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    posted a message on Priest just ruined Wild or what ?

    I I'm an old casual player who came back about 2 months ago after a 3 years or so break and found myself an N'zoth Rogue deck I really enjoy in wild.

    Problem and I shit you not, about 80% of my match up have been against the same braindead Priest archetype that just copy my cards h24 will having 2 or 3 other win conditions. dragging games to 30min duels where a single amount of luck just auto win them the game.

    I'm fin with counters, that's abviously part of the game but why is everyone playing that same thing it just boring as hell at this point... heck how do they even play in mirror match up? is there anything that counter it? so far I barrely see some other decks like a bunch of mage and chaman.


    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Just how fuckin undervalued can the death knight's cards be???

    How the hell a 2/2 weapon with a 2 face dmg  on kill just cost 1 mana? How can a 3 dmg spell that summon a rush monster cost 2 mana? How can that bullshit play aggro, controle and midrange in the same meta? What next? Mill?

    Fuck that shit man and half of my games are against it will HS got 10 godamn classes!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Breakdance

    Mill Rogue good again copium

    Posted in: Breakdance
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    posted a message on Old player what to do with my golds?

    Well from my 10 death knight packs I actually got the rogue putricide legendary but gray lol

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Old player what to do with my golds?

    My fav were tempo and mill

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Old player what to do with my golds?

    I see thanks for the big reply.

    I didn't know that each set give you a garanteed legendary after 10 packs and that the next rotation is comming soon (I though it was in february).

    I'll get 10 packs of Castle Nathria and 10 of  March of the Lich King I guess.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Old player what to do with my golds?

    Hi, I came back to HS after a 4 years break and I'm about to hit gold by using a free hunter deck the game gave me.

    I got 2500g to spend but theres so much stuff now I'm lost on what's the best to spend it on.

    Should I just build the last expension packs? Is there a new one comming soon? Is it better to buy these "structure decks" for 2k golds? Are the mercenaries packs noob bait?

    Also I usualy only play rogue so I mostly just craft my cards by sacrificing other classes cards.

    Thanks for any help!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Mercanaries Task Discussion/Guide Thread

    Wait you can get special portraits from packs?

    Posted in: Mercenaries
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    posted a message on Mercanaries Task Discussion/Guide Thread

    Hi, I just got back to HS after 3 years and started playing that mercenary mode.

    apparently that "battle pass" thing will reset tomorrow, so will there be any other way to get the Vanessa Vancleef skins in the futur? I'm at lvl 20 atm so getting up to lvl 75 sounds pretty doomed lol.

    Posted in: Mercenaries
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