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  • Bb7fd5 papageesplayground

    @KassiteR Now that I'm looking at your event map I'm not sure what it was because it's marked as "special:yellow dot". Location Grand Sanora Desert between Harmony and landing strip. I'm sorry that I mislead you on this as it was a shootout with some people.

    8 days ago
  • Bb7fd5 papageesplayground

    Oh of course. I had actually installed it, slept then started the game to test it when I woke.

    8 days ago
  • Bb7fd5 papageesplayground

    I have this set (GangWar=false) but they are still spawning, just an fyi. I'm still running this in LSR

    8 days ago
  • Bb7fd5 papageesplayground

    Just in case you're interested in the mod I am speaking about https://www.lcpdfr.com/downloads/gta5mods/scripts/36665-los-santos-red/

    9 days ago
  • Bb7fd5 papageesplayground

    @KassiteR This report doesn't necessarily relate to your mod (130 bet) having an issue on it's own. Remember I am using this along side of the mod Los Santos RED. LSR has itself events happening and I believe the timing was just ripe for this to happen. I had already provoked The Lost MC into raising their guns towards me and a police unit was just happening by. This resulted in a shootout between the police and LMC but at the same time one of your gang shootouts spawned in tanking my frames immediately. I thought maybe if I drove far enough away it would stabilize with everything despawning but it didn't help. Again I do not believe it was your mod's fault, just bad timing on the events happening. I would like to ask, is there any way I could disable the gang shootouts from happening since I don't need that as it already happens in LSR organically? I had already changed the setting for events to have a chance to happen every 30 minutes but I'm going to up that to 60 minutes for the time being. I do really like your mod and hope to continue using it in LSR. I am also planning on testing this in the LSPDFR mod at a later time.

    9 days ago
  • Bb7fd5 papageesplayground

    I'm currently using the last version (121) in the Los Santos RED mod with no issues. I will update to the latest Beta version (130) to see how it plays out. By the way thank you for releasing this mod to us and all the work you do. I understand how time consuming modding can be

    9 days ago
  • Bb7fd5 papageesplayground

    Just wanted to Thank You for your work I really appreciate it.

    July 05, 2024