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    posted a message on Wild Combos in Paradise

    Also fits to quest hunter deck, were you get 20 cards added to deck (1 mana 3/2 raptor draw a card)

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Octo treachery

    I'd add Emperor Thaurissan

    Your full combo costs 9 mana, discounted by Emperror for 1 turn it can be 6.

    Posted in: Octo treachery
  • 7

    posted a message on I am sick and tired

    I'm since beta too, but i had few years break. Playing time to time now.

    I think you need sort of break (pause or less intensive experience), until the game gives you joy again.

    It is just a game in our life after all, we live to be happy!💖

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 2

    posted a message on New Warrior Legendary Card Revealed - Hamm the Hungry

    Combo breaker, insta concede for opponent time to time.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warrior Legendary Card Revealed - The Ryecleaver

    Well, for 5 (or even 6) mana it might catch attention.

    For 7 seems too expensive.

    But we'l see ofc, maybe some clever combo.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Tokenlock

    Worked fine for me: 3-1

    Posted in: Tokenlock
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    posted a message on Priest just ruined Wild or what ?

    Hey. I've played HS since beta and had untill recent time 3-4 years pause. Back couple months ago.

    Nowadays I played wild (EU) with different decks and i did not encounter your problems.

    May be, try with another deck.



    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Returning players, where to start again?

    Ditto. I crafted couple wild deck: big shaman and imba quest warlock (this one rocks).
    Quickly hit legend 3k with warlock.

    There are ofc more viable wild decks, like kings bane rogue, but i didnt try them out, though i saw them showing good results.

    As for standart - for returning players they offer free standart decks. I took warrior. And it is pretty good for standart to move close to diamond.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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