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  • 10f6fa emblem 256

    @Crankv2 How to create a category in the menu? I don't see this option. I also found a problem. If you return in the secondary menu, your menu will not return to the primary menu, but will directly close the menu. Is this intentional? There is a problem with the direction of your vehicle generation. If I generate a vehicle in the vehicle, its direction is confusing. Sometimes it faces me, and sometimes it faces the front. You should set it to generate in the same direction as my current vehicle. You can also add an option to automatically delete the previous vehicle when generating a new vehicle. Finally, can you publish your script without using oiv? The structure of your script is not complicated, so you can just package it.

    10 hours ago
  • 10f6fa emblem 256

    @Crankv2 Do you mean that you can classify by creating multiple txt documents?

    16 hours ago
  • 10f6fa emblem 256

    Bro, your vehicle list only has one txt file, what should you do if you want to categorize the vehicles, you should have the script read multiple txt files, like addonspawn does, so that they can be categorized. There is another problem. Your script will generate the following log infinitely:
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False
    2024/7/22 21:36:57: HighlightVehicle called for CARNOTFOUND (Handle: 395271) with highlight = False

    If I don't stop it, it will continue to generate

    Expand to read the full comment
    1 day ago
  • 10f6fa emblem 256
  • 10f6fa emblem 256
  • 10f6fa emblem 256

    What mod is used for NPC health display

    6 days ago
  • 10f6fa emblem 256

    I have a small suggestion, you can put all the configuration files in a folder with the same name as the script, like "All MP Vehicles in SP.dll" and "All MP Vehicles in SP", so that it is relatively convenient to find the configuration files in the script directory

    7 days ago
  • 10f6fa emblem 256

    @Crankv2 good,I forgot I'm not using English lol.

    8 days ago
  • 10f6fa emblem 256

    @Crankv2 Ikts spawner is open source. I deleted the classification function in the list classification. I think it is unnecessary to classify the vehicle list by manufacturer again. The disadvantage is that you cannot add mouse operations, and the menu opening function cannot read the last opened menu. Every time you start from the main menu, I gave up spawner after using it for a while. But its classification function is the best compared to other modifiers such as menyoo. The only thing that menyoo lacks is such a custom classification function.

    8 days ago
  • 10f6fa emblem 256

    Can you add a feature to the vehicle spawn menu that shows a picture of the vehicle, similar to the Menyoo one?

    8 days ago