
The stalwart defenders of the Light reside within the Paladin forum! Sunglasses required.
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Standard Is Handbuff Paladin really that good? >>
by Ghostwaker
3 1,277
spirit of the badlands bugg >>
by ExteriorPeak
3 804
Tyrs Tears BUG? >>
by CallmeChilli
1 650
Standard Pure Paladin that works in the current meta? >>
by Ghostwaker
7 1,714
[Deck Building] Kangor paladin >>
by CallmeChilli
8 1,884
Standard How important is Kotori Lightblade in Pure Paladin? >>
by Grubelmonster
2 1,539
Control Paladin Guide >>
by Adodo
0 1,135
Paladin Custom Set >>
by VanHades21209
12 1,134
Lady Liadrin is ugly? >>
by Paeter27
52 11,952
Wild Wild Exodia Paladin >>
by Almagnus1
7 3,219
Sir Annoy-o card back >>
by Gadgetron
1 1,145
Yeah, I'm done with this game (Onyxia's Lair) >>
by Sad_Knight
24 3,479
Paladins hmmm? >>
by Godisone2017
3 2,523
Secret Paladin is broken!!!! LOL >>
by parishbishop
17 2,844
Bug with paladin questline >>
by majkavidaebablizzard
0 362
Just went bronze to legend with this list. Write up in link. >>
by Kahuna_Loa
3 1,310
Two things I noticed about Paladin which are bugging me >>
by SkytoM
13 3,335
Is Paladin too strong? >>
by Yachz1ron
39 6,816
How do you even beat warlock with secret paladin? >>
by _Nihenna
2 1,082
Standard Paladin secrets are too good for their costs. >>
by Laysson
2 1,017
Standard Dude Pally still not viable? >>
by Amaranthus
6 4,911
Trying to think of some changes for this Lib-Watchpost Deck >>
by KitsuneRTC
5 745
Is pure paladin actually a tempo/midrange deck? >>
by _Nihenna_
4 1,199
Is there some sort of big paladin going on right now? >>
by Nihenna
10 2,148
librams RNG is crazy >>
by irhmgg1
3 1,047