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Dangerous Waters - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.04 - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Dangerous Waters z gatunku Gry Symulacje, wersja v.1.04, data publikacji 26 stycznia 2007.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku23,5 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji26 stycznia 2007

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wersja: v.1.04

Poprawka przeznaczona do gry Dangerous Waters. Wprowadza następujące ulepszenia (tekst w j. angielskim):




Save game files which were created with prior versions, will no longer be compatible with this version of Dangerous Waters.




- Added variable in "dangerouswaters.ini" which controls the likelihood of torpedos exploding on countermeasures (e.g. ".PercentTorpsExplodeOnCM 0" up to ".PercentTorpsExplodeOnCM 100"). In multi-player matches, the host's .INI setting will be used by all players. By default the value is set to ".PercentTorpsExplodeOnCM 50".

- Added variable in "dangerouswaters.ini" which controls the likelihood of all weapons acquiring dead/sinking platforms (e.g. ".PercentDeadPlatformsIgnored 0" up to ".PercentDeadPlatformsIgnored 100"). In multi-player matches, the host's .INI setting will be used by all players. By default the value is set to ".PercentDeadPlatformsIgnored 10".

- Corrected an issue in which the Kilo was capable of creating Sonar contacts at excessively long ranges.

- Fixed an issue in which AI aircraft were not dropping contacts when they had lost sensor contact.

- Modified buoyancy model so that ships do not rock excessively at Sea State 1.

- Fixed crash when launching the DSRV from submarine platforms.

- Updated MH-60 model and AQS-22 on Dipping Sonar (addressed the reversed normals issue which was causing issues with the self-shadowing paradigm).

- Updated the Freighter model and textures with the one used in the Steam trailer.

- Updated FFG model and textures.

- Updated 688(I) model, textures, and masts.

- Strike missiles were modified so that their approach angles yielded a more effective result against their respective land targets.

- Localized versions (French/German) can now utilize the Mission Editor doctrine language and are able to Save and Load their work as intended.

- Fixed localization error for the USNI data in the French version.

- Some of the French scenarios were localized incorrectly and would not load correctly; this has been corrected.

- Localized versions (French/German) should be able to multi-play with the English version without any warnings or Database inconsistencies.

- Corrected AI aircraft order persistence, which makes them more decisive during attacks.

- Fixed issue in which passive self-noise was being considered by active sensors.

- Torpedo speed vs. fuel issue was corrected.

- Corrected an issue which prohibited "nested tactics at waypoints" from being invoked properly.

- Addressed torpedo anomaly which caused the torpedos to not behave as expected.

- Refined the buoyancy model to allow a more stable ascent and descent in the submarines and to allow them to maintain their depth without unnecessary oscillation.

- The Akula Towed Array should no longer be accidentally severed by the propeller.

- Fixed speed/pitch issues on the FFG when player issues hard rudder orders.

- Corrected a pathfinding issue fixed which could sometimes cause the game to crash if a waypoint was deemed to be incorrect or unreachable by the algorithm.

- Fixed a crash in the Towed Array station on the FFG.

- Corrected a localization error in the German campaign mission "".

- QuickRepair and QuickAircraftLaunch now controlled correctly in multiplayer.

  • data aktualizacji: 26 stycznia 2007
  • kategoria gry: Symulacje
  • rozmiar pliku: 23,5 MB

Pliki do gry Dangerous Waters






7 dni

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Dangerous Waters - v.1.04 patch 23,5 MB 2007.01.26 4,1K 0