Buddy Meter

Buy 2 Buddies

Get 2 Buddies!
(Win/Tie - Costs 3 less)
(Loss - Costs 2 less)

Buy Your Buddy

Get your Buddy!
(Win/Tie - Costs 3 less)
(Loss - Costs 2 less)

The Perfect Crime

Steal all cards from
the Tavern. Each turn,
your next Hero Power
costs (1) less.



Taunt, Divine Shield
Deathrattle: Summon three
1/2 Mechs with Taunt
and Divine Shield.

Some classes get Void Lords, other classes get Annoyed Lords.


Taunt, Divine Shield
Deathrattle: Summon three
2/4 Mechs with Taunt
and Divine Shield.

Some classes get Void Lords, other classes get Annoyed Lords.

Kangor's Apprentice

Deathrattle: Summon
your first 2 Mechs that died this combat.

Kangor's Apprentice

Deathrattle: Summon
your first 4 Mechs that died this combat.


Your other Demons have +4/+4.
Your hero is Immune.


Your hero is Immune.
Your other Demons
have +2/+2.

Mal'Ganis doesn't like being betrayed, so if you discard him, watch out.


Deathrattle: Summon three
2/6 Demons with Taunt.


Deathrattle: Summon three
1/3 Demons with Taunt.

Never let it hold your checkbook.

Elistra the Immortal

Divine Shield. Reborn.
Whenever a friendly Taunt
minion is attacked, this
gets attacked instead.

Elistra the Immortal

Divine Shield. Reborn.
Whenever a friendly Taunt
minion is attacked, this
gets attacked instead.

Foe Reaper 4000

Also damages the minions next to whomever it attacks.

Foe Reaper 4000

Also damages the minions next to whomever it attacks.

Foe reaping is really not so different from harvest reaping, at the end of the day.

Goldrinn, the Great Wolf

Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +4/+4.

Goldrinn, the Great Wolf

Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +8/+8.

Imp Mama

Whenever this minion
takes damage, summon
2 random Demons and
give them Taunt.

Imp Mama

Whenever this minion takes
damage, summon a random
Demon and give it Taunt.

Kalecgos, Arcane Aspect

After you trigger a Battlecry,
give your Dragons +1/+1.

Kalecgos, Arcane Aspect

After you trigger a Battlecry,
give your Dragons +2/+2.

Lieutenant Garr

After you play an Elemental,
gain +2 Health for each
friendly Elemental.

Lieutenant Garr

After you play an Elemental,
gain +1 Health for each
friendly Elemental.



Sneed's Old Shredder

Deathrattle: Summon 2 random Legendary minions.

Sneed's Old Shredder

Deathrattle: Summon a random Legendary minion.

The Boogeymonster

Whenever this attacks and kills a minion, gain +2/+2.

Has 20 years of training in classical ballet, but ALLLLLL he ever gets asked to do is boogie.

The Boogeymonster

Whenever this attacks and kills a minion, gain +4/+4.

Whirlwind Tempest

Your minions with Windfury have Mega-Windfury.

Whirlwind Tempest

Your minions with Windfury have Mega-Windfury.

And your minions with mega-windfury get... dizzy.

Zapp Slywick

This minion always attacks
the enemy minion with
the lowest Attack.

Zapp Slywick

This minion always attacks
the enemy minion with
the lowest Attack.

Plunder Seeker

Steal a random card from the Tavern for each Pirate you control.

Come on Down! {0}

Spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron.


Battlecry: Randomly
Adapt for each different
friendly minion type.


Battlecry: Randomly Adapt
twice for each different
friendly minion type.

Captain Sanders

Battlecry: Make a friendly minion Golden.

Captain Sanders

Battlecry: Make a friendly minion Golden.

Champion of Sargeras

Minions in the Tavern have +10/+10.

Champion of Sargeras

Minions in the Tavern have +20/+20.

Cursed Shadow


Granite Guardian

Whenever this is attacked,
reduce the attacker's
Health to 1.

Granite Guardian

Whenever this is attacked,
reduce the attacker's
Health to 1.

Ironhide Direhorn

Overkill: Summon a 10/10 Ironhide Runt.

Ironhide Direhorn

Overkill: Summon a 5/5 Ironhide Runt.

"Boy! Bring me my masks and skull rams."

King Varian

When you sell this, Discover two
Tier 6 minions.

King Varian

When you sell this, Discover four
Tier 6 minions.

Moira Bronzebeard

Your Battlecries and Deathrattles trigger twice.

Moira Bronzebeard

Your Battlecries and Deathrattles trigger
three times.

Nat Pagle, Extreme Angler

When this attacks
and kills a minion,
get a random minion.

Nat Pagle, Extreme Angler

When this attacks
and kills a minion,
get 2 random minions.

Obsidian Ravager

Whenever this attacks,
deal damage equal to its
Attack to the target and
an adjacent minion.

Obsidian Ravager

Whenever this attacks,
deal damage equal to its
Attack to the target
and its neighbors.

Papa Bear

Deathrattle: Summon
3 Mama Bears.

Papa Bear

Deathrattle: Summon
3 Golden Mama Bears.

Recurring Nightmare

Deathrattle: Give a
different friendly Undead
"Deathrattle: Summon a
Recurring Nightmare."

Recurring Nightmare

Deathrattle: Give a different
friendly Undead "Deathrattle:
Summon a Golden
Recurring Nightmare."


Start of Combat:
Transform into a copy of
your teammate's highest
Health minion.


Start of Combat:
Transform into a Golden
copy of your teammate's
highest Health minion.

Sanguine Champion

Battlecry and Deathrattle:
Your Blood Gems give an
extra +1/+1 this game.

Sanguine Champion

Battlecry and Deathrattle:
Your Blood Gems give an
extra +2/+2 this game.

Sated Threshadon

Deathrattle: Summon three 2/2 Murlocs.

Sated Threshadon

Deathrattle: Summon three 1/1 Murlocs.

Bet you can't eat just one murloc!

Sea Witch Zar'jira

Spellcraft: Choose a
different minion in the
Tavern to get a copy of.

Sea Witch Zar'jira

Spellcraft: Choose a
different minion in the
Tavern to get 2 copies of.

Seabreaker Goliath

Overkill: Give your other Pirates +2/+2.

Seabreaker Goliath

Overkill: Give your other Pirates +4/+4.


Your other Demons have +1 Attack.

Has a side hustle as a siegebroker.


Your other Demons have +2 Attack.


Your other Demons have +1 Attack.

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Warlock
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Set: Hall of Fame
  • Race: Demon
  • Tier: 4
  • Cost to Craft: 100 / 800 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 20 / 100 (Golden)
  • Artist: James Ryman
  • Collectible

Has a side hustle as a siegebroker.

The Boommobile

Reborn, Divine Shield,
Taunt, Windfury

The Boommobile

Reborn, Divine Shield,
Taunt, Windfury

The Tide Razor

Deathrattle: Summon 3 random Pirates.

The Tide Razor

Deathrattle: Summon 6 random Pirates.

Tide Oracle Morgl

Poisonous. When this
attacks and kills a minion,
give its maximum stats to a
minion in your hand.

Tide Oracle Morgl

Poisonous. When this attacks
and kills a minion, give
double its maximum stats
to a minion in your hand.

Tunnel Blaster

Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage
to all minions twice.

And you always thought they wore the candles just for fun.

Tunnel Blaster

Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage
to all minions.

And you always thought they wore the candles just for fun.

Eyes of the Earth Mother

Choose a friendly minion from Tier 4 or below. Make it Golden.

Sacred Gift

Give a minion
Divine Shield.

Come on Down! 2

Spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron.

Admiral Eliza Goreblade

Whenever a friendly Pirate attacks, give all friendly minions +3/+1.

Admiral Eliza Goreblade

Whenever a friendly Pirate attacks, give all friendly minions +6/+2.

Aggem Thorncurse

After a Blood Gem is
played on this, give a friendly minion of each type +2/+1.

Aggem Thorncurse

After a Blood Gem is
played on this, give a friendly minion of each type +4/+2.

Archdruid Hamuul

Battlecry: Refresh the Tavern with minions of your most common type.

Archdruid Hamuul

Battlecry: Refresh the Tavern with minions of your most common type.

Archlich Kel'Thuzad

At the end of your turn,
destroy the Undead to the
left of this and resummon
an exact copy.

Archlich Kel'Thuzad

At the end of your turn,
destroy adjacent Undead
and resummon exact

Arid Atrocity

Deathrattle: Summon a 7/7
Golem. Give it +7/+7 for
each friendly minion type
that died this combat.

Arid Atrocity

Deathrattle: Summon a 14/14
Golem. Give it +14/+14
for each friendly minion type
that died this combat.

Bone Drake

Deathrattle: Add a random Dragon to your hand.

The bone drake brings all the dragons to the yard. He would teach you, but you have no cards.


Avenge (2): Play 2 Blood Gems on all your Quilboar.


Avenge (2): Play 4 Blood Gems on all your Quilboar.

Cap'n Hoggarr

Whenever you buy a Pirate,
gain 1 Gold.

Cap'n Hoggarr

Whenever you buy a Pirate,
gain 2 Gold.

Captain Flat Tusk

After you spend 3 Gold, get a Blood Gem.
(@ Gold left!)