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    @Ss4gogeta0 Just wanted to let you know that you have an sqlite file at this path
    Sunshine_Dream\Install (main)\mods\x64a.rpf\levels\.vs\slnx.sqlite
    For QBCore or similar framework?
    Whatever it is, SP definitely doesn't use databases for maps so users will be installing this for nothing.

    5 days ago
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    @ikt @ikt Unfortunately I have over 800 cars installed. I tested your mod and noticed over 200 did not even have a make. Just a hyphen. Again this is the fault of the mod creators who are either lazy or have no idea what the meta files are for.

    But that's just the tip of the iceberg, I estimate the other mistakes such as errors in makes and models at about 100 to 200. So give or take over 300 - 400 mods which need changes to have edited vehicle.meta files. And definitely more than one correction per file (per vehicle). Of course the creator updates the mod, then you need to go back and once more edit the meta data. It's a never ending story. Why would someone call a HD Sportster a 117? That's what's in the meta file.

    And now the worse part, and don't take this wrong, you have a great mod but all spawners and trainers have the same issue: they willl spawn certain cars improperly - for example with missing components such as the roof or even worse, just the frame will spawn. Again once more, the creators are to blame.

    The solution is DIY. I use LemonUI, create my own menus, and I adjust for these modkit and extra issues in my code. I can also create model categories by brand and even by cylinders, convertibles, etc.

    Having said that, I think this mod has potential for users who don't script themselves. In passing I used your mod's log file, just for fun, and parsed it to create .list files for this particular mod. Worked great.

    5 days ago
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    @EncryptedReality. Can you please provide a changelog and ideally specify which files have changed to avoid a complete reinstall. Or is this simply adding the Emergency mod without any changes to the map itself?

    6 days ago
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    @EncryptedReality. Here are examples of how to append and how to add. You can place the line to add your dlc.rpf at any node without destroying the existing one.

    7 days ago
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    @EncryptedReality You might want to consider appending your dlclist.xml in assembly.xml. As it is, you will wipe out the existing dclist.xml. Result? All addons will magically disappear. Hopefully noobs won't install this.

    7 days ago
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    @Zsombor_99, @Joe Gillian. This script has potential if the author adds real world categories like Ferrari as submenus. I don't use the script by @ikt because it has a major flaw which can't be fixed. This flaw isn't a coding issue, it's because modders are lazy or don't understand the GTAV file structures. The issue? The car models and classes are often completely screwed up. I'll give you an example. The Lambo Urus2018 will be displayed as an Asterope . Again, this is the creator's fault, not @Ikt.

    This is why i create my own spawn menus. As for populating the list? Very easy, you have all the car names in your dlclist.xml. You just need to reformat them. If you don't know how do script this, you can do a search and replace in a text editor or you can even parse the log file by @IKT.

    8 days ago
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    @Crankv2 (or Francesco from the unzipped OIV), this script doesn't do anything that most Trainers do. Trainers can ensure persistence, allow to spawn in or out of vehicle etc. If you want to make this truly unique, what you need is to structure your menu so that it has categories based on user definitions. If not, you will have one menu with potentially 1,000 vehicles which is ridiculous and impractical.

    The solution is to allow for categories, and what can make your script unique is user defined ones. For example: American Muscle, Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren, BMW, MB, etc. Like i said, this would make it unique and would allow users to organize their huge collections. No script allows user defined categories unless you do it yourself. Thankfully LemonUI makes this very easy.

    Anyway, that's just a suggestion if you want to evolve from something any trainer can do to something truly valuable.
    Also, you might want to rename your list file to .txt because the average user here, the ones who need OIVs, will be very frustrated when they don't know what app to use with a .list file (not realizing it is just text.).

    8 days ago
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    @anon23623 it is dlc. downloadable content. you mean an addon but that's not the way the script works.

    10 days ago
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    Is that the MP female?

    July 12, 2024
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    @Ss4gogeta0 Thankfully that's not the case. You can place your peds and cars etc in your dlclist.xml. It can be as full as your game will allow. Obviously you don't want to install MLOs or YMAPs that might conflict, but peds and cars, spawned by trainer, are fine. Proof: Lara Croft and a Lambo Aventador


    July 09, 2024