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Unlock Your Monetization Potential with Gravite Marketplace

Gravite Marketplace

The Gravite Marketplace connects publishers to programmatic advertisers to unlock additional opportunities for their mobile advertising stream. Our RTB-Exchange enables the highest possible CPMs utilizing one-level competition across all relevant DSPs globally.

Protecting your users with best in class ad quality tools makes the Gravite Marketplace the most advanced in-app advertising platform in the ecosystem. 


Discover Premium Ad Inventory

The Gravite Marketplace enables publishers to design their unique monetization strategy through real-time bidding auctions. This can be tailored to their user spread and content flow by participating via the Open Marketplace, setting up PMPs (Private Marketplace), or offering inventory via programmatic guaranteed deals.

Our Experienced programmatic team will assist you to slice and dice your Inventory in the best possible way to global RTB Demand achieving the highest yield possible.

Real-Time Bidding


Take Advantage of Our  Unique Supply 

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