• 0

    posted a message on Octo-masseuse

    Yeah hmm, Ashtongue Deathsworn, Treachery, Power Overwhelming, Octo-Masseuse and Broomstick? 1+3+1+4+1 is 10 mana without discounts and it deals 41 damage to face if you run the Broomstick into the Deathsworn first. Of course it's a 5 card combo (not a problem in Warlock with the insane draw). 10 mana though means you have to survive, or discount (if only we had something to discount your hand :P ). If you drop Emperor on 5 or get a charge from the rod, you can play it turn 6?

    Might be too slow for wild, but will definitely happen and make the place even more miserable. 

    Posted in: Octo-masseuse
  • 7

    posted a message on Hearthstone Expansion Reveal on Monday!

    My money is on Powercreep in Pandaria :D. 

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on The demon seed all over again

    I despise the deck with passion and nowadays just autoconcede to them. When in the mood to hunt for these degenerates, I've crafted two decks that deal with them quite decently(Or at least used to, not sure about this new version). One was a hyper fast Linecracker druid and the other evasive mill rogue. The key with the rogue was to use evasion in a smart way and then hit the warlock with a boatload of oracles when they are out, blowing them up on your turn. 

    The winrate of these decks versus anything else is questionable though :D. 

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on How to fix quest mage once and for all

    Just turn the quest reward into something that can't be easily replicated via existing game mechanics? Make it an actual Time Warp Portal location with one charge: take an extra turn?  That way they could double it up only by shuffling their hand into the deck with Fizzle or using something really weird like Nobleman and hoping for it to hit the location in hand. 

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 5

    posted a message on Legendary Holidays from the HearthPwn Team!

    Happy Feast of Winter Veil everyone! :) 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Wild: Bugged Cards To Exploit

    Yep, found two warlocks on wild ladder (in the massive sea of pirate rogue bots), who happily exploited Chaos Gazer and cheerfully emoted, bouncing the bugged fella and having a blast. Hearthstone experience 2023 :D . 

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Signature cards reroll

    I did it, rerolled one of the signature legendaries from the reward track and got a duplicate legendary instead (Frostmourne :S)., 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Reporting players??

    I'm not, but I see his status through Bnet launcher contacts ;). 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Reporting players??

     It's quite sad, I've tried to send  friend requests to chat about a fun game or ask about decks, but nobody accepts. I do understand why - the last three friend requests I accepted were hate vomits - one of them told me in no uncertain terms that all the children in my family should die (a big priest player who perished to my Mass polymorph). I've reported the player, but he keeps logging on daily anyway. It feels like the Report function is there just for show. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on On the pronunciation of Libram

    Are you certain? I always thought it was pronounced löï-brrrrüåm!

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on 22.0.2 Patch Notes - Balance Changes (BG, Constructed), Arena Update, Bug Fixes & More

    The pirate NeERrFf was probably a joke?  On a side note, anyone having issues with not getting full dust refund for the nerfed cards? I have a couple of extra Mo'args but they dust for 100 (Epic), despite being nerfed, same for Snowfall guardians - dust for 5. A bug? 

    Posted in: News
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