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Battles In Normandy - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.01 - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Battles In Normandy z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.01, data publikacji 9 grudnia 2004.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku2 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji9 grudnia 2004

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wersja: v.1.01

Patch uaktualnia grę Battles In Normandy. Gra w nowej wersji nie jest kompatybilna z wersją poprzednią jeżeli chodzi o rozgrywki za pomocą e-maili oraz zapisy stanu gry jednoosobowej. Poniżej lista zmian (w j. angielskim):


The Battles In Normandy v1.01 fixes the following issues

- Increased email textbox size to accomodate longer email addresses.

- Fixed music bug where the first track was the only one ever played.

- Fixed tutorial map bug where the mud map was never shown.

- Fixed rollover help text bug in tutorial which showed "transport button" where the dispersed mode should be

- Fixed rollover help for supply units in battlefield popup.

- Fixed delete button in the email screen.

- Fixed carpet bombing sound played whether sound was enabled or not.

- Fixed AI vs AI screen corruption bug.

- Fixed char buffer overrun if path for email file is too long.

- Various OB fixes.

- Fixed AI getting 2 replacement steps in a turn bug.

- Fixed TAO scenario screen incorrectly reporting a 32 turn game.

- Fixed Vire alert points scenario problem.

- Fixed missing replay when returning to secure PBEM turn.

- Fixed occasional undo bug (where landed troops became unlanded or movement was undone on supply units).

- End screen now gives appropriate message if you lose.

- Made various town name corrections.

- Fixed issue of the load email button not being drawn after going to the tutorial screen.


- Changed the system to allow four levels of AI opponents. The lowest level, Computer, has no enhancements, Computer +, Computer ++ and Computer Max give progressively greater enhancements to AI players.

- Added a Recommended setting for AI opponents. A scenario designer can now designate the recommended AI level for each side. There is no obligation to use this setting.

- Changed the format of reporting of KIAs on the Operational Map screen.

- Made various improvements to the secure Play By Email system.

The following hotkeys have been added

- F1 Undo last action

- F2 Entrench currently selected stack

- F3 Extend movement of selected stack

- F4 Drop detachment from selected stack

- F5 Display AA zone. Cyan hex = active AA unit. Orange - Town AA range. Yellow - Unit AA unit range.

- F6 Display attack and shock values. Total attack strength of all attack capable units in hex. Gold arrow - Elite unit in stack. Red Arrow - No Elite unit in stack.

- F7 Display defense, shock and entrench values. Green hex with dark blue defence bar - all possible units entrenched. Yellow hex with cyan depressed defence bar - some entrenched and some possible entrenchments. Red hex with cyan raised defence bar - no entrenchments but some possible entrenchments. Gray hex with gray defence bar - no units can entrench.

- F8 Display vulnerability. Gray combat marker - no overrun possible. Green combat marker - overrun possible. Orange marker - no combat units in hex therefore vulnerable.

- F9 Display total Objective VPs gained or available this turn. Orange if normal. Cyan if Axis alert points given. Yellow if Allied alert points given.

- F10 Shows railways and rail bridges. Yellow - friendly control. Red - enemy control.

- F11 Shows roads and road bridges. Blue - Major Road. Brown - Minor Road. Yellow - friendly control. Red - enemy control.

- F12 Show all bridges. Yellow - friendly control. Red - enemy control.

  • data aktualizacji: 9 grudnia 2004
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 2 MB

Pliki do gry Battles In Normandy






7 dni

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