Three Quotes

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Three (Legends of the Duskwalker, #1) Three by Jay Posey
3,074 ratings, 3.92 average rating, 335 reviews
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“It was as if some great ocean of destruction had rolled its unyielding tide through the city and then, upon its terrible recession, left behind only a shoreline of concrete sand and crushed humanity.”
Jay Posey, Three
“A small lamp shone golden-orange in the corner, casting the room in a dull tribute to sunset.”
Jay Posey, Three
“Wits, water, and weapons. The Essential Three of the open, in proper order. Everything else was fluff. As the saying went, if you’d survived out in the open long enough to get truly hungry, you’d already outlived your life expectancy.”
Jay Posey, Three
“As far as he was concerned, shooting was rarely a good answer to a problem. But when it was, it was usually the only answer.”
Jay Posey, Three
“Hope can only be offered and snatched away so many times before it becomes a mockery.”
Jay Posey, Three