All GTA 5 Cheats & Codes for PlayStation, Xbox & PC

Is there a way to spawn the alien ship? The one that you can interact with online? I am not seeing it anywhere but I might have overlooked it.
There is no cheat for them that I am aware of. I am assuming you mean one of the UFOs right? There are three different ones technically.

Some people are suspecting they may eventually allow us to pilot one but who knows.

What does the cheat Skyfall do exactly? I might be overlooking descriptions of them but I am not seeing anything about it. Most seem self explanatory but I am not sure what this one is.
It causes you to respawn falling from the sky. When you are falling, you are "gliding down" as if you have some sort of wing suit on. It was in GTA 4 as well but way more useful in that game cause you can actually save the cheat as a contact for quick use when needed.
Some people are suspecting they may eventually allow us to pilot one but who knows.
I heard something like this but this was a while ago at this point. So I am guessing this is not going to happen at this point. If they were to add anything of the sort, it would probably happen next year.
Going to mess around with some of these offline. Ironically enough, when I played the game years ago I never bothered with them.
So I have to ask... When you dial " 199946844557 " into your phone, does it actually trigger a cheat code for getting money? I saw it a few times floating around online but when I did try it, nothing seemed to happen for me. You are meant to get a lot of money.
I fell for this recently. Came across it in a video and it does not work on PlayStation. I tried several times. I completed the story too. Maybe it was removed at some point or people are just screwing with the community.
I fell for this recently. Came across it in a video and it does not work on PlayStation. I tried several times. I completed the story too. Maybe it was removed at some point or people are just screwing with the community.
Yeah I have come to find it did not work and likely never did. Oh well! I was worth trying either way. I just wanted GTA 5 to have a cheat for money so badly I was digging around for it.
What are the differences between the cheats for GTA 5 on Xbox 360 vs Xbox Series S/X? I am curious what they they changed in terms of cheats, if anything at all.