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    posted a message on I am sick and tired
    Quote from hydrafrog >>

    Get more bent on it.  I've been playing almost as long as you.  I'm almost always D5-Legend as well.  When it comes to the game, it is just a matter of Rock (Aggro), Paper (Control), Scissors (Combo).  If you're getting railed by Arcane Giants and their Breakdances, then play some kind of control. It isn't a big deal


     No use. Control is not fast enough against that disgusting cheat deck unless maybe priest with lucky draw

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Incindius

    Is elemental shaman finally going be a thing?

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Zephrys useless offerings

    Are all core cards in his pool? I wonder why some useless cards like the Kul Tiran Chaplain are so often offered?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Neutral Epic Card Revealed - Carry-On Grub

    No you don’t get an additional copy. You pack the original card

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on How to fix quest mage once and for all

    And when we thought we got finally rid of the problem….. 

    Why don’t they just ban quests in wild for good? They should keep them for standard only when they come out and then stop.  They will always be trouble in wild, always. It’s impossible to fix them

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on I get roped instead of my opponent?

    Why don’t they f..ing fix this? Why am I the one paying the price for it?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on I get roped instead of my opponent?

    So I play this idiotic otk quest mage in wild. They keep playing otk cards way past their time limit. I thought well it is maybe due to the animation. They don’t get to kill me. I still have some hp left but suddenly when it’s my turn I get immediately roped, like two seconds and then it’s again their turn and they finish me.. WTF happened there?

    Opponent had a Chinese name. Well I don’t want to make prejudiced assumptions but you know that strange feeling inside?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on PRO GAMERS ONLY (rock paper scissors)

    How are you supposed to lose every time? Is this a troll deck?

    Posted in: PRO GAMERS ONLY (rock paper scissors)
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    posted a message on The demon seed all over again

    I am at the point that I insta concede when the enemy plays The Demon Seed just not to waste time. If this normal, I wonder

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Why do some classes always take the worst beating?
    Quote from Baldassar >>
    Quote from fabjx71 >>
    Quote from Baldassar >>

    Paladin was OP for a week and was nuked hard.

     Really? Let me check...

    Nope no hard nuke, still tier 1. Don't know what you're talking about. 

    And as I said the only adjust needed vs nature shaman was one 100% effective tech card.

    Let me think what tech card can we play vs busted paladin? Mmmh Ah yes... NONE

    STILL tier 1? How can you just pretend that it had not been several weeks where Paladin decks were tier 3 until everything else was nerfed? Also, do you think that a metagame where every single deck - even aggro - has to run a tech card and concede if they don't draw it by turn 6 or 7 is healthy?

    The designers can be blamed for not finding good concepts for some classes, including shaman, but not for the nerfs. The days of Warsong Commander are gone.

    How delusional. No, it was never tier 3. Tier 2 not less. And definitely NOT SEVERAL WEEKS.

    And yes. Some decks were forced to run two Dirty Rats vs highlander warrior and still with low chance of success. In the case of nature shaman, Cult Neophyte would have been 100% successful when played with at least 6 turns to draw it including mulligan. So TOTALLY in line. Besides it is a card that has great stats and effect and is very often included in decks when spells are an issue so you have 0 arguments


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The demon seed all over again
    Quote from Zakatara1 >>

    I think Blizzard only will address Mass Production and maybe Cristallizer, the damage it deals could be reduced, other than that I don't see a nerf to a 2 times nerfed quest.

     I think there is room for more nerfing. To start with, remove the lifesteal effect from the first two rewards. At least that would make it more vulnerable to aggro. 

    Second make the legendary reward cost more than 5 mana. It should cost at least 7

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on The Demon Seed will always be an issue

    I think it would be unplayable and don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind at all

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Why do some classes always take the worst beating?
    Quote from Blobbs >>

    draw cards until u get all the combo pieces, defo needs a 160 IQ 

     And at the same time surviving aggro? And not milling yourself? Yes it takes a LOT more IQ than playing those other straightforward decks. And that's why it was basically non existing at low ranks.

    But what do you know? You clearly never played it yourself. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on The demon seed all over again

     Yes because it was not strong enough already so they had to go and print this Mass Production

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Why do some classes always take the worst beating?
    Quote from Baldassar >>

    Paladin was OP for a week and was nuked hard.

     Really? Let me check...

    Nope no hard nuke, still tier 1. Don't know what you're talking about. 

    And as I said the only adjust needed vs nature shaman was one 100% effective tech card.

    Let me think what tech card can we play vs busted paladin? Mmmh Ah yes... NONE

    Posted in: General Discussion
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