt Druid (against spells)

    Super bargain and satisfying when you beat an opponent full of legendaries :P

    Posted in: Taunt Druid (against spells)
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    posted a message on Classic format Will Fail

    These days I can only play DH, and only once a week. I am F2P and do not have many cards with me. Only DH may get me some wins to rank. After this rotation may be I cannot rank anymore :P

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Meta-breaking MURLOC-NZOTH-CORRUPT paladin

    Long time since any Murlocs make their ways into a good deck !! Thankyou

    Posted in: Meta-breaking MURLOC-NZOTH-CORRUPT paladin
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    posted a message on Blizzard already ruined Duels

    The cards you can get on the way are too OP, and sometime one card determine the results (e.g. all minion rush).

    This mode seems to need heavy rework :P~~~

    Posted in: Duels
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    posted a message on Incoming Mage Nerfs
    Quote from samuellima91 >>

    Cards like Mozaki, Master Duelist and Archmage Antonidas are probably the reason for their hesitation on nerfing Sorcerer's Apprentice. Mozaki can't really function without this kind of support and, although Antonidas is perfectly fine as a card, people simply doesn't care about generating Fireballs if they can't use them immediately. If Apprentice is nerfed, it is going to drag a bunch of other cards with it to limbo.

    Sorcerer's Apprentice deserves a Hall of Frame, and this is a natural development along the time line of this game.

    After these several years, the game pace has become so short that a survivable deck needs 22+ 1-3mana cards to open the broad. Big spells naturally become much less relevant. So the dev tends to print 1-3 mana spells for mage for this practical reason. Then the contradiction form Sorcerer's Apprentice becomes instantly obvious :- you get a 33%- inf% mana reduction efficiency gain for all these spells. This is super-OP and is unintended for small spell design.

    Hall of Frame on Sorcerer's Apprentice is a very logical choice IMO. :P~~

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The RNG mechanism isn't really Random?

    May be the RNG is intended to be dramatic :P~

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone feeling stale

    True. Standard is somewhat boring. Only argos and smallish cards. No variation.

    Given a class, only a few aggro achi-types of deck works, any other combinations are auto-lose, so there is no much deck variations.

    You need to have 22+ cards <= 3 mana to stay alive, and your deck design becomes so restricted.

    I played much less these days, not even bother to open packs, since new cards mean nothing to deck building.

    Anyway, my comments is becoming salty :P~~~



    I think I should mention the story-mode on heros. It is a good idea to add content like this. However, the problems are it is too in-frequent, it is completely non-competitive and the reward is too few.

    Come to think of it, the story delivery approach is also very restricted, lack of imagination, completely dominated by the broad. These may be due to a sticky mindset into old game mode + too strong a balancing issue. Looking at other online games, there is much less "rich-poverty" divergence, so that MUCH MORE game content can be delivered without worrying about painful game balancing. Daily quests / Weekly quests can have storylines with developments and growth. Too much concern about Nerf? Buff? WR? Ranking? There should be much more dimensions for a good card game.

    Players are leaving and why? The dev should be able to read it :-
    Your game dimensions are so restricted and only attracted a niche set of aggro competitive players to stay. BG saved you a bit, but content delivery is still very restricted by the competitive model.

    There are a large preference variations among potential HS players, and dev fails to analyze that and to attract them to stay. The lack of game dimensions does not hold the player spectrum you deserved, in terms of not leveraging on so many years of world-view content on cards and very deeply characteristic hero setups.

    This is such a waste. :P~

    That said, I agreed HS2 is something needed and the dev needs to open their mind completely on that. This is a risk you have to take :P~

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide

    Never thought that Magtheridon can become tier 2 ... Lucky to still have it. :P~~~

    I can only find DH to use it. Is this how this tier 2 meant for ??

    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck
    Minion (15) Ability (13) Weapon (2)
    Loading Collection

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on I hate how mage has become the casino class

    I think the other way round....:P~~~

    it seems the problem is linked to a steep mana curve in deck biased to 1-3 mana.
    So I would not put more than six 5+ mana cards in my deck.
    If I dare to do so, I simply get many dead draws before turn 5, and lose painfully with < 50% WR.

    My interpretation is,
    the Dev tries to solve this problem by fitting RNG generation at 1-2 mana card.
    In this way, I can access big cards without putting biggies in my deck.
    Now I have 22+ <3mana cards and no worry about dead draw.
    Mage is a class you typically see this happening. Other classes card also have such designs.
    Highlander decks tend to be free from this condition, it is unique in mana curve and card power.

    However I think this is a bad solution. Any win will depend on strong RNG factor.
    This reflects the mulligan process is faulty and need redesign.
    Fixing this will improve the deck mana curve and cure the 22+ <3mana deck problem.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Grandmasters Week 3 Recap - Results & Decklists

    Oh Thijs lost so early.....

    Anyway decks are good  :P~~~

    Posted in: News
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