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    posted a message on How to fix quest mage once and for all

    okay, since the creator of this thread doesn't know how the interaction of time warp works, and nobody is correcting him, we have two options:

    1. ban iceblock

    2. gain an extra turn (once per game)



    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Elemental Excavations

    are you serious  xD

    Posted in: Elemental Excavations
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    posted a message on Bots Question
    Quote from DatMageDoe >>
    Quote from FatalityHS0 >>

     bro, u have no idea what u are talkin about; there are nearly no blizzard bots, stop praising that lame mmr argument (its not real), they are actual accounts, same in overwatch u freak!!!

    blizzard banned 60k accounts, and there are still thousands of bot accounts around.

    stop talkin bs on this forum, man. its hilarious!

     Don't believe me? Take it from Blizzard themselves. Specifically, the "Early Progression and Milestone Offer Updates" section.

    Apprentice (new player ranks) and low internal-rating players (colloquially called “MMR”) may now face up against AI opponents when playing on the ranked Standard ladder. This will help said players have a more fun experience while learning the game. Experienced players will not face these AI opponents, and they will have no impact on MMR, leaderboards, or legend ranks. Most players advance beyond the affected MMR range upon leaving Silver or Gold ranks.

     its clear that the blizzard bots are on that level 50 new player bullshit up to bronze, but guess whos not on that rank: the real bots. and as i said, its a small amount compared to actual bot accounts. these bot accounts are so annoying, they even define the meta in some modes.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bots Question

    especially in wild

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Bots Question
    Quote from DatMageDoe >>

    Those are Blizzard ran bots, which only appear at low internal MMRs. They're there because the game doesn't have enough players at these ranks to get you a match in a reasonable amount of time (before their addition, I've seen 5+ minute queues)

    They don't show up in the "Recent players" list because they're not real players or Battlenet accounts. Similarly, you can't report them because, well, they're officially ran by the developers. 

     bro, u have no idea what u are talkin about; there are nearly no blizzard bots, stop praising that lame mmr argument (its not real), they are actual accounts, same in overwatch u freak!!!

    blizzard banned 60k accounts, and there are still thousands of bot accounts around.

    stop talkin bs on this forum, man. its hilarious!

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Neverending Plagues DK


    Posted in: Neverending Plagues DK
  • 2

    posted a message on Pirate Plague Unholy DK

    oh yeah baby, hoard pillager :D

    Posted in: Pirate Plague Unholy DK
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    posted a message on My phone conversation with a Hearthstone developer

    Me: *farts*

    Frank: *laughs*

    (Conversation ends)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on More bots?

    yup, only bots in wild. dead game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Pure Control is dead and buried, nerfs wont change that
    Quote from xskarma >>
    Quote from Moop547 >>

    This is prolly a result of all the people whining on here about created cards and priest card generation. Thanks!

     It's unfair to blame ALL of it on that. As others have mentioned, the Control Warrior with Dr. Boom that lead to 1 hour or more mirror matches was just as bad.

    I think this is an attempt to reign in those kinds of excesses. The Control Warrior and Control Priest matches that went on forever cause their game plan was just to drain you of any possiblities to still win, instead of having an actual game plan to win themselves.

    Time spent playing a game shouldn't be a measuring stick for how good it was.

    You can have an interesting game AND be done in 10 min. They are not mutually exclusive.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on BIG


    i play this deck right now, no joke; its good against warlock and paladin (rogue and mage is still auto concede).

    Posted in: BIG
  • 1

    posted a message on IMAGINE TO SAY THE META WAS OKAY

    ..OR EVEN SKILL BASED, or you are hearthpwn moderator.

    xskarma meme free zone

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Just faced a hero power bot..
    Quote from xskarma >>


    That's your best bet. The more information you can give the better fro them.

     what a joke

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on IMAGINE TO SAY THE META WAS OKAY
    Quote from Andrei2007 >>

    A skilled player will still slap you no matter how hard you try to cope.

     abusing broken mechanics = skilled player


    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on IMAGINE TO SAY THE META WAS OKAY
    Quote from Pherosizm >>

    I can do it. I can imagine it.

    You just have to your use...

    Posted in: Standard Format
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