The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Journal Quotes

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The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Journal The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Journal by Heather Brewer
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The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Journal Quotes Showing 1-7 of 7
“I'm a creature of the night for God's sake And she wants me home by eleven?”
Heather Brewer, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Journal
“Dude, you're a vampire. EVERY day sucks for you.”
Heather Brewer, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Journal
“Lesson #456 of high school life:
Never, EVER trust an alarm clock.”
Heather Brewer, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Journal
“I'm too tired to reign over vampirekind, let alone enslave the human race.”
Heather Brewer, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Journal
“Mmmmm. Warm chocolate chip cookies. Not even AB negative can compare.”
Heather Brewer, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Journal
“Getting staked had been a hard lesson in choosing one's friends wisely.”
Heather Brewer, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Journal
“Vlad decided that teachers' ideas were a lot like bunches of garlic-intriguing from afar, but up close sadly sickening and, if you weren't careful, DEADLY.”
Heather Brewer, The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod Journal