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    posted a message on Patch 30.0 String Differences - Voice Lines, Tutorial, Glue, Gameplay & More

    Neither does the bot account that made the weird comment.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Revealed - Chillin Voljin

    As far as the art, Vol'jin and a few others seen in the background are in a sauna, which fits the spa theme for Priest.  He seems to be doing something to the coals to make them give off some very suspicious looking steam which is not making the background characters too happy.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Warrior Legendary Card Revealed - The Ryecleaver

    They could eventually implement that change if it sees no play.  I’m more wondering about the randomly generated Ryecleavers that aren’t played.  Imagine having one slice of bread that you can never get rid of because someone plays Blingtron and you randomly got this without the battlecry!  Do you add a line of text to the second slice to discard at end of turn so it’s not a dead card if it has nothing to merge with?

    Granted that would be pretty rare.  More likely scenario is someone swings and breaks the weapon when their hand is full.  But that’s on them!  They deserve the one dead slice then!  LOL

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Priest just ruined Wild or what ?

    If there’s anyone miserable here, it’s not me.  Def seems like you might be.  Also weird that you singled me out for my response when looking back I’m clearly not the only one to do so.

    Again, I’m not miserable and you won’t make me that way either.  Go troll someone else.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Priest just ruined Wild or what ?
    Quote from Dunscot >>
    Quote from Thonson >>

    Imagine thinking Thief Priest is a problem in Wild!  LOL

    Just wait until you face a never ending onslaught of Shadow Aggro Priest, Demon Seed Warlock, or any kind of good Rogue deck!  Then you’ll wish for more Thief Priest opponents.

    There are so many more decks in the format that are much bigger problems than Thief Priest.

     Imagine shoehorning your own gripes into a thread and derailing the topic instead of actually answering a question.


     Imagine thinking I did that?  Posted title is about Priest ruining Wild.  I told him no, and gave examples of decks that are much better and more egregiously “ruining wild”.  They want ways to beat that deck?  Play a better deck.  Is that not answering the topic?

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Did this ever happen to you?

    Still not as bad as the time Kripp got offered three “This minion cannot attack” cards at once.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Runic Greatmace !?!

    Been playing since 2014 but didn’t know what Ignis, the Eternal Flame does…

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on Priest just ruined Wild or what ?

    Imagine thinking Thief Priest is a problem in Wild!  LOL

    Just wait until you face a never ending onslaught of Shadow Aggro Priest, Demon Seed Warlock, or any kind of good Rogue deck!  Then you’ll wish for more Thief Priest opponents.

    There are so many more decks in the format that are much bigger problems than Thief Priest.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 2

    posted a message on Plz unnerf Velarok

    Please do whatever I need to make my favorite deck much stronger.  Thanks!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How does DK add charge ghouls to hand?

    Panda bouncers, maybe some other effect that hit the board?  Would need more info to determine the exact cause.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Genn and Baku bundle

    As a player who enjoys Wild, I kind of want these signature versions of Genn and Baku that are in the shop.  However, I have reservations...

    First off, just in general the bundle makes no sense for Standard only players as we know these two cards will leave Core again in about 5 weeks.  Second, as a Wild player I still don't know if it makes any sense to purchase it because I'd be buying signature versions of the two cards you actually never want to draw if you are playing an Even or Odd deck.

    So in general, even if I had the extra 4k Runestones to throw at it, it doesn't make a lot of sense unless you're trying to collect every cool cosmetic that exists.  Or if you are that much of an Odd/Even deck enjoyer.


    Thoughts?  Anyone here already purchased it?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Hearthstone Expansion Reveal on Monday!

    What you’re describing is the deck list for DH that Whizbang provides.


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on What happened to “complete my deck”?

    Maybe they are in the process of updating the feature and will be releasing a better version soon?  Or it's a bug.

    Did some digging, and this is on the known bugs report:

    • [Added 6/3] [Collection] The team is aware that “Complete My Deck” is not currently functioning. This is expected to be fixed in the next major patch.

    No idea if the next major patch means tomorrow after the expansion announcement or when the new expansion launches in about a month to month and a half.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone Expansion Reveal on Monday!

    I hope it also involves Pip Quickwit who, according to WoWpedia, apparently now resides at some spa in the Dragon Isles.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Card Names & Abbreviation Leak For Hearthstone Expansion Due in 2024

    Probably not a bad guess. I was going to say Summer Murloc Rave, where the map in the image is a guide to the murlocs’ secret party island.  LOL

    Posted in: News
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